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Everything posted by Fifoo

  1. May 1, 2009. What!? Eight years of inactivity on the Nexus forums already? How time flies ...
  2. Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street. One of the favorite songs from a (very) long list. I like to listen to it from time to time to relax.
  3. If you have the opportunity, and for obvious reasons of optimization, the better will be to opt for installing all your games on a dedicated partition, different from your operating system, with separate directories for each game installed on your new partition. Or install them on another hard drive, which is still the best option. The steam games need to be installed in the dedicated steam directory, the other games in their respective directories - while well specifying the paths you choose in their setup, namely on the new partition you created previously or on the new hard drive. You will have as a result a hierarchical system, cleaner and more efficient, especially in the context of a possible future removal. The best is to avoid installing games or programs in the windows program files directory. This tip applies to any version of the operating system, either linux or windows.
  4. Thank you very much, Maharg67. It will always be my pleasure to try to bring my modest contribution to this forum, and especially for those who show passion in what they undertake. :wink:
  5. Quite right. To improve your writing style, it is necessary to work over and over again. Considered one of the greatest writers of the French Third Republic, Anatole France was wont to say: "Caress your sentence lengthily and it will eventually smile." How to correct your writing style? You have written your text, have reworked the content, you have eliminated the unnecessary and put everything you want to put. All the parts of your work are drawn. Now it's time to make it attractive and interesting, enjoyable to read. It is essential to take this step once the text is in its final version in terms of content. This work, if done independently of the work on the content, is pleasant: we work on aesthetics, the text then embellishes. Over time, you will see that the more you practiced this exercise the more your style will be improved, even in written texts of the first milking. How to proceed? Review your text and focus on the following points: Accuracy. Nouns used are accurate? Try different words before selecting one that, in context, work best. Beware of repetition: for a specific term playing a specific role in your work, it will be advisable not to use synonyms but to preserve it. The mean is rarely the precise meaning of the word to replace it, which can mislead the reader. Make use of repetition however with moderation and think of ways the language offers to avoid it. Make sure that the term you use is the proper term. Example: who makes an impasse has an even chance of missing the exam - not to miss, but he has a chance to succeed. Clarity. Check the length of the sentence, given a sentence with 20-25 words is understandable, beyond it becomes difficult to grasp. Make sure every sentence is built around a verb in a combined mode. Make sure of the validity of the use of time. Sobriety. Avoid overload adjectives. Hunt adverbs. In most cases, you can delete them. The meaning of the sentence will not suffer in their absence at all. Do not overuse of technical terms, acronyms and abbreviations. Of course, it is difficult to master all the technical aspects of literary writing, it takes a lot of work. But, against party, all your efforts to improve your style will pay off and they will move from the chaos of ideas in structured text. :happy:
  6. Love. Love is a partner with many faces Who comes and goes on the road of ages As long as we attach importance to It grows from our tender childhood Made of laughter and made of tears Love makes us stronger as it disarms Sometimes cruel or true, always present It fills our hearts the most beautiful torment Without which life would be meaningless And who is better than any silence For there is hope for those who can share it And a promise of light for eternity...
  7. Dear Maharg67, thanks to you and your diligence in writing, you have made the Druid's Garden a very special place that deserves more kudos than we can give in one lifetime. You can count on my eternal (Kudos) gratitude... :happy:
  8. Best wishes of happiness and health, happy new year to you all, dear friends. In less than two months my training is over and I'll be right back on the Nexus forum. ;)
    1. Deleted54170User


      Peeking; then ducking

      Peek n Duck


      Thanks! :- )

    2. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. DUCK! Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Tool late! Runs away!
  9. Best wishes for health and happiness, may the bubbles of champagne sparkle all around you during this new year. :)
  10. Best New Year wishes from France. Much happiness and health to you. ;)
  11. Best New Year wishes from France. Much happiness and health to you. ;)
  12. Best New Year wishes from France, much happiness and health to you. ;)
  13. Best New Year wishes from France, much happiness and health to you all. :happy:
  14. Hello dear keanu, nothing to say except that I just lost the use of English, lol. See you soon ;)
  15. Fifoo

    Sorry about...

