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Everything posted by brothershogo

  1. I wont be able to work on my mod for a while, Shogo Heavy Industries is currently on hold. So there won't be anymore updates. Need to take care of a couple things happening in my life right now...
  2. Copy your desaturated color map into your alpha channel......... Select all, copy, select your alpha channel, and paste.
  3. I instead off hand painting your specular map, I would just desaturate your color map play with the brightness/contrast settings and use that as your alpha.
  4. Hmmm still not working.... I'll try to recreate the mod items from scratch in the geck.
  5. Hey all. Wondering if anyone could help me out with a problem I am having with the weapon modification feature in New Vegas. I have a couple weapon mods uploaded to the Nexus that I have made that I'm trying to merge into one ESP file. I basically just copy and pasted everything using FOMM into one ESP file. I know that the base IDs will conflict with my original mods but thats not the problem. I have deactivated all my original mods that I merged into the new ESP file in the NMM list so that they won't conflict AND made a completely clean save. Everything works, the weapons functional ingame however, when I open up my pipboy and press the "x" button to apply the weapon mods, the game freezes and crashes. The weird thing tho is that it will work some of the time. Like I'll go into my pipboy and successfully apply the weapon mods but then if I try to mod another weapon the game crashes. Anyone know what might be wrong?
  6. Hey all. I wanted to add a feature in my mod where you can call for support from a squad of soldiers like in the vanilla New Vegas when the NCR gives you the radio. I dissected the falloutnv.esp and figured out mostly how it works but I got stuck on the script. Really need help from someone with scripting experience. Heres what I have so far, its basically just a copy of the vanilla script with the reference IDs changed: scn shogoVEFR01NCREmergencyRadioQuestSCRIPT ; Quest Script for "Emergency Radio" NCR faction reputation benefit/consequence (good 2)...; ... gives Player a radio to call for NCR support (once/day) if Good Rep goes to 2 or above. ; This script handles all of the spawning/deleting of NPCs and...; ... the functionality of the Emeregency Radio itself. ; The Emergency Radio Message ("VEFR01NCREmergencyRadioMSG") and...; ... the Dialogue (Quest Filter: "shogoVEFR01NCRGood2EmergencyRadio") each have Conditional Checks and...; ... set Variables that are integral to the functioning/maintaining of the entire routine. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Float fTimePassed ; Tracks the day(s) between support availability. Ref EmergencyRadioRefRef placedDUMMYRef ; Marker to move and Xmarker to... to move the supply cache to (so it doesn't spawn underground).Ref placedRadioOpRef ; NCR Radio Operator. Short bAwaitingInputShort bDoOnceShort bHasRadio ; Player has been given radio.Short bInputReceivedShort bRadioBarkShort bRadioOpDoneTalkingShort bRadioOpOscarMikeShort bRadioOpPlacedShort bRadioOpWalkShort bReceivedSupportShort bTrooperBarkDoneShort bTrooperAliveShort bRangerBarkDoneShort bRangerAliveShort bPatrolBarkDoneShort bPatrolAliveShort bCombatBarkDoneShort bCombatAliveShort bTimerSetShort bUsingRadio ; Player just called for support (on radio). Short bSupportAway ; << Variables for: "Respawn Counter (in case NPC doesn't reach PC)"Short bSafetyTimer ; << ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Short fThreeHourTimer ; <<Short bSupportArrived ; <<Short bRadioOpAway ; <<Short bRadioOpArrived ; <<Short bTrooperAway ; <<Short bTrooperArrived ; <<Short bRangerAway ; <<Short bRangerArrived ; <<Short bPatrolAway ; <<Short bPatrolArrived ; <<Short bCombatAway ; <<Short bCombatArrived ; << Short iBarkDelayShort iButtonVarShort iDeleteRangeShort iOneDayTimerShort iRadioButtonPressed Short iRotateCancelDialogShort iRotateCombatDialogShort iRotatePatrolDialogShort iRotateSupplyDialogShort iRotateSupportDialogShort iRotateTrooperDialog Short iRotateRangerDialogShort iRotateNoSupportDialogShort iRotateOutofAreaDialog