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About Netwit2008

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    7 Days 2 Die, DayZRP, FO4, Minecraft, Path of Exile
  • Favourite Game
    Diablo II LOD, Morrowind GOTY, Oblivion GOTY, Minecraft, POE, DayZRP

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  1. C'mon son.. you know I got two jobs right now n i barely come on the nexus other than to Dl some mods for Oblivion.. C'mon son, why did I jus have to reinstall oblivion after the game crashed again? lol why I gotta DL so many mods? SO I gotta do a C'mon son.. to my self.. C'mon son.. why I DL so many mods, then delete the entire texture folder thinkin it would work? lol C'mon son.. i messed up :(
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