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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. How wild! I was just wondering the same thing last night, lol No lie! So let's fix that. Now we're friends as it should be. Pssst! Watch that Shadowmadnezz, he's a character, lol :o)

    I'm so glad you came over to visit, glad to have you aboard my friends list gurl!

  2. True, true. And I graciously thank you back. But I don't suffer from insomnia, I'm just like a little kid. Fighting sleep and trying to stay up cause I don't want to miss a thing, lol
  3. YOU suck at it? No I suck at it! I told you me and the messengers see each other like once a year. Just too much going on usually, especially during school, to do anything but play. But you keep in touch and that's what's important. C'MON SON!! You know we friends by now! Friends are friends no matter how much time passes, they just pick up where they left off each time. So there it be :o)
  4. I agree, the price is reasonable and the premium membership is worth every penny! :thumbsup:
  5. Some of the merchants in the outlying areas, such as the rural villages will. I think Sinderion in the basement of the Inn in Skingrad will buy Skooma and moonsugar. There are some in Cyrodiil, but as I say, they are usually in the rural villages.
  6. I'm playing with the same character I started over a year ago. I get the slow down bug, which can stop fire from flickering and doors open and shut really slow, magic effects lag, etc. That happens about every 200 hours of real time played. I've had to use the fix about 3-4 times, so if you do the math, that means on my Level 40 Redguard I have well over 600 hours in on her. My longest session in this chair playing was 12 or so hours straight. So yeah, I'm hard core. I love the game and play as often as I can, when work doesn't keep me busy with projects and teaching. Sometimes even when it does, which leads to a lot of sleepy days, lol Like today is going to be :pinch: Usually when I play although I SAY I'm only going to play for an hour or so, it ends up being at least 4-5 on busy with life days. On free days, look out, I'm there like they're paying me on a job, lol :laugh:
  7. If I'm understanding you correctly, you want to get rid of a corpse or place it someplace else. The 'disable' command will make them not appear there anymore, but I found this mod and have used it with no problem. It's called Corpses Collector: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30248 Gives you a spell to pick up the corpse. It will appear as a skull in your last items menu page. Take it to where you want to leave it and then drop it like you'd do anything else you want to remove from your inventory. Works like a charm for me. Hope it helps you! Good luck finding what you need :thumbsup:
  8. Meogron, you are one of my favorite modders! I can't believe I haven't got you on my friends list. I hope you don't mind, but I'm adding you now. You are one of the greats that not only does good work, but keeps up with your users to help them when needed. Always a winner and friend in my book!

    Thanks for all your great work! :o)

  9. Thanks Lexx, that's a great thought to go to bed on. It's time for this vampire to head for my coffin, lol I have a feeling you're the same type of great person :o)
  10. P.S. thanks for joining the list. :o)
  11. Hey I hear ya, even I'M mad at the damned system! Sometimes the system sucks!
  12. No thanks necessary, just calling it like I see it ;o) I'm happy to have you on my list of friends. Thanks for the add! You might be a shadow wolf, but you sure don't have to be lonely :o)
  13. Oh wow! Just saw that sig. Man that is awesome!
  14. Well thank you very much Lexx- you got me blushing :o) Glad you came over for a visit, you're welcome anytime. I love that new avatar of yours. He looks like he's hunting down bad dreams and ready to put them in a world of hurt. Lovin it!
  15. Cool vid! I love Linkin Park. Hybrid Theory is still one of my all time favorites. I like that one too though, one of the best new ones they've put out!
  16. Hmmm, I don't know. I know I use HGEC body and Sly's got me using BBB and the new skeleton I think, although I've not seen anything bouncing yet, lol. I love the tattoo on Stoker. But for my girl, I know she'd like something similar, but not as much. Just something to get her sexy on, you know :o) Hey, btw, loving those whales! As I told Alonso, they've got a life of their own in my game, lol
  17. Uhhh.....uh oh, lol Since I'm the teacher I might be part of that classes starting thing ~looks around nervously~ :o) I'm glad you came for a visit! You're welcome anytime, and to be a friend as well. Have a good weekend!
  18. Hello Grumpf, dank voor al hulp you' ve tot dusver gegeven me! I hope you could read that :o) Time to start working on your rating stars too!
  19. Aww thank you so much! You didn't have to do that. I don't mind helping at all. But I do appreciate the recognition, kind and gentle soul :thumbsup:
  20. Saw your stick man mod today, I had to rofl! How clever. So kool that LHammonds had swords to pair with it. You thought folks wouldn't like it didn't you? From what I can see, it's a big hit and rightly so! Congrats! :o) I'm reeeeeallly hoping we'll eventually get a smaller, maybe just at the small of the back and on the belly tattoo for females? (squeezing eyes real tight, making a wish) lol!
  21. Very cute name, very useful mod! Many thanks and hello! :o)
  22. Hey Trandoshan! Good to see you over at my place! I hope school won't be as bad as either of us think. So far my students seem eager & ready to go. That's always a good thing, lol This link is by a guy looking for one of your mods. If you have time here's the thread for his search: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/231288-find-a-lost-mod/page__p__2047272#en...
  23. I see. Well I know Trandoshan, I believe he hasn't been around as much lately. I'll drop him a PM to check out this thread. I'm sure he'll be glad to help if he can.
  24. Hey woman! Things are goin, lol School's back in session, so I'm already trying not to stress over how much I have to do. Are you back in school yet? I'm glad you dropped in for a visit :o)
  25. Why don't you start out by visiting the Tona Mods Store by Tona (toshizo7). You may find some of the clothes repurposed there. If all else fails you can go right to the source- Tona. Send him a PM and ask if he still has a copy of the mod you're looking for, or one that features the items that were in the old mod. Good luck with finding it. I hope this helps! :)
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