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About Netwit2008

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    7 Days 2 Die, DayZRP, FO4, Minecraft, Path of Exile
  • Favourite Game
    Diablo II LOD, Morrowind GOTY, Oblivion GOTY, Minecraft, POE, DayZRP

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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYYYYY! I so didnt even know it was your birthday. but hey people are saying it so i guesss I'll say it too. lol Hope they aren't lying. that would suck. LIARS!! C'mon son... how am I suppose to know when your birthday is?

    lol but seriously whats up!? Sorry I been too busy BEING AN OFFICIAL WINNER OF SKYRIM! So Yah I been lost in that gam...

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