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Everything posted by tawatabak

  1. Ok is there anyone able to change the number of outposts we have to claim until powerplay starts to 4 outposts instead of 3. That way, with the 5 park-parts, we would be able equally assigne terretory to our gangs. And if we do so the conflict skips, leaving all 3 gangs ingact, granting us all 3 perks and weapons and acces to all radiant raiderquests. But if it isnt distributed equally the quest would work like normal. This would give us all 1 more roleplaychoice, which this games lacks. The script i think that need to be changed is located: data/scripts/DLC04/Fragments/Quests/QF_DLC04MQ04_01000804.pex I hope some talented scripter is interested in this idea. Yours faithfully, Tawatabak p.s. sorry for bad english
  2. use a mod like http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11134/? its has a tiny radio that makes your settlers happy and even in purposefully crappy settlements, radio wont hurt
  3. well i just googled them and saw stuff i will never forget
  4. Well i just wrote a private message to tarsis31, asking him if he would be interested in this. i hope i didnt bother him to much.
  5. Yes i get that, but it shouldnt be too hard to create an esp, which has nukaworld, far harbour, vaulttec workshop and automatron as masters and implent this feature to the existing settlements, or is it? I understand why its not a vanilla feature, but mods should be able to fix it.
  6. Is anyone out there willing to add the dlcs settlements to Shanks list of raidable settlements. it seems odd to me that my gang has no attentions to expand our power to far harbour. And Vault 88 seems like the perfect outpost. The mechanists lair could be tech-facility Shanks and Gage always dreamed about. Well thats about it, a tiny request. your truely tawatabak
  7. well i did some research and didnt find any radiated locations but like others have mentoined , if u add some settlementobject that are iradiated like barrels, the player could make every settlement full of atoms glow maybe some waterpumps for dirty water and some food like iradiated thistle and glowing fungus
  8. i would like to see a CoAsettlement in nukaworld there is plenty of free emptyspace around the park, where a settlement could be placed(i have no location in particualar in mind)
  9. So i have this weird bug when i build my settlement and assign my settler to work, often every settler gets unasignedat ones I can assign them afterwards but then after a few minutes it just happens again, and nobody is working. I googled for a wek now to find the source of this but i cant find it Anybody else got this bug or is it just me? And is there a fix?
  10. lol i know u dont watch this thread anymore, i wrote u a message a few days ago which u still didnt read but i saw you were online so please check your inbox
  11. das ist das wasteland workshop dlc musste kaufen bei steam kostet 4,99€ empfehle aber den season pass für 33,49€ im moment
  12. Would be cool if we could get some Brahmiluffs for our settlements just like normal brahmin So if we attract brahmin to our settlemen there would be a random chance for getting a brahmin or a brahmiluff Maybe even for supplylines just a small idea for diversity
  13. im sorry if i sound selfish but the thing is i cant speak for everyone, topic titles like "mods that everyone wants" and the likes, just doesnt feel right and i know these are complex ideas and would be hard to create again i apologize now i go and kill myself have a nice day
  14. why respond if it isnt helping anyone? you are kind of a douche, arrent you
  15. i used to make a topic for each of these requests, but i dont want to bump them too often so i decided to make a topic for all of them 1.) at the end of nukaworld, whatever you do, one gang will turn against you and invade the powerplant but i dont like that ending i did my best to help all 3 gangs equally and still one turns against me that sux so i thought to myself how about a peaceful ending instead of one of the 3 newgangs turns against you, it will be the rust devil that invade the powerplant planning to take nuka world for them and there robots and you together with pack, operater and disciples fight against the rust devils leaving all 3 gangs alive so you can get all 3 perks and be able to play all radiant quests after finishing nuka world i know this would be a lot of work but im sure it can be done could be another gang like trappers or forged or even gunner or minutemen, doesnt need to be rust devils, but i think they would fit cause you need a lot of firepower to go against three vicious raider gangs at ones and robots obviously have a lot firepower 2.) in nukaworld after you made your firstt steps into the commonwealth sinner and his gang will try to attack you new outpost you have the option to kill them or to talk them of but i would really like to recruit him and his gang for my outpost with some kind of some hard speechchecks(high charisma) im the overboss and im sure i could convince those guys to join me 3.) make it possible to raid the settlements that come with the various dlcs like the farharbour settllements, vault 88, mechanustlair or to turn thme into vassals 4.) i use a mod which lets me move mama murphy to other settlements but her chair which she relies on later isnt buildeable in other settlements, leading to her just standing on the edge of the settlement looking in the direction of sanctury so i would love to be able to build her chair anywhere 5.) i like having a railroad caretaker at my settlement but sadly i only get one for only one settlement so would it be possible to make the quest to establish the mercer safehouse a radiant quest until every settlement has its own caretaker would be damn cool if you ask me 6.) there is no reason for the children of atom being hostile at kingsport lighthouse unless you attacked first or working against them in far harbour and since nukaworld i wish i could become overboss of other raidergangs how about making hangmans ally raider to nonhostile great khans and zimonja raider to viper or jackals or scorpion gang or other gangs of previews fallout games instead of wiping them out do a few quests for them to gain acces to their workshop i would love to be able to become a member of the forged aswell my evil/raider charakter would be thankfull
  16. yeah a dragon would be neat maybe ported from skyrim or skyrim se but yeah i know it wouldnt be allowed to be posted but maybe an esp + instuction which files would be needed to extract from skyrim and where to put them in fo4 so only people which already own a copy of skyrim would be able to use it
  17. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7320/?
  18. i like having a railroad caretaker at my settlement but sadly i only get one for only one settlement so would it be possible to make the quest to establish the mercer safehouse a radiant quest until every settlement has its own caretaker would be damn cool if you ask me
  19. yes i knew about the handychair concept-art which would be the best choice but being able to build the normal one anywhere would do the trick aswell i hope you get some freetime soon
  20. make these places non hostile settlements there is no reason for the children of atom being hostile at kingsport lighthouse unless you attacked first or working against them in far harbour and since nukaworld i wish i could become overboss of other raidergangs how about making hangmans ally raider to nonhostile great khans and zimonja raider to viper or jackals or scorpion gang or other gangs of previews fallout games instead of wiping them out do a few quests for them to gain acces to their workshop i would love to be able to become a member of the forged aswell my evil/raider charakter would be thankfull we should still be able to wipe them out and claim that place for the minutemen but until that we should be able to work with them just like nukaworld giving us more roleplay choices edit i just found https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/4euxe0/a_guide_to_fallout_4_raider_factions_their/ which is a great read and explains some backstory to the different raider groups you can find in fallout 4 i would love if some lore would be used for new raider settlemnts like Sully Mathis gang which u already help ingame to gain controll over Thicket Excavations which would be a cool outpost to have controll over onlymod i know about that does something like trhis is http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19299/? which is great and awesome and is a must have for a raider build
  21. i agree on the children of atom kingsport lighthouse should be a children of atom settlement not hostile aswell
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