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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Must be cause there is still no change with you or Thor showing up. I haven't had time to PM the admins yet (working on a new video, lol) but I'll try to get to it this week. That was weird that suddenly the tool bar was gone. I was like what they hey....lol!
  2. I hope to see you again in the forums one day Dimmu. I didn't know you did dance vids! These are great! We'll have to compare notes sometimes :o)
  3. That is a gorgeous avatar picture!
  4. Hey Rebel Rebel! (that's a song you know :o)

    It's so good to see your face back in the place! Hugs and Hi, hope all is better with you!

  5. Hey girlfriend! I still can't see you or Thor on my page :o/ What's stranger still is that while I can see myself on both of your pages now, on Thor's if I write up a note like this and hit post, it won't even show that! I told him I may have to PM the admins on this one!
  6. A scope as in telescope? That is way cool! I like being out in the country at night to see all the stars. In the Ozarks, you can see so many due to there not being many towns around to drown them out. And a garden! I always want plenty of flowers, but by the time I get to them, it's fall again, lol We're such weather hounds, lol We should start an almanac! :o)
  7. Well the bloodline is diverse, that's for sure. But so is yours. It is too bad you haven't been able to experience more of the Portuguese culture. Doesn't matter though, you're a very cool dude anyway :o)
  8. Why don't you shoot DragonRose11 a PM. He's a proud former Marine. If he's checking e-mail I'm sure he'd be glad to help. Good luck with your project!
  9. Well just Cheers! and CONGRATULATIONS!! on a job well done. :thumbsup: Beer for all, except the minors of course! :confused: And.... CHEESE!! BEER & Cheese for all! :yes:
  10. Chicken Sushi?? Yikes!! :ohmy: Eggs, you can do more, more versatile than cabbage and a great source of protein, although I like cabbage too :happy: Monkey or Gorilla?
  11. NEVER! lol I do not have the ability to do his diabolical bidding. I'm too sweet :wub: @Gormonk- Granted! freebie this time! I wish Gormonk was a better speller too. For his greater good of course :geek:
  12. Since I've been away from the forum games for a few days I need to play catch up! :thumbsup: A Big FAT BAN to all those peeps who banned ME for using colors and then THEY have the nerve to use them too, with enlarged font, lol BAAAAANNNNEEEDDDD!!! :confused: BAN! to Gormonk for not knowing SilverDNA is a HE! (No bans for BE, she's a sisterfriend :biggrin: Plus, she has a very nice sig! ) BAN! to Thor for sleeping on the job! BAN! to Skaargoroth for calling Gormonk's avatar a CD look alike. (although I agree, lol!) BAN! to Martin cause he's a Mage that doesn't know the meaning of trippy! That's trippy! lol ("Trippy" means wild, weird, like you tripping, buggin, wilding out, etc.) BAN! to Ub3rman for banning 9 posts at once!
  13. No I don't mind at all. But 1st, congrats on being the 1st born American in your family! I bet Portugal is a very culturally rich place. Don't lose that heritage! My mother is African American and my father is Jewish. Thus the nose, lol I have Russian blood from his side which is cool because even before I knew that, I loved the sound of the Russ. language. Must be in the genes!
  14. It's weird because we're sort of at different places, you North, me truly mid continent, but we do have the same weather patterns, lol It thunderstormed yesterday and I didn't even realize it till the big fraidy cat dog tried to get on the bed, lol! And boy howdy is it hot right now in Ks!
  15. I dunno girlfriend. One of these nights I'm going to scour this site and see if I can find anyone else besides Keanu and me having that problem. I have it with Thor too. I hope I can get it solved. I'm proud of all my friends and want their mugs all chipper and bright decorating my spot, lol
  16. Oh I was gonna say too, I don't know what it is with BE and Thor too. They can see me on their pages, but I can't see them on mine. I'm like you, I've seen both of them on others' pages as well. I still say they're pulling invisible magicks on us, lol you know, a new forum game we haven't figured out yet, lol!
  17. That's not a stupid question at all. Sometimes you do gotta wonder, but yeah, that's me :o) I change it now and then, but I'm going to try and always have a real pic there. I like being able to put real names with real faces.But by the same token, I've come to "know" many by their avatars, so it's all good in the hood :o)
  18. Well yeehaw! and hallylouyee! That fps is much better. I finally got rid of that gardening mod. Now all is cool in Anvil. I even got Hentai's lovely home and still no fps drop of significance. Just keep at it I know you'll get 'er where you want 'er soon!
  19. C'MON now SON! Get you some OBMM and handle that load order! I'mma keep doggin ya, cuz I got almost 190 mods and so far only a bit of stutter here and there. You throwin thangs all up in the data folder all willy nilly don't make no damn sense! Dat ain't riiiight! You know betta, lmao!
  20. Oh I know. I have decided that Kansas heat is worse than Florida heat. I tooled all around in Florida, never short of breath, no allergies bothering me. Now that I'm home, back on Sudafed and actually get short of breath just walking up stairs! Man it's been hotter than a wet hen! LOL What a visual eh? :o)
  21. Retaliatory BAN to Thor for not making it clear my map was in there! I could have missed my chance at fishing and beach combing! :tongue:
  22. Granted! You are no longer burned, but water logged, which automatically self corrects the equilibrium issue, lol! You do now slosh when you walk though...yikes! :unsure: I wish Thor had not banned me for not looking in the "Last Poster Wins" thread soon enough. Awwww (unnecessary whining..) gimme a break! I didn't understand at first :confused: (Nice map work, btw AND I WIN the last poster!! lol!) :thumbsup:
  23. Mmmm! Sounds delicious- Apple Cake with Sprinkles! Never had that before. :thumbsup: Fireflies OR Bioluminescent fish?
  24. No, since Thor lured me here with map enticements-- I WIN muhahahaha! And it's my first time playing this one, ha! :thumbsup:
  25. Hey Keanu, did you ever figure out why BE doesn't show up on your list? I have the same problem. Maybe she's using invisible magicks, lol
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