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Posts posted by tomm434

  1. Your valid rCurrentRef is located inside Item of the player.


    rCurrentRef in quest stage 0 is empthy ref.


    So you have to declare rCurrentRef inside quest script and then inside Object script change line

                    set MyQuest.rCurrentRef to GetNextRef

    And then access MyQuest.rCurrentRef from quest stage the same way

    ref rCurrentRef
    set  rCurrentRef to MyQuest.rCurrentRef
    if aaaaGlowingItemsArmorGreen == 1

    I'd recomment using UDF functions instead of quest stages since you use NVSE anyway.

  2. I just got bored and made Fallout4-type-simple dog companion for myself.



    1.Dog stick in front of me when travelling outside (like in Fallout 4)




    2. Dog can fetch items

    3. I can give dog any name


    Here is my video showing all of 3 features




    So I'm asking - is it worth releasing? Are these features on demand? I haven't made much of a research and I don't know if someone else implemented these features before me.(except giving dog a name - that's present in Fallout2AM's Nina companion)



  3. Thanks. The cell itself wasn't helpful, but the script attached to the activator pointed at the correct script. Dangit. All Binks.


    Now to figure out how to do this in a Bink.

    WTF? =)


    Not bink. Beth places player before the board uses SwapTexture function to change texture.

  4. We've all seen the slideshows at the beginning and end of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, along with the DLCs of New Vegas (I don't think the FO3 DLCs had them).


    We're designing a massive story-driven mod and I'm curious...are they actual slideshows or are they movies and has anyone had any experience in creating them for mods?


    Thanks for your time!

    Look into Endgame cell in Fallout NW .

  5. Is anyone capable of providing 27 lines on 1-2 days? I can't get response from voice actor for a week.


    Character's name is Nomad - he has strong, not necessarily deep voices that shows authority. He talks bold but not arrogant. Please PM me with your samples.



    So, what a guy like you forgot in this place?

    {if female PC is ugly}So, what a woman like you would do in this place?

    {if female PC is beautiful}So, what a pretty lady like you would do in this place?

    -I came on behalf of Adam, owner of "Jenson Caravans". You need to stop robbing then.
    Oh, I now see. Old man doesn't like us raiding his caravans.
    But I will. Because my name is Nomad. And live to rob some caravans. So your pathetic attemps to change my mind are completely pointless.

    -[Attack]Prepare to die.
    What a waste of time. {Bored} Kill them.

  6. They can - their behaviour is determined by their AI packages. But it's not recommended to manually set any companion "SetPlayerTeammate 0".This can spoil things even if you set it to 1 after.

    So use it on your own risk and don't report bugs to mod author if you encounter any =)

  7. I just need to make it so the zombies no longer explode into bits and no longer create ash piles. Does anyone have an idea of how to make it so an NPC doesn't explode or melt when they die?

    ok, you can add this to their object script

    begin OnDeath

    They will dissapear when dead.




    begin gamemode


    "if (IsEssential == 1 && GetKnockedState == 1 && GetHealthPercentage <= 0.01)"



    Also if you use object script like that for every zombie it can slowdown game much. In object script this code runs every frame (up to 120 frames per second) for every zombie and if you have too many zombies in the cell that can slowdown the game. Also script runs even if they are dead and disabled.


    So I suggest you use "OnDeath" script. It will be bad if they dissapear on death but if you have too many of them that can decrease cpu load.


    I have more ideas for this but that would require use of NVSE arrays.

  8. Spells are not reliable in general -


    From my experience (I might be wrong!) they sometimes dispel when player leaves the cell.

    They 100% don't work on NPC who is in another cell.

    Also spell script is executed every frame (more cpu load) while with quest script for timer you can set 0.1 delay and nobody will ever notice.



    In I think it might be good for the engine since it requires the game to scan for less conditions.

    What conditions?

  9. So she is set to be player teammate but for some reason she is hostile.


    Check if "AggroRadiusBehaviour" if active in "AIData". If it is ticked - untick it.

    Also check if she is involved in any factions that are set enemy to player factions.


    I had the same problem when I accidentally set NPC as player teammate and I was constantly casting "StartCombat PlayerRef" via script. He went "red" but didn't attack. So I guess something makes her hostile. Maybe you did attack her or something.

  10. I'm looking for 3 male actors for side quest for Lunette (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58709/?)



    Adam - 42 lines

    Calm, Aristocratic voice.

    My name is Adam. I'm the owner of "Jenson caravans". Ever heard of them?

    You look like a man who needs a favour and it's your best interest to get rid of that band.



    Bob and generic goons - 19lines

    Simple generic goon voice.

    Stop right there you scum. Where did you get this uniform?

    You're trying my patience, Bob.


    Nomad - 23 lines

    Bandit Boss. Voice which shows authority (but not necessarily deep)

    So, what a guy like you forgot in this place?

    What a waste of time. {Bored} Kill them.



    I'll send you lines in a .txt file.

    I can't clean up lines so please prepare to do it yourself. I'd like to receive lines in good recording quality.

    Please PM me with your samples.

  11. templeofninpo, it depends on how fast you work. You need to rename each file individually. But you have less that 100 lines so I think you'll manage to do it in 2 hours max (including the time you get used to this process).

    I don't know about .ogg. Lip files acre usually created from wavs. Don't forget to install Skyrim fonix data to make lip files directly from Fallout GECK.





    Oh you have more than 100 lines, I didn't noticed at first. Make it 3 hours max of very very repititive stuff.

  12. Stopquest function stops


    1) Script which is attached to the quest

    2) Dialogue topics which are located in the quest


    It doesn't affect Objectives displayed.


    FYI - On the other hand completequest function doesn't affect scripts and topics(just objectives).

    Always stop quests which have done their job. Usual player won't see a difference if too many quest are working but some players who play with ENB can.

  13. Hm try this

    scn LTATOStationChecker
        int IntegerCheck
    Begin Gamemode
    If (LTATOStupidRangerNEW.GetDead == 1 && LTATOAlphaSoldier1.GetDead == 1 && RSAlphaCastilloRef.GetDead ==1 && LTATOAlphaSoldier2.GetDead == 1 && LineholmREF.GetDead == 1 && LTATOAlphaSoldier3.GetDead == 1)
        if IntegerCheck == 0
            SetStage LTAttackTheOutposts 30
            set IntegerCheck to 1
            PlayerRef.AddItem LTATOAlphaItem 1 1
            stopquest <quest to which this script attached>

    Because it should work - token is added to player only one time so message should appear only one time

  14. That's right because you sen int to 0 every time script executes so IntegerCheck becomes 0 every N seconds.


    Script always executes from Top to Botton. This script executes from top to bottom every N seconds.

    Each variable is eval to 0 by default.

  15. You didn't do script blocker so script in gamemode executes every N seconds. Stop the quest or introduce a variable

    If all are dead
    if MyInt == 0
    set MyInt to 1
    PlayerRef.AddItem Mytoken 1 1
  16. What you want to do here is bring menu before player.


    You can use token. Create Misc Item and attach script to it

    ScriptName MyTokenScript
    Begin OnAdd PlayerRef
    showmessage Yourmessage (with buttons)
    Begin MenuMode
    set button to getbuttonpressed
    if doonce ==0
        If (button ==0)
       PlayerRef.RenoveItem MyToken 1 1
     {commands here}
        If (button ==1)
          PlayerRef.RenoveItem MyToken 1 1
    {commands here}

    and add that token when all NPC are dead via PlayerRef.AddItem MyToken 1 1

    When you do that - menu will show up

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