Short iSpawnDelayShort iSpawnCombatDelayShort iSpawnPatrolDelayShort iSpawnRangerDelayShort iSpawnSupplyDelayShort iSpawnTrooperDelayShort iSpeedDelayShort iWalkDelayShort iWalkRange ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Begin GameMode If bDoOnce == 0 Set iWalkRange to 4500 Set iDeleteRange to 9999 Set iButtonVar to -1 Set iRadioButtonPressed to -1 Set iRotateSupplyDialog to 1 Set iRotateTrooperDialog to 1 Set iRotateRangerDialog to 1 Set iRotateNoSupportDialog to 1 Set iRotateOutofAreaDialog to 1 Set iRotateCancelDialog to 1 Set bRadioOpPlaced to 0 Set bDoOnce to 1 Endif If ( GetReputationThreshold shogoRepNVNCR 1 >= 2 && DisguiseFactionPulseQuest.bFactionArmorEquipped != 1 ) ; Player NCR "Good" reputation is 2 or greater AND Player is not wearing faction armor. If ( IsPlayerInRegion vMapCanSupportPCHere == 1 ) SetQuestDelay shogoVEFR01NCRGood2EmergencyRadio 0.1 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deliver Emergency Radio to Player -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ ; --------------------------------------------------------- Spawn Radio Op --------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( bRadioOpPlaced == 0 ) ; Radio Op not spawned yet - spawn. If ( iSpawnDelay == 0 ) VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker01.MoveTo Player 5995 5995 Set iSpawnDelay to 1 Return Elseif ( iSpawnDelay == 1 ) VEFR01NCRRadioOperatorRef.MoveTo VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker01 Set iSpawnDelay to 2 Return Elseif ( iSpawnDelay == 2 ) Set placedRadioOpRef to VEFR01NCRRadioOperatorRef Set iSpawnDelay to 3 ; <<<RESET TO 0>>> <-- Only if RadioOp is dead AND Player doesn't have the Radio! Endif Set bRadioOpArrived to 0 Set bRadioOpAway to 1 Set bSupportArrived to 0 Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Set bSupportAway to 1 ; <<<DO NOT RESET>>> (Handled by "Respawn Counter (in case NPC doesn't reach PC)") Set bRadioOpPlaced to 1 ; <<<RESET TO 0>>> <-- Only if RadioOp is dead AND Player doesn't have the Radio! Endif ; --------------------------------------------------------- Radio Op - Speed to Player ---------------------------------- \/ If bRadioOpOscarMike == 0 && bRadioOpPlaced == 1 ; If Radio Op spawned, but not On-the-Move yet - speed to Player. If ( iSpeedDelay == 0 ) placedRadioOpRef.SetActorValue SpeedMult 200 ; Set speed to 2x normal speed (SpeedMult should be 200). Set iSpeedDelay to 1 Return Elseif ( iSpeedDelay == 1 ) placedRadioOpRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2TalkToPlayer ; (Borrowing dialogue package from Bad2 Rep routine) Set iSpeedDelay to 2 ; <<<RESET TO 0>>> <-- Only if RadioOp is dead AND Player doesn't have the Radio! Endif Set bRadioOpOscarMike to 1 ; <<<RESET TO 0>>> <-- Only if RadioOp is dead AND Player doesn't have the Radio! Endif ; --------------------------------------------------------- END Radio Op - Speed to Player -------------------------- /\ Endif ; Ends check for Player in CanSupport region. Endif ; Ends check for NCR good rep (>= 2). ; Radio Operator is on his way - don't shut down routine because Player leaves area (Radio itself will handle any reduction in good NCR reputation). ; --------------------------------------------------------- Radio Op - Speed to Normal --------------------------------- \/ If bRadioOpWalk == 0 && bRadioOpOscarMike == 1 If ( player.GetDistance placedRadioOpRef <= iWalkRange ) If ( iWalkDelay == 0 ) placedRadioOpRef.RemoveScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2TalkToPlayer Set iWalkDelay to 1 Return Elseif ( iWalkDelay == 1 ) placedRadioOpRef.SetActorValue SpeedMult 100 ; Set speed to normal speed (SpeedMult should be 100). Set iWalkDelay to 2 Return Elseif ( iWalkDelay == 2 ) placedRadioOpRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2TalkToPlayer Set iWalkDelay to 3 ; <<<RESET TO 0>>> <-- Only if RadioOp is dead AND Player doesn't have the Radio! Set bRadioOpWalk to 1 ; <<<RESET TO 0>>> <-- Only if RadioOp is dead AND Player doesn't have the Radio! Endif Endif Endif ; [NOTE: Variable set in RadioOps Dialogue triggers the transfer of the Radio to the Player.]; --------------------------------------------------------- Radio