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Posts posted by Isilmeriel

  1. Hello all, I've been encountering this problem since the first time I used the nif exporter plugin for 3ds max. On almost every model that I export, some seemingly random number of faces turn invisible (both invisible in nifskope and in-game). While the wireframe for these faces still show up, the actual surfaces are nowhere to be found. I've checked and tested many things such as flipped normals, degenerate faces, but everything seems to be correct and they show up fine in 3ds MAX and Cryengine Sandbox 2.


    I've attached some screenshots from both nifskope and Oblivion that display this problem, and I've circled the missing faces.





    The problem in the third screenshot is especially weird because there are several archways in that one nif and they are all instances of each other, yet only one of the arches is missing some faces. This suggests some sort of problem with the exporter itself. I use 64-bit 3ds max 2009 and the exporter version is


    P.S. I tried to import the 3ds file into nifskope directly and that seems to have solved the issue. However, I really want to avoid using the 3ds format since it messes up the normals, among other problems. I also can't seem to import max-exported obj's.

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