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Status Updates posted by Fifoo

  1. Best wishes of happiness and health, happy new year to you all, dear friends. In less than two months my training is over and I'll be right back on the Nexus forum. ;)
    1. Deleted54170User


      Peeking; then ducking

      Peek n Duck


      Thanks! :- )

    2. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. DUCK! Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Tool late! Runs away!
  2. Best wishes for health and happiness, may the bubbles of champagne sparkle all around you during this new year. :)
  3. Best New Year wishes from France. Much happiness and health to you. ;)
  4. Best New Year wishes from France. Much happiness and health to you. ;)
  5. Best New Year wishes from France, much happiness and health to you. ;)
  6. Hello dear keanu, nothing to say except that I just lost the use of English, lol. See you soon ;)
  7. you are very close, wip means "work in progress"... it's a trick which I used to not fill my page with miles of text - Lol :)
  8. You are very close, wip means "work in progress"... it's a trick which I used to not fill my page with miles of text - Lol ;)
  9. Thank you for your kindness, and I must say that your profile page is everything I like: Luis Royo, Enigma, etc... without forgetting Kashia, which is absolutely cute! :)
  10. Thank you for your gracious kindness, Sly ... and I am also very proud that you're part of my friends. :)
  11. I raise my glass up high in honor of the goodness of your attitude - wait... where is my glass? :P
  12. Nice answer Sly, I'll be proud to have you in any team or to make a trip with friends - a thumbsup for you, kudos already given previously but you desserve a second one for sure :)
  13. lap siding = drink like whey (milk), a metaphor in French (boire comme du petit lait) for "easily assimilate, absorb and enjoying." Ex. "She drinks his words like whey"... you see now what I mean? :)
  14. , keen to learn about sunny side of things surrounding us
  15. GITS rocks !!! I've seen you're a BfgTech fan too ;)
  16. Woot it's spring, so nice and the best season ever - for us at least ;)
  17. Happy to see your new avatar around here - perhaps it's time for me to change mine too :)
  18. five stars for your pp and music - loved it and thanks for your great lounge game contribution - kudos given :)
  19. Happy (young) birthday to you Sarya :)
  20. Thanks for your great contribution in the Druids garden - you made it an awesome place :)
  21. I promised you to give you a kudo but can't give you one more - have a ++ cookie ;)
  22. It gives perspective... and some divine inspiration too ;)
  23. LOL - I have five month in anticipation but considering that fact in comparision with you, I'm falling behind ;)
  24. Have a nice walk in your break - we are waiting steady for your return :)
  25. Lol - Some wishes are evil's one, don't you think ;)
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