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Everything posted by Fifoo

  1. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban again vicICE, and ban dezdimona, simply because I've given Kudos for them twice. And Ban myself for not having the ability to make it a second time. :wallbash: Whoot, NO BAN for them, 'cos they are so nice. :sweat:
  2. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban vicICE for annoying me and let me think I could be one day an Admin. :thanks:
  3. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Banning Monolithic0117 by the law of the Nonsensical piece of rubbish :blink:
  4. You take a pride of place in my heart, you're a Lady. :)
  5. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban GETbacon 'cos he don't gave me a piece of her trip to Kelowna. (Lol) Banning off-topic Thor., The mighty High-and-Mighty :thumbsup:
  6. Don't let this bother you, you don't need to have a woman's point of view for being fair, as I'm a man. :biggrin:
  7. ... On what certainty have you based your argumentation? Are you really sure about this? Why it is more serious when "women" are wrong?... (note the plurial you've used)... Sorry, but it's sounds you're better familiar with the word "subjectivity" than "fairness". If we see below your words, we can think that men have the right to be wrong. Is it really what you mean? So don't be subjective, but open-minded... :closedeyes: Edit: sorry dezdimona I was used the same word as yours ("open-minded" counter timing translation for me, and I have only two hands) :teehee:
  8. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Double-banning dawnprawfet, 1.'cos it's not my fault if you are bored 2.'cos I'm not snoring (Fifoo, not *fifloo*) :biggrin:
  9. ... Certainly not. We have an adage in France that says: "Ne regarde pas la paille qui se trouve dans les yeux des autres avant d' avoir vu la bûche qui est dans le tien." It looks like this: "Don't see the straws been in other one's eyes, before having to see the tumble been in yours". ... Some people have to grow in minds. But first, they must be respectful towards the others... :closedeyes:
  10. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    No doubt about this. Please, forgive me for my "franc-parler". Happy to see that there are plenty of wise persons here. And certainly real gamers/girl gamers have more considerations to each others then they could find in the rest of the world, IMO. :thumbsup:
  11. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    Take no offense on what I want to say, I'm talking on general purpose: why taking care about how others think women/men should act and especially look, and particularly if the others are wrong? Be what you want to be, without all those silly stereotyped "clichés", and lead the path you want to go in life the best you can, we know how it could be hard to do so... but, everyone is unique and do have considerations from others... I don't want to be seemed like a moralist, let-alone to pretend to. I'm only talking about what men/women are capable in such silly and sad stereotyped things, just the hard facts of life, and believe me, sometimes I just want to close my eyes, but a little candlelight helps me for trying to make life simply better... What I will never forgive, is to be here for having a place we could call "Home", place that we share and love... and thankfully, women are praiseworthy for all this. :thanks:
  12. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Please, give me one more free ban, or I'll ban you, Ancient Aeon. Ohhh, so delicious to reach that 664th page... :fakenopic: Now I can go to my bed... *click* (banned).
  13. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban vicICE a second time for 2 reasons 1. I've got no local mythic down agent account for going through his sig's Gate 2. We have not reached the 664th page, and I want to click one more time :blink:
  14. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    For sure I'd never validate those silly things, especially if they were put in an official or educational context. Let me tell you that I will immediately send a pm to Dark0ne for instabanning them (Lol). In my job we are working in a well represented women background. Mostly of them, indeed, have surely better quality (sensibility) for willing to do a work then men (hospital environment... erm, it was a secret). And I am very proud of them, even if I'm a man... Honestly, I know we (all the people) have a hard work for making things going better, but I hope human minds are on a good way. It could take time to do so, but things are on the move, and as we say here in France: "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity)... And @Herculine: be proud of who you are... :thumbsup:
  15. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    And what can we do without women sensitivity? "If men rule the world then women must rule men" is one of my favourite adage, having this roaming in my head night and days long. :biggrin: Of course I'm against those old ugly stereotypes, if you want to debate about it in a serious way, and merrily (hopefully) human minds are changing in better ways, we can find plenty of good examples in our society today. This saying, if you want a funny way, we can consider three concepts 1. my gender is male: ...what a funny picture, makes me laughing a lot (but not too long) 2. my gender is female: ...grrr... those ugly boys making so sad jokes (and if it was in fact a girl who made that joke, we can take this in consideration too - Lol) 3. my gender is (whatelse?): ...boah, I don't have to take that offense to heart, as it is for fun... And as I'm previously saying in the topic, in my humble opinion, self-derision is a distinguishing feature of well-tempered value, so go for fun. :thumbsup:
  16. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban vicICE because I must have to click my left-button mouse 663 times/pages for seeing that all good people are banned. :wallbash: I ban myself for thinking that all people are good.