    Sorry about the disappearing act but your boy needed a holiday!!! No, actually, six months have already passed before I don't have given you some news from me or reply to your respective emails, and I am sincerely sorry for my long absence from all of you and beg your forgiveness. I tell you frankly that certain events in my life made me temporarily being removed from any presence and activity on this so enjoyable Nexus's forum, but don't worry, nothing alarming regarding me. Moreover, I will normally go on for professional training for a period of five months from mid-January of this new year, which will further slow down my internet activities during the next few months, unfortunately. But sometimes there are choices to be made in life, that some priority should be given, and which do not allow the exemptions. Know that I haven't forgotten you, you hold an important place in all my heart and I'll try to make a small appearance from time to time, as soon as I can, what I do today. I also want to offer my best wishes for happiness and good health in this new year 2011. Happy New Year to you all, I wish you that your road will take you happiness and prosperity. I have a special thought for some friends of Nexus, they will recognize themselves without any problems, I have no doubt about it. Thank you again to all of you for having testified as much sympathy for me, and see you soon. Sincerely yours, Fifoo.
  16. Know, accept your flaws and transform them into qualities, and thus find a balance in life to finally be able to excel... :happy:
  17. Wish uplifted, Grand turismo 5 is out so fast that you have to run behind it to try to catch up. I wish someone laugh after that joke. :laugh:
  18. Just to illustrate my previous point, because it is a subject we have discussed repeatedly in the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg, France (when I was a student), here is one example of what I call being the nude art. Warning: mature content. It's neo-surrealism and the female body is fully revealed, but the work is very sensual. Then, in the hope that it may serve as an inspiration for aspiring artists. Have a nice weekend...
  19. Back to the Dragon's topic: The Doorway - 3D Digital Fantasy Art by Crikett. http://fantasyartdesign.com/free-wallpapers/imgs/mid/321TheDoorway-m.jpg
  20. Your comment is very interesting and not without relevance, Surenas. In the artistic discourse, it does not always have a prudish position on a given theme, here nudity. But to raise it above a certain form of idealism that can be represented on the beauty of the body, and go to some form of artistic perfection, somehow. Of course, some might argue that this discourse leads to a purely dreamlike, which could then be considered a stalemate. But in purpose, is it not necessary to go to the artist draw his inspiration and talent, in order to go in search of a better self-knowledge, thus a better understanding of the world around us (eg Da Vinci) and find the answer in this paradox of spirituality: sometimes go against what might be considered prohibited in order to elevate his artistic soul?
  21. Thank you, Keanu, for your encouraging comments. Some small details concerning the conduct of the story without revealing the fall, the hero of history sees his life's flash at the end of the prologue. Each chapter of the story is about the eventful moments of his life, from his childhood until his... suspense! :biggrin: Thus, the story evolves to its final outcome. When I read the works of JR Tolkien, I was surprised by the wealth of details given by the author in his books. Far from me to pretend to get to the ankle of the great master, but I think it's a good way to improve the story and gives a near real impact on it, and, hopefully, allows best player immersion.
  22. That I think says everthing...those that post images that serve only to titillate likewise purile adolescent minds ruin the entire objective of the image forum, and as has been stated before, it is not guaranteed that those viewing are of a suitable age to do so....The rule has been set, and I welcome that rule if it will bring more 'intelligent and respectful' images to the forums. Thank you for your comment, Slygothmog, and indeed, you are right to say this because many people tend to deviate from the principles of what makes the beauty of all art as a means of expression: aesthetics and creativity . Under the guise of pretending to be what they are not, real artists, some are confined only to satisfy their selfish needs, what hypocrisy. Fortunately, in Nexus, many others stand out and can claim the coveted title, but they must pay the heavy price of other's deviations, which is unfortunate.
  23. you are very close, wip means "work in progress"... it's a trick which I used to not fill my page with miles of text - Lol :)
  24. You are very close, wip means "work in progress"... it's a trick which I used to not fill my page with miles of text - Lol ;)
  25. Thank you for your kindness, and I must say that your profile page is everything I like: Luis Royo, Enigma, etc... without forgetting Kashia, which is absolutely cute! :)
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