Op - Give Radio to Player --------------------------- \/ If ( bHasRadio == 1 ) ; This variable is "set to 1" in RadioOps' dialogue If ( player.GetItemCount shogoMercenaryRadio == 0 ) ; (8_9_10) Added to keep the Player from getting more than 1 Radio. -ETB player.AddItem shogoMercenaryRadio 1 Endif Set bRadioOpAway to 0 Set bRadioOpArrived to 1 Set bHasRadio to 2 ; <<<DO NOT RESET - Doing so will re-enable Radio Operator Dialogue Condition>>> Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete Placed Radio Operator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ ; --------------------------------------------------------- Radio Op - Move Off and Delete --------------------------- \/ If ( bRadioOpDoneTalking == 1 ) ; This variable is "set to 1" in RadioOps' dialogue placedRadioOpRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2LeaveFromPlayer ; Sends RadioOp to delete trigger at Camp McCarran entrance (see package for name). Set bRadioOpDoneTalking to 0 ; <<<DO NOT RESET TO 0 - IT IS SET HERE>>> Endif ; --------------------------------------------------------- Radio Op - Far from Player - Delete----------------------- \/ If ( bRadioOpPlaced == 1 && bRadioOpDoneTalking == 1 ) If ( player.GetDistance placedRadioOpRef >= iDeleteRange ) placedRadioOpRef.Disable placedRadioOpRef.MarkForDelete Endif Endif ; --------------------------------------------------------- END Radio Op - Far from Player - Delete ------------- /\ ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radio Operator Talk to Player ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ ; When the Player makes a selection on the Emergency Radio the Radio Op with "reply" acknowledging the selection ; [NOTE: Currently this doesn't work - something to do with the TalkingActivator (it works fine if an Actor is used... or with the TalkingActivator if the sequence is triggered...; ...using an Activator (trigger volume) in the worldspace) - but these lines are left here (commented out) incase I have a flash of inspiration. -ETB.] ;If ( iRadioButtonPressed > -1 && bRadioBark == 1 ) ;SetQuestDelay shogoVEFR01NCRGood2EmergencyRadio 0.1 ;If ( iBarkDelay == 0 ) ;Set iBarkDelay to 1 ;VEFR01NCRRadioOperatorRef.MoveTo Player 150 150 ; <<<-- This works (but using an actor defeats the purpose of a radio communication). ;VEFR0xNCRRadioOpSpeakerRef.MoveTo Player ; <<<-- This doesn't work (well, the MoveTo part is fine - the problem occurs at "StartConversation"). ;Return ;Endif ;If ( iBarkDelay == 1 ) ;Set iBarkDelay to 2 ;VEFR0xNCRRadioOpSpeakerRef.StartConversation player, GREETING ; [NOTE: Conditionals in dialog plays correct line for button pressed.] ;VEFR01NCRRadioOperatorRef.StartConversation player GREETING ; <<<-- This works (using an actor), but the one above (TalkingActivator) does not. ;Return ;Endif ;If ( iBarkDelay == 2 ) ;Set iBarkDelay to 3 ;Endif ;Set bRadioBark to 0 ;Set iBarkDelay to 0 ;Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trooper Done Barking - Follow Player ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( bTrooperBarkDone == 1 ) Set bTrooperBarkDone to 0 Set bTrooperAway to 0 Set bTrooperArrived to 1 shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2FollowPlayer SetQuestDelay shogoVEFR01NCRGood2EmergencyRadio 5.0 Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ranger Done Barking - Follow Player ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( bRangerBarkDone == 1 ) Set bRangerBarkDone to 0 Set bRangerAway to 0 Set bRangerArrived to 1 shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2FollowPlayer SetQuestDelay shogoVEFR01NCRGood2EmergencyRadio 5.0 Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patrol Ranger Done Barking - Follow Player ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \/ If ( bPatrolBarkDone == 1 ) Set bPatrolBarkDone to 0 Set bPatrolAway to 0 Set bPatrolArrived to 1 shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2FollowPlayer SetQuestDelay shogoVEFR01NCRGood2EmergencyRadio 5.0 Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Ranger Done Barking - Follow Player ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( bCombatBarkDone == 1 ) Set