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Everything posted by tony1892

  1. I agree it was rather Un-Vampire like to have to wait for an Npc to be sleeping to bite....Also I hope they take out the Player or anyone for that matter being able to get 'Corpus Disease' from an Npc Vampire using a weapon it doesnt make sense.
  2. I Agree ha this game is going to be amazing what if all or most normal clothing items are like that?
  3. Yeahh i see what you mean how it does seem more animated...but by the way i edited my first post re-read for more info.
  4. In the E3 Gameplay demo snippet we were shown at 10:16 the cape that the 'Dragon Priest' was wearing fell quite realistically and two seconds later at 10:18 when the player hurled the fire ball at the 'Dragon Priest' His/Hers/It's clothing became charred and tattered? By the way I;m posting this here cause i dont wanna start a new thread apparently Dragon's WILL be able to use all the shouts the player can according to http://elderscrolls.net/skyrim/ apparently. This site has some unseen information as well as a couple of new screenshots. (USE GOOGLE CHROME FOR EASY TRANSLATION SERVICES)
  5. In my opinion a DRM is the equivalent of putting cameras inside every hotel room including bathrooms that are on and monitored and recorded at all times to "prevent crime" and basically ruining your hotel experience because of the severe lack of privacy just because you "could be a criminal or commit a crime"DRM usually is some stupid tedious program that is required for you to have to play a game you play for and at some point limits SINGLEPLAYER games to ONLY be played WHEN YOU HAVE AN INTERNET CONNECTION .
  6. Can you build gaming laptops like this as well because i'm mostly mobile and i don't have a place for a desktop?
  7. Probably something like that...though i wish i could...let me a carriage take to another city in real time...like you would choose between the fast travel option and real time..oh that would be heaven..but that probably stays a dream. :whistling: I could be wrong...but i'm pretty sure i heard somewhere that the carriage system will function like Red Dead Redemption's sorry for reviving this topic.
  8. I'm going to have to Disagree with you JakeHarris. Think about it yeah it does add some more realism to the game but it seems like it would take away from the story...plus it's too late for them to add anything major without extending the release date. Maybe Later on in a future mod if some else likes the Idea also.
  9. There are numerous topics already open concerning this subject. Look around a bit before posting.
  10. Firstly I'd like to apologize if i'm posting this in the wrong section. But I found on YouTube a cool set of Videos(at least in my opinion) that explains the History of Tamriel, such as the God's, Races,Provinces, and much more! but i'm only going to post the first video if you'd like to watch the rest look at the related video's on the actual YouTube website! :) ALSO THIS MIGHT CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS OF THE SKYRIM ANTAGONSIT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFtB-UEmsog
  11. Lol well I think its to early to tell. You have to play it first to see what needs to be Added,Changed,Taken out. But I do have High Hopes For the Creation Kit I personally cant wait to experiment with the Radiant Story/ Radiant AI stuff :teehee:
  12. at 6:43 If you guys look at the Video again you can see where the dragons body was dragged a crossed the ground after it crash landed if you look closely. Also if you look behind the dragon before he delievers the finishing blow you can see the damage done by the crash landing.So yes In my opinion environmental damage will be in game.
  13. Chipndip you missed out on some goodstuff but i think you should open up a bit they aren't that essential... I mean bethesda has already confirmed you will be able to have numerous amounts of companions following you so you shouldnt worry there.
  14. I know right! I mean look at how we were able to Extend Oblivions Animation's, Graphics , and AI with its Engine ha I hardly think a script extender will be nesscesary!
  15. " All of those changes made it into our internal editor as well. So much had changed that we decided to call the engine and editor by a new name, the Creation Engine and the Creation Kit. We can't wait to see what all the brilliant mod makers do with these tools. " ~ Todd Howard Game Director http://www.elderscrolls.com/community/welcome-back-elder-scrolls/
  16. Its been confirmed that player's will be able to mod Todd didn't say it directly but he said it lol.
  17. I was just wondering what do you guy's think the 'Creation Engine' will allow modders to do differently or better than the Gamebryo Engine?
  18. Sorry these are the system specs ha i accidently posted to fast. * OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or Althon X2 2.0 GHz * RAM: 3 GB * HDD: 15 GB * Graphics: 512 MB card * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c Recommended System Requirements * OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Core 2 Quad 3 GHz * RAM: 3 GB * HDD: 15 GB free disk space * Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c Supported Graphics Cards: Minimum – 8800 GT Recommanded – Geforce GTX 460/Radeon 5850 Note: These are the predicted system requirements. Official will be updated soon.
  19. I know you have probably heard it 1000 times already but I am sorry to hear about your current health condition and you are truly being generous with your wish!... On a side note though I don't think you should just print this off and hand them the forum topic/posts because chances are they are to busy to read it and decipher what everyone wants. I mean even if they weren't busy if someone just handed me a stack of papers and expected me to just read all of this i wouldn't do it. But I think you should make a list of what you think are the Top 50 Ideas the Top 50 things you would like to see in Skyrim. I mean in my opinion things like mounted combat, throwing knives and such can all be done here for us and by us. I know I'm fairly to to the forum and all but I think i can speak for a lot of people if not everyone here when i say we have a GREAT group of Modelers,Coders,Scripters, Etc... Bethesda are the starters we are the finishers hell this game has inspired me to pick up modding so that's another valuable member added to the team.
  20. Listen angel the guy who wrote the read me clearly didn't say where to put the ini
  21. I was wondering if someone would be as kind as to tell me where i put the streamline ini. I installed it before i just dont remember where it goes thanks again
  22. Yes exactly and like put a different enchantment on every weapon.
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