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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Rebel, Rebel!! How are you? I've been away ill, for a while. Just wanted to say hi and Happy Holidays! :o)
  2. Happy Holidays! Guess it took a bit longer for me to get well, but I think I'm REALLY on the mend now, lol I hope all is good in your world! :o)
  3. WEATHER GIRL!!!!!! How ya been? I'm much better. Boy I was gone a long time it seems. Long enough for you to have that sweater finished :o) How are you and boyfriend doing? Good I hope. Is it cold up there? It was warm today, but they're promising bone chilling cold this weekend! Guess I won't be getting those Xmas lites up yet, lol
  4. Oh Lord! I see I already asked you about Colo, lol Told ya I've been ill :o) Yep Crystal is my right hand girl. You loved the hats, but what about the cigars? lol!
  5. Hey Keanu! I'm sorry I've been MIA for a while. But I'm back now. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving! Yee Haw to the expensive gifts! I got my eye on a few things, lol Happy Holidays and thanks for checkin on me :o)
  6. Hello my dear! Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and I hope you're set for Happy Holidays to come. We were truly blessed at Thanksgiving and Christmas is going to be just as good if not better. I am thankful. I'm glad you dropped by. I've been ill and MIA from the board for over a month! It's good to be back and see I was missed :o)
  7. Say whaaat?? You better log on in and give me that kudo, lol Last Wed. was my birthday, that would be a good present. And just damn, damn! Why, WHY won't your stars move to 5?! I've been working on them for a year now, lol
  8. With those low 60s today, I don't think we'll be seeing snow anytime soon. But then again Ks. weather is unpredictable. We've had thunderstorms with thunder and lightening when snow was on the ground. Craziest thing you ever did see! Hey kudos to BF for working and thank God he's got a job. Times are rough, rough! Why don't you take up modding girl? I want to learn myself, just no time.
  9. Peekies AND huggies back! :o)
  10. You wanna give me a chance to get my expertise down in FO3 lol! I don't even know where all the places are on the map! But so far so good. It wasn't this much fun or as easy when I first tried it. Guess I just really did need a break from OB. Shot a raider's head off the other day. Good damned times!! :0) Isn't New Vegas an addon like KOTN in Oblivion?
  11. Thanks for a great mod and for being a great modder who takes good care of his users. I see you're in Colorado! Rocky Mtn. National Park is one of our favorites! Love staying in Estes Park. Sure is a small world :o)
  12. Heeey my brotha! I actually have considered giving your facebook, if you have 1 to my girl, lol I think you'd like her. She's as avid a gamer as I am. She could tear up some GTA San Andreas! I was sick with the "sugar." Didn't even know it, so thank God I found out before I had a friggin stroke! And guess what I've been playing...FO3! Taking a break from OB & loving the Wasteland right now!
  13. Hey Girly Girl! It was so good to see you had dropped by! I've actually been MIA also, was hella sick there for awhile, but on the mend now. I hope your classes are going well. Remember, I teach at that level, so if you ever need any help with anything, just holla :o)
  14. Hey Weather Girl! Snowing??! The worst we've had is colder air. Lordy I'm not ready for snow just yet, lol Thanks for checking on me. I was very sick. I found out I had diabetes. Bad thing was, my old doc had completely dropped the ball on letting me know. If I hadn't had the good sense to change docs, I might have had a friggin stroke! I'm better now tho. Not normal, but getting close. How R U?
  15. Woo Hoo those are AWESOME!! Especially the animated one and the sun. I love seeing your work, knowing you took the pics yourself, is uber kewl! :thumbsup:
  16. Thank you girl! I was wanting to put pics of her in costume for the Renfest up, but I went and lost all the pictures by accident. Erased. I was SO pissed! I'm hoping to find a data recovery program and get them back. Thanks again for the compliment. I hope you're having a good week! :o)
  17. Hey Weather Girl! I'll check out that link. Been very under the weather, but hopefully on the mend soon. Getting chilly here. I love fall, but sometimes here it comes and goes so fast. CONGRATS on b-friend getting a better job. Sounds like things are really looking up. I'm so glad to hear it. You just enjoy the changes and that upcoming snow *shiver* lol
  18. Hey Naomis! Thank you so much for the friend add! I'm glad you liked the video. I've been busy and now under the weather so I haven't started on my next creation, but soon hopefully. You're always welcome to visit and thanks again for adding me to your circle :o)
  19. I use them, but I find they are so quirky. They change positions whenever THEY want to, lol Great for displaying armor collections and using as decorative sentries, but don't quite stay the way you originally pose them. In fact I never know what position they'll be in if I leave and return to an area where they are displayed. I still like them though :tongue: I have marble and wood, but I did see a while back where someone had converted them to flesh colored.
  20. There are at least a couple of Wayshrines in the game that don't work. I didn't think those had names though. Can't remember exact locations, only remember coming up on them and being surprised that they didn't have power. I think there is one in a pond, or partially submerged, that one doesn't work. There is also another one that has ruins obscuring part of it and that one doesn't work either. So there are some that are just shrine ruins with no powers. Could have been you lucked up on one of those.
  21. I really need that mod! It drives me nuts to knock something over, then when I try to help and pick it up there's a rude guard in my face. That always leads to a bloodbath for fun, then trashing that save and going back to a previous one, lol So good suggestion Marie, I'm going to check out that mod! I don't know if that's D&D correct, but that's a lot how my character operates too. If the person being victimized by me is a jerk, or bad person, I feel no remorse. But I'd have a hard time treating someone good in a bad way. I hate killing the bandit camp dogs, even when they are attacking! :sad: When I played Fallout, I was always warring with my Karma. I love to steal, but didn't want bad Karma. Then again I was pissed cause money is so hard to come by. I did get good Karma, by talking to the one guy in the bar. But mostly I was about to go on the Bad Karma track, but I stopped playing due to mesmerization with Oblivion, lol I wonder what happens to you if your Karma is mostly bad all the time? Back then, I just didn't want to find out :unsure:
  22. I NEVER thought I'd be one to turn up the difficulty, but it got to the point that I could kill anything in one or two swipes. So I did turn it up over 50% for a Level 38 Redguard with magical abilities. That works. I kind of forgot I did it and was surprised the first time after, when I had to actually fight, lol I should probably turn it up even more. I can get pummeled and still have 100% life due to the enchantments on my clothing. They're not God items at all, I guess I'm just one bad assed chick , lol :thumbsup:
  23. You might have more luck with this topic here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/forum/266-file-requestssuggestions/ Lots of suggestions there for new mods. Mod Detectives forum will also give ideas on mods for folks looking for something specific. Some interesting ideas up there, hope someone takes up the challenge and makes a few of them for ya! :smile:
  24. Well happy belated to your sig-op (significant other, lol). Did you post your new ones? I hope so, I can't wait to see more!

    Hope all is good on your end. The temp is dropping and it's been rainy, but that will make the trees look oh so gorgeous as they change!

  25. I'm very glad to hear that! Sorry I've been lost in action & MIA lately, life issues, you know... Work, illness, yada yada. Better now tho. PM me & let me know if my assignment is still the same, so I can get 'er done! :o)
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