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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Granted! You think....and think.....and think......and Think.....and THINK!! until your poor little brain is over encumbered resulting in your head spinning and your brain exploding. Now you can think about wishing you hadn't been so keen to have a wish to think about. Whew! :wacko: I wish that whatever bug is biting me would STOP!! I've got a million little red spots on my lower legs!! And they ITCH like crazy!! :pinch:
  2. Bologna, only it has to be Oscar Meyer, the "mixed" meat kind, not the all beef, lol Oh and it can be "lite." :tongue: Tux or formal long dress and fancy shoes OR jeans, T-shirt and tennies?
  3. I liked that series too. All of the Dwemer Tales were interesting to me. I also liked how in MW they had the "official" biography of Barenziah, then there was the low down, supposedly-REAL story of Barenziah, lol!
  4. Where oh where is Keek tha Sneak? He is one crafty, yet covert Khajiit. I've looked high & I've searched low, why he's not showing off in some FRAPS video, I do not know! He's giving the Khajiiti a bad name, becuz sneaks like him are hard to tame. But hiding under rocks & behind bushes, will only get him put in the category of super shy wusses!

    Wow, now he...

  5. A Dance in the Fire- I love Scotti Decummis! BarBQued meat or Sushi?
  6. Awww Hell Son! How hard could it be?? For real though if you need help with load order or something, just holla. Perhaps this is a covert, shoot, actually overt message from the Nine Divines that they don't want Keek to be a sneak. They want him to be a monk! lol Maybe even a Blind moth monk. He'd HAVE to sneak cuz he couldn't see, lmao!
  7. Yee Haw!! FINALLY! Bring it on Keek, I want to see your devious butt sneak and sneak, even if it's only a peek, I'll be satisfied :o)
  8. lol! You did go easy on me Gormonk. I don't know how to act :kiss: You're quick this morning too! Granted! You are a vampire with no needs. Unfortunately, no one notices you anymore even if you did need something. AND you are immune to sunlight, but MOONLIGHT, well that effect is not a pretty sight! :unsure: I wish I was already in bed, I've been up all night AGAIN! Maybe I should wish to be the vampiress that I am :ninja:
  9. BAN to AA for not knowing what spam is (a sort of congealed processed ham that comes in a can, very popular in Hawaii OR unwanted messages or advertising/e-mail. I don't get the correlation either :confused: ) Also BAN to AA for being a cake AND for having a sig pic that makes me motion sick, lol! :sick:
  10. Whoa Corlan! That music started when the page loaded and I didn't know where it was coming from! Startled me, lol Very Kewl! ANYway- what was the question? I choose Persian Rap! Strictly for medicinal purposes (and yes, both ARE used today in modern medicine)-- Leeches or Maggots?
  11. Welcome Back Omeletter! Wish granted! You now have all the holidays in the world! Alas, that means you are also out of a job since you don't work on holidays. So now you're holiday rich, but financially poor! :pinch: I wish our mod DragonRose Project was already finished and the rave of all of Nexus! :woot:
  12. Good luck on those exams dude! :o)
  13. Granted! You have real Peruvian coffee, but it comes with a whole family of Peruvians, lol Now where will they all sleep and how will you feed them? Plus they want some of that good coffee :tongue: I wish I was already packed for vacation! :sad:
  14. HORROR of course! :ninja: Private Jet or Limo?
  15. Banning AA for not realizing that if I didn't write it that way, I couldn't fit all the words in! :tongue: And while I'm at it...banning MHM, AA and BE for having cool new sigs! You clever guys :teehee: Good to see MHM and AA back! :happy:
  16. Muhahahaha! Of course I multi-task, so I CAN read your mind, eat a sandwich, AND make a video all at the same time, lol! I'm glad you came over for a visit. You are now on my mind watc...I mean buddies list :o)
  17. Ban to Thor for his insistence on perpetually banning HIMSELF- selfish, lol Ban to Pushkatu for having Brian as his Avatar. *burp* Brian lay off da booooze!! :teehee:
  18. Damn that's hard! I say FIRE, the flames are so pretty and I can escape if I run fast enough, lol Exhibitionist or Voyeur?
  19. Granted! You now have coffee EVERYthing, bread, eggs, meat, chips you name it! Thus you go into massive caffeine overload, find Keanumoreira and his homocidal thoughts/gestures....the two of you fight, because he's still holding a grudge. There is bloodshed of epic proportions, many innocents have coffee overdoses.......it just ain't a pretty sight at all. And to think, it all started with one benign wish for a cup of java, rofl!! :pinch: I wish I could shake these homocidal tendencies passed on to me by Keanumoreira. I.....don't....want.....to KILL him.....arrrrrgh!! :wacko: :wink:
  20. Oh boy! Not the cockney accent too, rofl! I can't WAIT to hear that. Like I said, stop talkin and get to filming, lol!
  21. Wish granted, although while you love Sunkist, it does not love you. :sad: So you get as much as you want, but it gives you horrible bloating. You belch obnoxiously in front of your girlfriend and she breaks up with you! :yes: (ahem! You will notice I did not kill you off, as you're so fond of doing to everyone, lol! You're always killing somebody off :unsure: ) I wish that Keanumoreira didn't have homocidal tendencies, lol :happy:
  22. Glad I missed the hard choices above, lol :unsure: I say Grizzly, you just might be able to scare him off, but the shark,....he's eatin regarless! lol Tequila Sunrise or Frozen Magarita with plenty of salt?
  23. Banning BE for noticing I haven't posted as often, lol Hey I was working on my new video. Go to my profile page and check it out. I just know you're gonna ban me for it, lol!! :laugh:
  24. Keek the Sneak!? roflmao! Can't wait to see him get down. Quit talkin bout the vid and MAKE the dang vid, lol Thanks for the compliments. As I get better, they do get longer. That ten minutes seems like 10 hours (and probably is!) when I'm putting it together, but it flies by watching it, lol I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing yours. Don't worry, I'll be easy on ya for the 1st one :o)
  25. BAN to all the regulars for letting 3 days go by with no active bans! Ya slippin people, ya slippin! lol :tongue:
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