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Posts posted by Yamcakes

  1. While HGEC is my main body mod, I do create extra versions of races that use the BAB textures, so they can equip BAB clothing without looking silly. It's a really adorable body. Perfect for young girls.
  2. I'm no pro or anything, but I love to mod. I'm an amateur digital artist, and I suppose that lends itself to my modding skills. The construction set is rather straightforward, and once you get the hang of what settings things need to use, you're good to go.
  3. It's much easier to change your class via the console. Use the command:




    This will allow you to change your class, and hopefully undo any unnecesary additions. I know that boosts I've gotten from other mods were removed in the process, but I can't make a guarantee.


    If that doesn't do it for you, you can use the command


    player.setav [skillname] [number]


    to return the skill to the desired amount via the console.

  4. Not quite sure if it would qualify as a favourite, but the NPC Atraena has beautiful facial settings, and I like to use them as a template for most new characters I create.
  5. Yes, her lips were moving, but no voice was playing. and ti went back to the menu after a certain periodof time before her lips stopped moving, I assume the universal silent voice was acting in it's place.

    I went and re-exported with the exact audio specifications on the wiki, but it still doesn't seem to work. No tutorials for how to edit existing dialogue only how to create new ones, so I am still going to assume the problem is the lip files.


    Is there any possible way I could use OBSE or some other plugin to tell oblivion to ignore the difference and play them together anyway?

  6. I used audacity to pitch-shift dialogue exclusive to a character. (Dar-ma to be exact.) I copied and pasted both the modified MP3's and their corresponding .lip files into the exact same path in my Data folder. I didn't edit the lip files at all. Must I for it to work? If so, how do I go about doing that? I have archive invalidation invalidated, does it work for sound files too or could that be the problem?
  7. You need this. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10724

    What this does, is render the updating of the archive invalidation pointless, so you can install mods with ease, and without any effort on your, or the modder's behalf.

    What it does, is make oblivion check your own mod directories (Where files from mods you download will end up) after the original directories, maing sure yours (added files) are used in game.

  8. That looks fantastic, the helmet especially. Good to see that people are working on modest and non-anime influenced items. Nothing wrong with those, it just gets a bit tiresome. if I have any critcisms for it, it's that the green is quite neon-y. Personally I'd lower the saturation and add a glow map to it to make it really stand out without being so conspicuous in the light.
  9. I went to wrye bash to see if the date was modified, but there was some error message, and so I closed it and re-opened it, and then it said some missing files were removed from the load list. My mod, and all of the masters I had used for it were the ones removed. I did not delete them, they just vanished into thin air while I was working on them. Is there any way for me to recover them?
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