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Everything posted by z4x

  1. Does anyone know what are they used for? Also I couldn't find any papyrus functions related to them, like GetLinkedAlias similarly to GetLinkedRef. Is there any usage example?
  2. "In light of recent changes to the official Bethesda forums" I noticed there is something wrong with official forums - mods section is dead, but what happened exactly? (been semi-afk for several months...)
  3. Do you guys have some list of most popular suggestions that is available for public? I would like to send more feedback (is it even possible after initial survey?), but don't want to spam you with similar ideas.
  4. In response to post #24649579. Don't be naive, they do it only to keep our mouths shut.
  5. Since most lighing mods are focusing on interiors, and my problem is disgusting exterior lighting, im looking for mod that changes it eventually. My main problem is lack of "environment lighting" that makes parts character (the ones not directed at sun) pure black. Something similar to this screenshot: - http://home.arcor.de/skalpadda/scrn/skyrim_1.jpg The only known to me thing that fixes it is ENB (bloom, smart shadowing and environment lighting), but its kinda overkill for my PC. Is there any alternative? (I tried every single .ini shadow related option as well as premade templates - nothing fixes that specific issue)
  6. Thanks, exactly what I needed. Would give you +rep but havent found such function :(
  7. If I add some guy to friends then I see he added me back (in his profile activity tab). Does it mean that he was online or could it be done automaticly? like some auto-accept friends feature? Sorry for dumb question, but its kinda important for me ;)
  8. Did you guys find the way to dynamically switch textures? or you are starting from back side? :) Not sure if something like SetNthTexturePath is still part of the plan, but dont you think that loading default vanilla texture sets THEN loading the custom ones multiplied by number of WorldObjects / statics , twice on every cell change, is gonna be a bit too much? :)
  9. Bump! http://www.creationkit.com/OnLocationChange_-_Actor - adding this just in case :)
  10. http://www.creationkit.com/ActiveMagicEffect_Script Wiki says: Does it mean that I could use Actor script Events inside ActiveMagicEffect script and they would be triggered by Actor whom said effect is attached to? Lets say I cast "Mind Control" on some random mob, he gets MagicEffect script on him - then I want something to happen everytime he changes location: OnLocationChange Would it work?
  11. Thats an interesting idea. Curious if existing racials updates regularly or they needs New Game or not meeting certain NPCs before? Too bad there isnt "racials" for each gender tho. Would be easier to recognize. :)
  12. Because I dont want the magic effects attached script to start running when I meet them, but earlier. Manual editing isnt solution either since I would like it to affect modded NPCs as well. :( In other hand, do NPCs even exists before players meets them for the first time? Or they are just static ActorBase templates?
  13. Is it even possible? If so then how would you do it guys? So far I've found only this method - http://www.creationkit.com/Dynamically_Attaching_Scripts - of detecting NPCs via cloak effect. But what if I havent met an NPC in game yet? I would like it to apply to every NPC that meets certain conditions (like gender / race especially). Thanks.
  14. Will unplayable box really make it invisible when equipped? I read its just invisible in inventory. How would you make unequip event read is something is equipped at all? It wouldnt trigger. Or im wrong?
  15. How would you do it guys? Im trying to add spell effect that prevents any armor from being equipped on certain slot. akActor.UnequipItemSlot(32) - doesnt prevent re-equipping akActor.equipitem(Armor, true, true) - it could work but needs some other armor, which I dont have. I've been thinking of some invisible armor without actual model that could fill that role, but not even sure how to do it? Do I just leave mesh field empty? Or is there some better method?
  16. Hey, there was some mod that makes you lose blood when you are wounded and leave pools of blood behind you - I forgot the name -.-
  17. Edit: nvm fixed that sorry for double post, was suppoed to be edit -.-
  18. SCRIPT A: ..... scriptB.RegisterForSingleUpdate(0) ; calls for a new thread to be run on script B and immediately continues running code in script A ....... Btw finally I found use for it, and it doesnt work. Can RegisterForSingleUpdate() really be called from one script to another? I do ScriptB.RegisterForSingleUpdate(0) and i get compilator error: I'm not extending these scripts with each other tho. What Im doing wrong?
  19. Then how would you do it? I'm really new to scripting ActorBase Property BASE1 Auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) (I want to read akTarget's "ActorBase" and save it as BASE1 property value) ENDEVENT Then I would like my whole script to work on that saved ActorBase BASE1 value. As I mentioned above, for example in other functions I would like to use that stored BASE1 value instead of default "akActor": BASE1.GetActorBase().GetName() instead of: akActor.GetActorBase().GetName() How would you do it?
  20. So Im curious if its possible to read its information after it was definied earlier. Firstly I do: ActorBase Property BASE1 Auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ActorBase BASE1 = akTarget.GetActorBase() (now im somehow supposed to save result as BASE1?) ENDEVENT Then I marked Actor with this "effect" I would like to be able to call it by name now. Function Name() String Name = BASE1.GetActorBase().GetName() Endfunction or .GetRace() or even more advanced things like: NetImmerse.GetNodeScale(Actor name, NINODE_NAME,true) Basically how can I store ActorBase in script to be able to read it later? Could someone explain? Im totally lost >.> and probably messed up everything again
  21. ScriptName StatesExample extends ObjectReference Auto State Inactive Function Toggle() GoToState("Active") EndFunction EndState State Active Function Toggle() GoToState("Inactive") EndFunction EndState Function Toggle() ; Empty function definition to allow Toggle to be defined inside states. More on this soon... EndFunction Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Toggle() EndEvent Its something like that, but with 3rd state: Active2 OnEquipped activates (or at least should be) Active1 state OnUnEquipped disactivates Active1 state OnActivate activates Active2 state on first activate (first click on lets say Barrel, in game), then disactivate Active2 state (on second click) and goes back to Inactive state. It just doesnt compile, i get some major compiler error, about accessing script, that doesnt show which lines are wrong.
  22. So I reduced my script to just core STATE switch, including OnEquipped switching to one state, then OnActivate switching to another (both preventing each other to activate their own state, when other is going) But looks like script containing OnEquipped and OnActivate linked to ARMOR object and some WORLD object, do conflict? Could someone confirm please? Wasted two days on it :(
  23. Hmm thats interesting too, but still I have no idea how to make one script decrease and second script increase same value InRealTime. I have used OnUpdate in 1st script and its decreasing global variable from that script. Then I use While Loop for .isEquipped() specific item + Utility Wait to delay it a bit in second script. But i really hate that solution.
  24. Is it possible? I tried put different effects for armor OnEquipped and different for OnActivate world object. Will it conflict if its in the same script?
  25. When I put WAIT in child script many times (because I have to, to slow down loop a bit) will parent script be put on WAIT too or just child? I really want my extending script to not stop parent one. But i need some functions from main one. Anyone?
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