  17. "No problemo" don't be afraid about this. Just ask an Admin if you're not sure about something. And you can find plenty of friends here (you've gained one - Lol) :thumbsup: Fifoo
  18. You can try The Nexus Forums > Discussions > Debates But beware, as this could become a flamebait topic, I will hardly recommend you by asking first an Admin to do so. These forums are a place to talk with a clearer focus on gaming. You can post a pm to an Admin if you have any questions about your request. I wish you to have fun, and good luck. You're welcome, :biggrin: Fifoo
  19. Why asking? Are you trying to make a whole analysis about human nature, or do you want to have statistics about member's reactions and putting them on in two limited categories? 1. peoples offended are nice in my taste 2. peoples who are laughing about are unpleasant Let me tell you about the Nexus forum rules, here's the link: All Newbies Read This Before Posting I think it could be completely off-topic to argue about it on this post. Most of members here are good one's and desserve the Nexus community. So don't be offended about it, and make fun of yourself on purpose. Not naughty, nor mean, just fun. Self-derision is a distinguishing feature of well-tempered value, in my humble opinion. And pictures are form part of communication. Like languages, it turns strangers to brothers. Friendly yours, :closedeyes: Fifoo
  20. kind regards from france, buddah, and kudo for your wisdom
  21. have downloaded your mods but not tested yet. Well, it's good to see an other way of Darwyn's theory. :)
  22. Oops, sorry, Black Ninja, previous comment not dedicated to you...
  23. How it goes with your $ 1500 Self-built PC? If you need help...
  24. Arguments about usefull compatibility. @Thor. Thanks a lot for your comment about compatibility, as I was poor in words by the way I intended to explain it, and i'm really sorry if I've made people misunderstanding the topic. And you, wising guys, don't hesitate to update my pm. I'll really apriciate. I have to be more explanative then, and please, apologies for my mistake :confused: So it's on for making better understandings on it: Don't forget: I want to show the way of mouting PC in case of config hardware and software system with "High-Perf" at the "Lowest-Cost". I use my PC for overclocking and gaming, and don't want to drop my money out of window. For that use, Core2 Duo E8600 is a very judicious choice, despite incoming of Core7. Very powerfull, it's the king of overclocking. :biggrin: 1. About "HyperThreading" Of course, you're right about OS supporting "Quad", 32bit as well as 64bit version. And be abble to use some "HyperThreading" features is good for multimedia as those softwares are well multithreaded. For games it's not the same, gains are more reductive. Core2 been very effectiv on it, and games taking the less profit about more than 2 cores, this time "HyperThreading" is not very usefull. You must often time settle for about 10% gain or worse. It's at the same time less or high, it's just a question of point of view. 2. Thank you "Turbo mode" In results, Core i7 make profit of "Turbo mode" generaly at level of 5 to 10%, it's also a good feature for this processor, but we can ask ourselves, if the Core i7 have had real gain in majority of games without it. Probably, without this feature the gain were less suffisant for seducting gamers. 3. The choice of 32bit and 64bit versions The way of systems going on OS 32bit to 62bit take time, too much time. And when AMD released at the end of 2003 his Athlon64 for public, who could imagine that the most of PC where in 32bit 5 years later? We have now plenty of choice about OS 62bit. But it's not the same way with mostly of existing games and softwares. Although Windows 64bit beeing abble to execute all 32bit softs, the fact is that developers nevertheless must have to recode 100% of drivers for having good working hardwares. Of course, we have today a choice between drivers for OS 32bit and 64bit versions, but, as not so much softwares are optimized to be used under 64bit, there is, for saying so, no gain of performances to go under Windows 64bit with our 64bit processors. And Vista 64bit gestion of drivers is not as perfect as well under Vista 32bit. That's silly thing. About RAM: when 3Go are sufficient for helping all usages, then the 32bit systems have lifetime to go... But Year 2009, endly, would be the beginning of using OS 64bit with plenty of optimisations... As we can see here, it's a little bit annoying when we enter in such an extreme approach, but REWARDS ARE ON for everyone who would understand how it works, and then broaden the knowledge of it for the most benefits... By all the ways, the most important thing I have to say is: ENJOY YOUR PC EXPERIENCE. :happy:
  25. I really love the way you make art be so delightfull, especialy when Dystopia leads it... ;)
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