bCombatBarkDone to 0 Set bCombatAway to 0 Set bCombatArrived to 1 shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2FollowPlayer SetQuestDelay shogoVEFR01NCRGood2EmergencyRadio 5.0 Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Respawn Counter (in case NPC doesn't reach PC) --------------------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( bSupportAway == 1 ) ; Any of the NPCs has been sent to the Player (en route now). If ( bSafetyTimer == 0 ) Set fThreeHourTimer to GameDaysPassed ; Start the timer! Set bSafetyTimer to 1 Endif If ( bSupportArrived == 0 ) ; Has not reached the Player yet (still en route). If ( GameDaysPassed >= ( fThreeHourTimer + 0.125 ) ) ; Three hours have passed - something has gone wrong. If ( bRadioOpAway == 1 && bRadioOpArrived == 0 ) ; NPC is en route, but has not reached the Player. If ( player.GetDistance placedRadioOpRef >= 5000 || placedRadioOpRef.GetDead == 1 ) ; NPC is too far away (or dead) - resurrect (if necessary) and move closer. (11_12_10) Added OR. -ETB If ( GetReputationThreshold shogoRepNVNCR 1 >= 2 ) placedRadioOpRef.MoveTo Player 3500 3000 If ( placedRadioOpRef.GetDead == 1 ) placedRadioOpRef.ResurrectActor 0 Endif placedRadioOpRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2TalkToPlayer Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Return Endif Else ; NPC isn't too far away - reset timer and let NPC live (for now). Set bSafetyTimer to 0 ; This will allow "fThreeHourTimer" to be reset to "GameDaysPassed" (giving the NPC three more hours to arrive). Return Endif Elseif ( bTrooperAway == 1 && bTrooperArrived == 0 ) If ( player.GetDistance shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef >= 5000 || shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.GetDead == 1 ) ; (11_12_10) Added OR, moved rep check to next line. -ETB If ( GetReputationThreshold shogoRepNVNCR 1 >= 2 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.MoveTo Player 2500 3750 If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.GetDead == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.ResurrectActor 0 Set bTrooperAlive to 1 Endif shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2BarkAtPlayer Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Return Endif Else ; NPC isn't too far away - reset timer and let NPC live (for now). Set bSafetyTimer to 0 ; This will allow "fThreeHourTimer" to be reset to "GameDaysPassed" (giving the NPC three more hours to arrive). Return Endif Elseif ( bRangerAway == 1 && bRangerArrived == 0 ) If ( player.GetDistance shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef >= 5000 || shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.GetDead == 1 ) ; (11_12_10) Added OR, moved rep check to next line. -ETB If ( GetReputationThreshold shogoRepNVNCR 1 >= 2 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.MoveTo Player 3000 2750 If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.GetDead == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.ResurrectActor 0 Set bRangerAlive to 1 Endif shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2BarkAtPlayer Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Return Endif Else ; NPC isn't too far away - reset timer and let NPC live (for now). Set bSafetyTimer to 0 ; This will allow "fThreeHourTimer" to be reset to "GameDaysPassed" (giving the NPC three more hours to arrive). Return Endif Elseif ( bPatrolAway == 1 && bPatrolArrived == 0 ) If ( player.GetDistance shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef >= 5000 || shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.GetDead == 1 ) ; (11_12_10) Added OR, moved rep check to next line. -ETB If ( GetReputationThreshold shogoRepNVNCR 1 >= 2 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.MoveTo Player 4000 2500 If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.GetDead == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.ResurrectActor 0 Set bPatrolAlive to 1 Endif shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2BarkAtPlayer Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Return Endif Else ; NPC isn't too far away - reset timer and let NPC live (for now). Set bSafetyTimer to 0 ; This will allow "fThreeHourTimer" to be reset to "GameDaysPassed" (giving the NPC three more hours to arrive). Return Endif Elseif ( bCombatAway == 1 && bCombatArrived == 0 ) If ( player.GetDistance shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef >= 5000 || shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.GetDead == 1 ) ; (11_12_10) Added OR, moved rep check to next line. -ETB If ( GetReputationThreshold shogoRepNVNCR 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.MoveTo Player 4000 2500 If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.GetDead == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.ResurrectActor 0 Set bCombatAlive to 1 Endif shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2BarkAtPlayer Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Return Endif Else ; NPC isn't too far away - reset timer and let NPC live (for now). Set bSafetyTimer to 0 ; This will allow "fThreeHourTimer" to be reset to "GameDaysPassed" (giving the NPC three more hours to arrive). Return Endif Endif Endif Endif Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reset Counter (wait until 2400) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( bReceivedSupport == 1 ) If ( bTimerSet == 0 ) Set iOneDayTimer to GameDaysPassed Set bTimerSet to 1 ; <<<RESET TO 0>>> ( In "Radio Menu Up (waiting for selection)" ) Endif If ( GameDaysPassed >= ( iOneDayTimer + 1 ) ) Set bReceivedSupport to 0 ; <<<DO NOT RESET TO 0>>> (Set to 1 in "Radio Menu Up (waiting for selection)") Set iSpawnTrooperDelay to 0 Set iSpawnRangerDelay to 0 Set iSpawnPatrolDelay to 0 Set iSpawnCombatDelay to 0 Endif Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player in Interior = Dismiss Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ (11_12_10) Added for fix bug# 41703 -ETB If ( bTrooperAlive ) If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.IsInInterior == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2LeaveFromPlayer ; <<<Battlegear Trooper>>> Endif Elseif ( bRangerAlive ) If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.IsInInterior == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2LeaveFromPlayer ; <<<Battlegear Ranger>>> Endif Elseif ( bPatrolAlive ) If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.IsInInterior == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2LeaveFromPlayer ; <<<Patrol Armor Ranger>>> Endif Elseif ( bCombatAlive ) If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.IsInInterior == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2LeaveFromPlayer ; <<<Combat Armor Ranger>>> Endif Endif End ; End GameMode block. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Begin MenuMode SetQuestDelay shogoVEFR01NCRGood2EmergencyRadio 0.1 If ( bUsingRadio == 1 ) ; Player used radio (variable set to 1 in the Radio's ingestible effect - in "NVEmergencyRadioSCRIPT") Set bUsingRadio to 0 ShowMessage VEFR01NCREmergencyRadioMSG ; [NOTE: Which buttons are displayed is controlled by conditions in the message itself. Only one support troop at a time and only one support (any) per day.] Set bAwaitingInput to 1 Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radio Menu Up (waiting for selection) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( bAwaitingInput == 1) Set iButtonVar to GetButtonPressed If ( iButtonVar > -1 ) Set bAwaitingInput to 0 If ( iButtonVar == 0 ) ; "Cancel [no support]" [shogoRepNVNCR >= 2] Set iRadioButtonPressed to 0 Set iButtonVar to -1 Set bRadioBark to 1 Elseif ( iButtonVar == 2 ) ; "Call for NCR Trooper Support" [shogoRepNVNCR >= 3] Set iRadioButtonPressed to 2 Set iButtonVar to -1 Set bReceivedSupport to 1 Set bTimerSet to 0 Set bRadioBark to 1 If ( iSpawnTrooperDelay == 0 ) VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker02.MoveTo Player 5500 4500 Set iSpawnTrooperDelay to 1 Endif Elseif ( iButtonVar == 3 ) ; "Call for NCR Ranger Support" [shogoRepNVNCR >= 4] Set iRadioButtonPressed to 3 Set iButtonVar to -1 Set bReceivedSupport to 1 Set bTimerSet to 0 Set bRadioBark to 1 If ( GetReputationThreshold shogoRepNVNCR 1 >= 2 ) ; <<<Battlegear Ranger>>> If ( iSpawnRangerDelay == 0 ) VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker02.MoveTo