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About Netwit2008

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  1. Can it be true??! Is my 2 year anniversary of joining Nexus really coming up on April 30? My how time flies when you're having fun :o)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vvk78


      How about butchering evil sheep? I know of a few.
    3. Netwit2008


      *GASP* How dare you vk78! Of course that is my photo, lol! My girl is tinier and prettier than me :o) I had a pic of the two of us up before Christmas. I'll have to post that one again. Thank you Brigand and Illiad! Cheesy BE hasn't quite converted me over to lamb just yet, lol
    4. vvk78


      LOL, I just meant you look young and pretty too! Post a snap of both of you. And don't worry about the sheep, they are very harmless. They don't bite, and they run scared from me (gotta be firm with kids sometimes, you know :-).
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