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About Netwit2008

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  1. I hope I don't need a new vehicle!!!! You can thank wk78 for this pity party, lol But seriously, electrical burning smell and smoke rolling out from under the hood, can't be good.....
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Netwit2008


      Hmmm.....maybe that burning smell isn't electrical wires burning but some type of party substance, lol
    3. vvk78


      Substance abuse is illegal!


      Parties are not!


      So let us sell your comatose car and spend the proceeds at a lavish party at Las Vegas!

    4. Netwit2008


      Sounds good, lol But what happens when the fog of gambling and liquor wears off and I'm still vehicle-less?! Brings a new meaning to what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas doesn't it, cause that's where I'd have to stay lol!!
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