Player 4500 5500 Set iSpawnRangerDelay to 1 Endif Elseif ( GetReputationThreshold shogoRepNVNCR 1 >= 2 ) ; <<<Patrol Armor Ranger>>> If ( iSpawnPatrolDelay == 0 ) VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker02.MoveTo Player 5500 3500 Set iSpawnPatrolDelay to 1 Endif Elseif ( GetReputationThreshold shogoRepNVNCR 1 >= 2 && GetGlobalValue VStoryState >= 40 ) ; <<<Combat Armor Ranger>>> If ( iSpawnCombatDelay == 0 ) VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker02.MoveTo Player 3500 5500 Set iSpawnCombatDelay to 1 Endif Endif Elseif ( iButtonVar == 5 ) ; "Current location outside NCR Support Area" [Not in CanSupport Region] Set iRadioButtonPressed to 5 Set iButtonVar to -1 Set bRadioBark to 1 Elseif ( iButtonVar == 7 ) ; "Dismiss NCR Soldier" Set iRadioButtonPressed to 7 Set iButtonVar to -1 Endif Else Return Endif Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCR Trooper Support Selected (button 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \/ If ( iSpawnTrooperDelay == 1 ) ; Set to 1 in "Radio Menu Up" section (above). If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.GetDead == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.ResurrectActor 0 Endif Set iSpawnTrooperDelay to 2 Return Elseif ( iSpawnTrooperDelay == 2 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.MoveTo VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker02 Set bTrooperAlive to 1 Set iSpawnTrooperDelay to 3 Set bTrooperArrived to 0 Set bTrooperAway to 1 Set bSupportArrived to 0 Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Set bSupportAway to 1 ; <<<DO NOT RESET>>> (Handled by "Respawn Counter (in case NPC doesn't reach PC)") Return Elseif ( iSpawnTrooperDelay == 3 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2BarkAtPlayer Set iSpawnTrooperDelay to 4 ; <<<DO NOT RESET>>> Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCR Ranger Support Selected (button 3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( iSpawnRangerDelay == 1 ) ; Set to 1 in "Radio Menu Up" section (above). If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.GetDead == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.ResurrectActor 0 Endif Set iSpawnRangerDelay to 2 Return Elseif ( iSpawnRangerDelay == 2 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.MoveTo VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker02 Set bRangerAlive to 1 Set iSpawnRangerDelay to 3 Set bRangerArrived to 0 Set bRangerAway to 1 Set bSupportArrived to 0 Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Set bSupportAway to 1 ; <<<DO NOT RESET>>> (Handled by "Respawn Counter (in case NPC doesn't reach PC)") Return Elseif ( iSpawnRangerDelay == 3 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2BarkAtPlayer Set iSpawnRangerDelay to 4 ; <<<DO NOT RESET>>> Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCR Patrol Ranger Support Selected (button 3) -------------------------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( iSpawnPatrolDelay == 1 ) ; Set to 1 in "Radio Menu Up" section (above). If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.GetDead == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.ResurrectActor 0 Endif Set iSpawnPatrolDelay to 2 Return Elseif ( iSpawnPatrolDelay == 2 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.MoveTo VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker02 Set bPatrolAlive to 1 Set iSpawnPatrolDelay to 3 Set bPatrolArrived to 0 Set bPatrolAway to 1 Set bSupportArrived to 0 Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Set bSupportAway to 1 ; <<<DO NOT RESET>>> (Handled by "Respawn Counter (in case NPC doesn't reach PC)") Return Elseif ( iSpawnPatrolDelay == 3 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2BarkAtPlayer Set iSpawnPatrolDelay to 4 ; <<<DO NOT RESET>>> Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCR Combat Ranger Support Selected (button 3) ----------------------------------------------------------------- \/ If ( iSpawnCombatDelay == 1 ) ; Set to 1 in "Radio Menu Up" section (above). If ( shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.GetDead == 1 