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Posts posted by Yamcakes

  1. I don't have the mod "real lights", but having the same issue.

    Is it possible you could locate within the mod which mesh file path the lights are calling for?

    Just checking inside the chapels is all you need.

    I could make a replacement mesh for both of us, so we never encounter that problem again

  2. Could I get this in Skingrad or Chorrol?

    SI would be great if it ever comes to that one day. =)





    Here lies Vylke, Sheogorath's fourteenth favourite concubine.


    On her day of doom, she wait by his throne.

    He walked up to her, and asked her to bone,

    the shambles that that wandered onto palace grounds,

    while she went to collect, he admired her mounds

    of sweetrolls and cookies and cakes, you see.

    She also liked cooking and baked, for he.

    Whence she returned his eyes were alight,

    and so did he ask: "Would you assist me tonight?"

    Aware of her duties she replied "Yes my lord."

    "I don't like Order in my Fringe," he said "But would you like it in yours?"

    He placed her in charge of the attack on the Fringe,

    An adventurer helped, but she was ultimately unhinged.

    She had conquered the enemy, and things seemed okay,

    but the Madgod was missing, to Vylke's dismay.

    She searched high and low, throughout palace grounds,

    And crying behind his fountain, the madgod was found.

    "Your brethren need you, Mazken, they call for aid."

    "I won't leave you my lord, and I will not be swayed."

    "Then I ask one more favour, put this ring on."

    She obeyed and, suddenly her clothing was gone.

    What she chose after that, we should not have such talk,

    all you should know; she died atop his Pinnacle Rock.

  3. Yea that is a good point. I guess punishment is the wrong way to look at it. But from talking to different modders they like to know how there work is and people aren't doing that.

    Modders should be like musicians, in my honest opinion.

    People who create for themselves, and themselves alone. Their tastes, their styles, all for the sake of themselves, and release it to the world with no expectations of gratitude. Take every non-rate, and anti-rate with a grain of salt, and embrace the love and praise they recieve. If those modder's you're talking to don't feel like they're getting enough, then they're being a tad self-important.

  4. I download a bajillion things, and often use them as my own sort of mod playground. I merge clothing sets together, and redesign/retexture the crap out of them, because I'm unhappy with them.

    Most of the mods I download are from other sites, as well. So I haven't quite gotten into the habit of rating.

    I do rate when I get mods that happen to be a "god-send" though.

    I can't see force-rates forboding well. Like other people said, there would be a lot of anti-endorsements.

  5. I remember seeing it a long time ago, it was a mod that had seperated the golden saint and dark seducer armor into sections so you could mix-n-match.

    It's not Kikai's awesome dark seducer male items, though. Everyone points me in that direction. Love it, but not what I'm searching for now.

  6. I'll always be in love with the shivering isles.

    Dark Seducers are my favourite race.

    I'm currently working on a mod that makes the shivering isles feel more like, well, isles. Pinnacale rock will be an island off to the east, something like a thin dark mountain, with steps that spiralup to the top, which will have a city of mazken, where before and after the invasion of it, all sorts of merchants and services will be available to you. Inns, restaurants, enchanting, armour and weapon salespeople, etc. Brellach will also have it's own island, but it will be more island like, and have similar services, but not too many, because golden saints think they're better than you. It's such a great DLC, and I think it should be a vast experience.

    I think it's silly that you can't bring your horse inside. So I'm making elytra mounts, and retextured deer and other wildlife/monsters to inhabit SI.

  7. I remember seeing it a long time ago, it was a mod that had seperated the golden saint and dark seducer armor into sections so you could mix-n-match.

    It's not Kikai's awesome dark seducer male items, though. Everyone points me in that direction. Love it, but not what I'm searching for now.

  8. I remember seeing it a long time ago, it was a mod that had seperated the golden saint and dark seducer armor into sections so you could mix-n-match.

    It's not Kikai's awesome dark seducer male items, though. Everyone points me in that direction. Love it, but not what I'm searching for now.

  9. regular paintings



    si paintings

    darker frames are dementia, lighter are mania's.




    some, and not even half of the tapestries.



    I havent done the guild/castle tapestries yet. I am working on those currently.


    And thank you for all your help, they're working now.

  10. I've just downloaded archiveinvalidationinvalidatedasit seems the safest route, and finishing up my last few tapestries and paintings for shivering isles.

    I've been using all sorts of fantastic tapestries, and artwork by users on deviantart, as well as well known artists like luis royo, alan lee, frank frazetta, and various googled art. And so you see, I don't think I'd have the rights to release it to anyone. I'll take a screenshot in the CS later. There are so many beautiful works of art, it will really make oblivion a better experience. :'P

  11. I made retextures of all the tapestries and paintings in-game. I placed them in the correct folders in my data/textures/clutter/ upperclass-lowerclass-paintings, etc.

    Nifskope recognizes the textures just fine. In game, only the default tapestries are shown. They are named correctly, and there are no new meshes using different paths in my data/meshes folder, which is the only thing I can think of that might be a problem.

  12. Before I got the PC version, I had the xbox 360 too. I loved spending hours decorating my houses. I had a Nord in Bruma, and in that one section between the entrance room and the dining room, I placed the book "The Lusty Argonian Maid" and some "Crumpled Papers" on the floor to look like he had a "Fun Time Corner", rofl. One of my favourite Oblivion memories.
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