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Posts posted by Yamcakes

  1. I've seen various asian modders using Ren's Strangers mod. I'm not looking for this mod, I have it. However, I am looking for hi-res skin and face textures for this mod. It doesn't seem to be compatible with Robert's male body, and I'm rather tired of the rainbow pixels, on an otherwise lovely face.
  2. I'll just leave this here






    but seriously I have to wonder, why do you want children ingame so bad?


    Probably precisely for that reason *points to pedobear*


    Children ftw. My main character is a 6 year old Dunmer!




    I also like to create families, and add children to existing NPCs. The Odiil boys are my own modified children races, and so is Dar-Ma. I tried pitch-shifting their voices, and they sounded great, but were silent in game because I didn't make a new .lip file for them, and Icouldn't figure out how, so I abondoned that idea.

  3. When you've put a lot of time into playing Oblivion with mods, you tend to want make it your personal fantasy world. Love is something people might want to enrich their characters, and naturally, sex follows. I've even recently come across a mod with kisses! As I work on my own personal crapstorm mod that customizes everyone in the game, I even like to give characters different sexualities based on their persona. This is where mods like Slof's come in handy. (Unintentional pun) Whether or not something fits my personal tastes, it's a reminder that the world is a place so much broader that we can imagine, and I am accepting of just about everything. Adult mods are simply another genre of mod with content that appeals to particular demographics. I learned the hard way that despite the adult content filter, there will be people disgusted with what you upload, and ultimately, it is up to the site's staff what stays and goes. It would be neat if someone created a place for adult content only, not simply tight-knit closed communities scattered on other sites. I want somewhere to share my characters' sexy adventures. =(
  4. Hi, I just felt like posting a screen shot of my character, for whome I have already over explained.
    Fire Engine red and probably with a temper to match.I would now like to introduce my capricious couple, Harem and her diminutive, but spunky, young companion, Ramy.Rabbit

    Your Ramy friend looks adorable!


    My character is actually a child too. 6 years old, in fact! Her name is Yamyll Indarys, and as you may have gathered from the name, is related to Cheydinhal's count. Her mother was Lady Llathasa, the count's late wife. She was near the end of her pregnancy, when she fainted by some stairs, and consequently broke her neck falling down them. The castle healer and her son Farwil rushed to her, but it was too late. Farwil thought quick to perform somewhat of a "C-section" birth, and with tearful eyes cut open his mother and saved the baby. The healer helped take care of her in her first few hours of birth. The Count was furious at what Farwil did. He also resented his newborn daughter, as the pregnancy with her had caused the death of his beloved wife, and he was afraid (seeing how pale she was) that she would grow to look just like her mother, and he could not bear that. Farwil, fearing for her safety, asked Llevana Nedaren, a dunmer residing in Cheydinhal, to care for her as her own. Farwil always writes letters and visits, but she is unaware that they are related, they're just best friends. She's always getting into mischief, and she aspires to be a great knight, just like Farwil! Which is why she has set out on her own adventures...



    Jumping on the bed!


    Sitting on ledges, that naughty girl!


    Angry at a flower, because she is allergic to it.


    Reading, she enjoys that. Oh dear, is that a dirty book?


    She's been known produce some dangerous concoctions...paralyzed her instructor for a week!


    Skipping around the imperial city.

  5. I create all of my names.

    I have always since the dawn of dark elves, named my males "Rhel".

    My dark seducer character's name comes form studying various names and words I've seen from them, and tried to make it in the same pattern. "Vylke"

    "Grekke" is name I love for Orc females. I always use it as well.

    Often I will name characters some variation of my own name, which is "Yamille". So I have a "Yamyll", "Yamik", etc.

    Surnames tend to vary for everyone.

    I name my alchemically-inclined-Druid-bosmer "Autumnthorn". I rarely deviate from name-names, though.

  6. Because I'm a selfish git.

    No, seriously, I am.

    I started modding because I wanted my game to work with every mod I wanted. When I found I had a conflict or even if something just looked a little wrong, I fixed it. If I couldn't fix it it went in the bin, or on the backburner whilst I went off and made myself either the same thing, but better (in my own, not so very humble opinion of course) or taught myself how to fix it.

    I'm also an eternal twink and an almost ethereal perfectionist. Which is why I've never released anything, and why its difficult for me to really say I ever willl. Even the released mods that I've d/led and merged I consider to be works in progress. I've got some stuff I shared with my brother, that he at least seems to like, and I've just got my housemate into modding things, though he's only got a rather poor lappy so most of the stuff I use would likely reduce his lappy to ash.

    And last but not least, because I'm greedy. If its available I want it. I'll try pretty much everything once. I always check the recent uploads pages on the Nexus a couple of times a week, I've been through the custom races category about 5 times and I've just finished going through the entire (Yepo... all of it) clothing category and I'm currently going through all the armors. Basically for my "Cyrodil Nexusized" project... if there was ever liable to be a mod I released, that would almost certainly be it, however, due mostly to the fact that getting all the permissions for the mods it will contain when its done is pretty much impossible, but also partly to the fact it'd be an upload the size of Bill Gate's house, and will positely throttle any machine not quite as capable as mine, thats real unlikely to even see my brothers PC, let alone a download server.


    As I said, I'm a selfish git. :D




    Haha, I'm the same way. I've got tons of mods mish-mashed together for my own personal use. I've got Crowded Cities and Roads NPC's using all of the armours and weapons I download, but can't use at the same time. My own textures on a lot of things, both from scratch, or from a base I downloaded. I've got multiple different _male folders, so I can create NPC's with different fighting animations and movements. So many sweet animation mods, difficult to pass them up. I often just choose bits and pieces of mods, and discard the rest. Not to mention editting every tapestry in the game with beautiful art I find on all over the internet. I do the same with Loading Screens. I've been using a great mod with many extra loading screens for quite some time. I got a little tired of screenshots, though. So I replaced those with art as well.









  7. I honour requests all the time! I haven't come across anyone ungrateful yet, but for the first time I've uploaded one here on the nexus, and some random person told me it was a waste of space on the site. =(


    Just ignore people like that. D:

    I do, but it's a shocking thing to hear. People upload fulfilled requests all the time, don't they?

    And that guy's been here since '06...bleh.

    I gave him a piece of my mind though!


    Can I get reported for saying "GFY"?

  8. I honour requests all the time! I haven't come across anyone ungrateful yet, but for the first time I've uploaded one here on the nexus, and some random person told me it was a waste of space on the site. =(
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