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Everything posted by Fifoo

  1. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Banning vicICE for being so cool. :thumbsup: Banning Monolithic0117 as it seems you know the use of wikipedia as well. :biggrin: [EDit] ..."nobody"...
  2. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Banning Monolithic0117 because I'm French. ;D
  3. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban Monolithic0117 for being "mentally representative". :rolleyes:
  4. Fifoo

    September, 11

    It makes me so sad... Plenty of innocent peoples died on this day... special thinking from France to all the emergency workers who gave her lifes for helping. They are all real heroes... - deep thought for all those working in ambulancier services - Fifoo
  5. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    NO PANIC Logicaly meaning, a "WELL KNOWN" murderer is IN JAIL... ;) NEVER LIE... Extra-Ban for everyone.
  6. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    :thanks: Ban genpatton2 for making kind reply.
  7. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban Monolithic0117 for: 1. having wisdom 2. being exceedingly superior 3. having supernatural powers for: - a. having noticed my error on previous post ("his", not "her") - b. forcing me to admit I've made one - c. obliging me to pay an english -"girl"- teacher's workmanship for an "extra-lesson". :woot:
  8. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Banning vicICE because he had her wisdom teeth out this week. :whistling: [Edit] "his", not "her"
  9. with your new avatar, you've gained +1% in Epic range, and with your 999% gains, that makes a... TOTALY EPIC WIN
  10. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban vicICE for not giving them. Perhaps... hmm... with the power of the Nonsensical piece of rubbish... :rolleyes:
  11. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    I'm so sorry (Lol)... :whistling: Banned... [EDIT] IceDragon987, give me a Kudo (Lol)...
  12. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Banning vicICE "Wise men are whistling because they have something to whistle; Fools because they have to whistle something" Strange that it smells to me like a "lingering sense of déjà vu"... Oh! Of course... :blink: sorry, Monolithic0117...
  13. Thanks for your feedback, but... *Enticingly*...?
  14. You're not fair: 2 against 1, but I'm not afraid about it: "Messieurs", you do the honours! --Engage--
  15. A l'instant même... A l'instant même où, à la fontaine, je l'ai rencontrée, La cascade autour d'elle s'est figée. A l'instant même où nos regards se sont croisés, Les oiseaux se sont arrêtés de chanter. Et le Temps lui-même s'est arrêté un court moment, Afin que, le coeur battant, je puisse vivre dans l'instant... ... Just when... Just when near the fountain I've meet her, The cascade around stay frozen in place. Just when our eyes met upset together, The birds have stopped to sing in place. And the Time itself has stopped a wee, So my heart could beat to seize the day... ... [EDIT] ... a (humble) comment I made for a picture of Sinbloods' character "Celia Azilis", he's a French artist and the first friend I met here on Nexus. I've tried to translate to the best I can, I'm a French native, please forgive me. The theme here is about the french word "instant" (point in time), and sometimes, rythm, words and structure are not the same when translated - my bad...
  16. ... (Lol)... don't hesitate, you're all warmly welcome. :whistling: Pointing the finger of blame was merely in jest, my friend. ... don't worry about it, little Fairy, I know it was in jest because you are full of good intentions, and I love the title, but if anyone really wants to blame me (for fun), please don't make it here nor in any member page, feel free to use an other topic intended for it untill you fall into the trolling den, and buddah's old fart will capture your lost soul for sure (Lol), thanks buddah. So, let the poems be welcome in the "Little Fairy's Flower Garden"... :happy:
  17. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    No, no, no... don't surround me again! Hurry, my extra ban! Edit: See more details in your prefered topics: "Fifoo surrounded by propaganda on Post #6715". The famous "No-Ban News" preview title: "Epic battle had begun before people being free from threat!"
  18. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Uh-uh-uh... (no more breath!)... I ban both of you for making me sooo much laugthing :teehee:
  19. :woot: Well... a "definately ride bareback and naked" smells good for having fun, but not being a pro on horse-riding will certainly lead to a "walk through hell" until the end... "go on a date with a barbie doll" was one's last prefered jokes my horse has sent to me, you see what I mean (Lol)... But I'll put a hand on it until I found a solution to achieve this one's ends... giving a foretaste of "sleep on a bed on nails" to me again... what?... we have only three poll choices? Oh, sorry... :pinch: :sweat:
  20. ... another fairy's "miracle"... ... (Lol)... don't hesitate, you're all warmly welcome. :whistling:
  21. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    For the sake of Baudelaire, handy-dandy *ban* to you :bunny:
  22. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban vicICE for using :ninja:* tactical surrounding :ninja:** without my approval... Edit: Argomirr :ninja:* (propaganda member) on Post #6714 Fifoo :pirate: (surrounded by propaganda) on Post #6715 vicICE :ninja:** (tactical associate) on Post #6716
  23. Let me win, and I'll take your position into consideration...
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