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.ResurrectActor 0 Endif Set iSpawnCombatDelay to 2 Return Elseif ( iSpawnCombatDelay == 2 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.MoveTo VEFR0xRepSpawnMarker02 Set bCombatAlive to 1 Set iSpawnCombatDelay to 3 Set bCombatArrived to 0 Set bCombatAway to 1 Set bSupportArrived to 0 Set bSafetyTimer to 0 Set bSupportAway to 1 ; <<<DO NOT RESET>>> (Handled by "Respawn Counter (in case NPC doesn't reach PC)") Return Elseif ( iSpawnCombatDelay == 3 ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR01NCRGood2BarkAtPlayer Set iSpawnCombatDelay to 4 ; <<<DO NOT RESET>>> Endif ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END NCR Combat Ranger Support Selected (button 3) --------------------------------------------------------- /\ If ( iRadioButtonPressed == 7 ) Set iRadioButtonPressed to 999 If ( bTrooperAlive ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportTrooper01AAMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2LeaveFromPlayer ; <<<Battlegear Trooper>>> Elseif ( bRangerAlive ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger01CFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2LeaveFromPlayer ; <<<Battlegear Ranger>>> Elseif ( bPatrolAlive ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger02HMRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2LeaveFromPlayer ; <<<Patrol Armor Ranger>>> Elseif ( bCombatAlive ) shogoVEFR01NCRSupportRanger03AAFRef.AddScriptPackage VEFR02NCRBad2LeaveFromPlayer ; <<<Combat Armor Ranger>>> Endif Endif End ; End MenuMode block.
  7. Anyone know how to create new AmmoEffects in the Geck? Is it even possible?
  8. Modding: 1% Creativity/Skill, 99% Debugging/Screaming "FVCK YOU!!!" at the GECK.
  9. Hey sorry I just vanished and went MIA on you and the Epoch team.... Been going through some s*** in my life right now. Just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and that I truly apologize. Hope you understand.
  10. You still around? Working on any new projects? Hope all is well man.
    1. TheOutlander


      Yep still around more as a player than a poster / uploader. Keeping to the Skyrim section more than the New Vegas one.
  11. Yea I took it down. I might upload it again. Gonna have to rummage through all my external hard drives tho...
  12. Hey all. Still taking a break from modding. Have a lot going on in my life right now. Anyways just wanted to give an update so you know I'm still alive. Also, add me on FB, I would like to get to know my fellow video gamers and modders. Andrew Shimasaki
  13. Hey sorry for the late reply. Sure you can use my stuff as long as you credit me.



  14. Sure, you have my permission to upload my 50 cal SMG mod.
  15. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Yakuza I'm surprised they weren't implemented in New Vegas...
  16. Sure you have my permission. Can you send me a link when your done?
  17. Sure, you can translate it. :)
  18. Thank you, its good to be back.
  19. This guys stuff on deviant art is nice. http://ukitakumuki.deviantart.com/gallery/ Though some of these may look too modern for the fallout universe... I think the guys helmet on the lower left with the goggles could be used as an Enclave Vertiberd Pilot Helmet http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/7950/5a9523e5a08fff3d.jpg http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/4930/20mmflakcannonbaseuvsna.jpg http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4220/onthegroundthesevenyear.jpg http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/2638/twinsuns.jpg
  20. UPDATE The armor is available for download: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40466
  21. Thanks. I appreciate the comments. I'll probably use this color variation for the enemy NPCs in my mod. http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/4797/falloutnv20110211001149.jpg
  22. I tried to color match the texture to my mental ray render. http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/1103/falloutnv20110210162023.jpg http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/1778/falloutnv20110210162049.jpg
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