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Posts posted by Isilmeriel

  1. I recently posted 2 addon weapons and for some odd reason enabling both ESPs causes one to overwrite another in game (Eorland sells one but not the other when he's supposed to sell both). I'm guessing it's a formID conflict but am unsure about it and Skyedit also doesn't allow manual formID editting. Would anyone be able to look through these ESPs and help me resolve the issue?


    I'm aware that i can merge the two weapons into a single ESP but I'd rather keep them separate for now until I make a few more other items.


    Here are the two files:





  2. Encountered another issue. I found that the dagger sheath is worn at a different angle than a sword sheath, and further to the front of the hips. Is there any way to move my sword scabbard there too? How do I adjust the positioning of scabbards?


    Also, for some reasons in the inventory view of my weapon shows the sword with its pummel pointed straight at the viewer instead of tip-down like all skyrim weapons. How do I fix this?

  3. I made a scabbard for a back weapon and named the NiTriShape "scb", and it worked correctly in Skyrim. However problem arises when I split this one scabbard mesh into two parts (so that I can use a different material for each part), with both named scb, only the first object works as a scabbard, the second would behave like part of the sword and stick to it. I didn't have this issue back in Oblivion and I hope there's a fix for this in skyrim, can anyone help please?
  4. Back in Oblivion there was only one body mesh and I could just build the outfit around that body and rig it. In skyrim, I found that there are two versions of separate body parts for each gender, for example femalebody_0.nif, femalebody_1.nif, femalehands_0.nif, femalehands_1.nif ... I realize that 0 is the thinner version and 1 is the bigger body type. Can someone tell me which of the two versions I should use to build my outfit around and how to make it fit every body type?
  5. I've been trying to make a weapon that when worn, looks like you have both a one-handed sword on your hips, and a two-handed sword on your back, in their respective locations.


    Only the one-handed weapon is real while the two-handed sword is just a static object, sort of like a second scabbard rigged to the backweapon bone. I have no idea if it's possible to use two different weapon rigging positions for one nif. Could anyone help me with this or come up with a workaround?

  6. Hello,

    I was wondering if someone from our wonderful community wouldn't mind teaching an aspiring 3D artist the ropes. I have tried using tutorials, but I often find myself forgetting things. If someone would help me it would be more than appreciated. Thank You!!!


    I find the best approach to learning modelling, and just about everything else in life, is through problem based learning. You should set out to make something, and identify the problems you are having, and then look specifically for tutorials on those subjects rather than just looking randomly for tutorials. If you have a question about something specific we can help you.

  7. Don't have my BSA unpacker around so cna't extract the vanilla file to check. The bottom part uses a different texture on its own right?


    One possibility is that it uses vertex shading for colouring. but that only affects the colour so you should still see your new texture on there (though in a wrong colour). I haven't seen vertex colouring being used for clothes before but it's possible.


    EDIT: Polygon crusher seems the most useful, I really would like it but its only compatible with 3DS 2011 - down. I'm using 2012, which no plugins are compatible with --_--

    max 2012 has something called ProOptimizer modifier... I actually think it IS poly cruncher for some reason. I thought it was bundled in as a tool back in 2010 like all the polyboost tools were.... :unsure:


    I'm pretty sure they work equally well. Someone also told me that it's pretty much a bundled Polygon Cruncher, much like how polyboost was bundled in 2010 up. Aside from that, polygon cruncher also includes a standalone app, in case you want to try that to be sure.

  9. You can try the optimize modifier in 3ds max, or use a third party plugin called Polygon Cruncher which provides better results than the modifier.


    I've had problems with invisible polygons before. Do you import obj into nifskope or do you export to nifskope via 3ds max? If the latter is the case, try disable the "generate strips" option in the export window. That seems to cause invisible polygon issues sometimes.


    As for correct positioning for parts of the model in nifskope, as long as the parts have the same pivot point when you exported them, they should automatically be in the correct position when you assemble them in nifskope

  10. I dont have a lot of time, but ill see what i can do. I texture, model ( check my mods for those 2) do interiors, scripting, dunfeons, and everything related to modding (no showcases of those, sorry) I prefer modelling.


    What's this mod about?



    @FakePersonality: I PMed you.

    @Isilmeriel: You mean CLS or FP's mods?



  11. I've installed 2009 version of 3DS Max as it is supported by NifTools, I've installed niftools-max-plugins- but nothing is showing up in the Helper menu. I'm able to import nif's no problem.


    I'm trying to create collisions for the model i have made


    You did check the drop down menu under that tab right? Just making sure.

  12. Use Alpha Test and not Alpha Blend.


    Alpha test will render how you want. However, it has limitations, ie that if you want blended alpha as in a gradient you want to use Alpha Blend. If you use Alpha Test it'll look crap :tongue:


    However I think you can simply avoid this problem all together and still be using Alpha Blend. :biggrin:


    Open your nif, select the sprite, and move it up in the block list order, ctrl+arrow keys.


    Objects are drawn according to their block order they are encountered in the nif: block 1 is drawn before block 10, in much the same way as each of those object are drawn by their vertex number index: vertex 1 is drawn before vertex 10 . This has obvious implications with Alpha Blend, Basically if that alpha technique is used it won't allow the zbuffer to draw pixels behind an object that is already drawn. So since the orb was rendered first, anything that it tries to render next that would technically be behind the orb, thus further back in the z-buffer, ie something that is inside it, can't be rendered. It is a limitation.


    Anyway I think I have an object that is pretty much as you describe. So if manually changing the block order doesn't help maybe looking at this will help. I also have lava lamps on F3 nexus that use multi layer transparency, that I may have done slightly differently :shrug:



    That's actually what I've been doing for my previous models (in sprite plane before sprite plane situations), used both alpha test and block order method and haven't had trouble. I can't use alpha test here since I want the glass to be translucent, not completely invisible. I also tried moving the block order like I usually do. It works, to a small extent. I'm not sure why, but while the model appears perfectly in nifskope, in the game itself, the inner sprite only shows up when viewed from certain angles, from other angles it disappears again.


    Wonder if it has to do with the fact that I used the inner sprite as a billboard, don't see why that has anything to do with alpha but never know. I will take a look at the file you provided in the morning. Thanks.

  13. So I made an orb, and lowered its alpha value so that it's translucent, like glass. Inside the orb I placed a sprite, which also has transparency via alpha channel. Now, the sprite appears completely invisible despite the orb still being translucent. I've heard of this issue before, but are there any solutions or ways to circumvent this problem? Is it not possible at all for example to have a glass object inside another glass object?



  14. The media is so one sided on this that it's scary.


    It's all about Gadaffi this and Gadaffi that. Why are there so few reports on the rebels themselves? Who are these guys.

  15. press x if you dont see that gizmo. also, make sure you go to utilities tab and reset xform before you export to games like oblivion or you might get issues after scaling.

    you wont add world space transforms when scaling(or rotating/translation) in the subobject level. But it can't hurt, but collapse it or the nif exporter reads/treats that as a transform controller or something...


    I realize that, slapping on an edit poly and all. But he's still learning how to scale objects... one thing at a time :)

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