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Everything posted by jackpack

  1. iv got a part built base that needs finishin & i also got a new worldspace location needs done "custom building provided" anyone intrested, & yes there no other info exept to those that intrested :P "exept pics i post..."
  2. still dont get it? haha iv got a wepon opened in nifscope..... what now because i cant see anything
  3. . . . . then the fallout 3 main loads up. go to the box on the bottom right & ciycle thru the names till you see megaton. look for megaton7 or gate? & click it. it will then show you megaton in the window. next goto your house in the window & you can start editing it by draging the stuff from the right box into the window "ie: walls & what-not. what ever you put there will only make megaton house look diffrent from the outside, you will still need to edit the interior cell. once youv finished the outside. cycle thru the main list on the bottom box & select cells. now look for megaton "empty house" - i think thats the one!. you can shearch thru the mgaton ones till you find yours. & then you can start editing it :) --- the link i gave you tells you how to make an inside the house cell & its the only place i can send you to learn how to make the inside of the house as i will be hear all night giveing you a worse tutorial than the one linked?.
  4. http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/6843/45363179.png
  5. do this & youl be building away super houses in no time. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsof...rial_GECK_Setup
  6. you might be useing a static door or a door thats useing a script which requires you to use switch to open. as for the citadel door then you need to add a parent & make it a persistant refrence. make the switch a persistant refrance & also a linked refrance. when you press the switch the door should open.
  7. hear you go. a quick test & working :) theres a thew beams rengeing from wide to thin so you should mess about with them all & you can get my wepon upgrade kit. it has everthing you might want to use. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8770 http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/3103/72614378.png
  8. hear it in nifskope. stick it at the end of a taclight & you got it working :thumbsup: http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/6854/45819405.png
  9. hear. http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/9078/75004373.png pretty shure that you can do stuff like add lights & poo & then add the light effects you would normaly light vault with. that way youl be doing better than just haveing glow maps. idea. get the laser pistol & put enclave lights along the sides of it & then add the light effects?. of put micro batterys on something & then add the light so it looks radioactive. with a bit of thought you can turn & use anything to create & make the weapons look brillant ;)
  10. just posting to give you ideas. i know your only going to use vanillas so hear things to look out for that might help. you can use the micro fusion cells & add them as parts behind a lazer or whatnot. for a flashlight light you can get the fx beam & scale it infront of a taclight & youl get a light beam as if the taclight is on. smoke is a mesh you can put infront of a barrow to look like its smokeing while you fire "scripting needed" the electric ball thingie from dlc will give electric effects to whatever you put it on. the iron bar "mele wepon" will make a confinceing silencer. remember you need to copy over the textures to your wepons for them to work?.
  11. i went thru a phase myself were all i wanted was western game to play & was well happy with call of juarez. then gun & call of juarez 2. have you eard of desperados?. there good games but there rpgs like fallout2. ---
  12. its gona take a lot of trial & error as you cant see what your moveing, dam :D & i got about 50 to do haha.
  13. ok gona ask a real question this time. do anyone know how to move the fire flash to where you want it? like iv replaced a wepon with another but it has a longer barrow & the flash is in the wrong place. i thought it would be in the nif like the lens but there nothing there. thanx
  14. ps: i dont need to be doing this & althought im a bit ecentric at times & you all have your own thoughts about me "from the way i prsent myself!" i doing this for me aswell as posting it for yous. if no-one wants it then fine... lol im happy to play this on my own. the most downloaded & sought after mods out there are quests & stories & im wanting to make the best yet?. its hard & only me. iv got my mod to over 1.8gig & not just one main quest but many. it also got all its own items & stuff so i think you guys will be feeling like it a dlc instead of just a mod someone made? encouragement & not ppl trying to take my thunder away "not that its not been takeing before!!!". just gona roll with it.... me ----> :)
  15. lets get back to why this started & ill tell you all that theres less than 1% models or meshes "wepons" in this thread thats been made by anyone from turbo or anyware else "thats 100% mesh?". the wepons you wont see in hear are the ones i will be useing were downloaded from the nexus. & i can tell you something else!, see when you go looking about places & you start seeing things. it opns your eyes to where a lot of fallout 3 uploads actualy came from???.
  16. ok this is bothering me now. 1) i respect budah & his site enuth to know i cant rip open games & put the content up hear "as thew have already found out" 2) everything that comes from another person & put into my mod will be by that person & with his permision along with HIS/HER wishes "credit, links, ect" 3) ppl should be looking at this as not me trying to claim anything but infact giveing all of you something. i mean i could keep this stuff to myself & save the hours & days & weeks & months doing other stuff instead of enhanceing your games???. --- i have toyed with forgetting a mod & becomeing the resource king , but who wants halo wepons or stargate kits or militery kits or dvd games & foods & cans & ....
  17. yeh it will read like... all models made by me so dont touch :verymad:
  18. are you going to get something from turbo? tell me what it is just incase you dont need too?
  19. good point calla. but if your telling me this then theres no need as im well aware of it & for the 3rd time in this thread I HAVE NOT ONCE TAKEING ANYTHING FROM ANOTHER GAME. turbo is a 3d website where ppl sell 3d models "better know as turbosqid". & in that if you go there & buy a model then by all means i wouldnt even think about listening to the guy that made it if he turned around & said you cant use it in a game?. --- ps: get back to work you haha
  20. the funny thing is, iv never & still cant seem to take anything from other games. iv tryed, call of juarez, call of duty, battlefeild, lol even the simpsons. i just cant do it. as for models iv visit turbo & found my ideas there. since everything's for sale there im takein that there mine now & no credit is due to anyone exept myself. look at my view?. someone cant put a wepon up for sale on a 3d site, someone buy it & then the author turn round & say you cant use it?. bullsh!t, you put it up, i bought it, im useing it in any way i want with or without cr :)
  21. get plugin editor & open your mod & then select remove master "the pit" :thumbsup:
  22. :whistling: <----- = :wallbash: thats me banging heads off walls haha!!! --- anyway as said before "with additions for those who cant read",,, months now i started my mod & where as iv done 2 large cells & another 3 complete nornal size cells. all of my time has been on this wepons & items. for those who now it isnt a 10min job haha. i could claim that iv done all of the weapons but id be lyeing. i will say that im on a similar road as skree!!! as where he takes battlefeild 2142 wepons & has to rebuild parts of the wepons due to them not haveing mesh's on the non visable side. in looking for IDEAS to make the weapons i want for my factions & to see & learn how to make weapons ill use my own mesh or another to see how it was done. "call it reverce engineiring" in the process if theres a wepon thats similar to what i want, what you guys dont have & would like, & already has the work done to it that i would do but dont need to anymore!, thesrthe wepons i put my time into getting ready to go into the game. that arnt all 100% my work. & in such a case there will be credit & links to the relevent pearson/s in my mod read me file. the wepons from me are 100% so & in which im very proud of them :D
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