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Everything posted by El`derina
Quick updates to the site, money money money edition
El`derina replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24630679. #24630994, #24631019, #24633789 are all replies on the same post. its the modders choice, not yours nor mine. So while I agree this is stupid, there really isn't much of a stance we even can take. personally I think this is corporate greed at its worse. I hope valve drowns for this... Bethesda, well... I need them around a bit longer for some more awesome games. -
Is there a mod that allows the player to use all spells regularly, while in Vampire Lord form? I.E., I want to cast a fireball/stoneflesh/trap rune as a Vampire Lord,.. ect ect on the same note,.. is there a mod to allow a vampire lord to wield a weapon? a longsword, greataxe, ect ect. if these are already floating around, forgive me... my search skills may be lacking, and I have yet to find them. So I ask here.
there has been very little to no new information released about the game since its first annoucement. So I have pretty much lost interest as the reality of MMO gaming sinks in,... it's bound to be a either a failure or/and a milking project, no matter how they paint it up in a way, i kinda thank them for keeping quiet for awhile so that I could think it thru.
So any word on what our next DLC will be? Google isn't showing me squat but Hearthfire hate and PS3 whinning(another subject, please don't get into). So I was hoping for new landscapes, new creatures, more interesting storylines yadda yadda yadda... Dawnguard has only scratched what I was expecting, but still a very enjoyable DLC, if forgettable. So yea,... what do we have so far in terms of news, rumors and whatnot? (Note: I do see other DLC topics out and I apoligise for creating another,.. they seemed to be more "build your own DLC idea" types tho and I didnt wish to derail them)
I played vampire/werewolf hybrid on vanilla... managed to corrupt my savegame horribly upon trying to uninstall mods to be dawnguard ready. Started a new file and new playing a vampire. Why? because I liked both to start, so i took both,.... I still like both but I feel I have exhausted all werewolf had to offer and would stick with vampire until I tried a new mod for what I originally aimed for. The corrupted file basically healed to full the instant she took damage,.. like she took the damage and it would show, but it filled near instantly. Some people asked me why that ruined the game for me and I shoulda counted my blessings... idk,.. i didnt like it. lol
@Lachdonan Well,... for me, it's more that they are releasing barely above patch level work(if even that) and are charging 5 times Horse Armor(which quite frankly, will have gotten more use out of than THIS DLC, despite all the bad said about it) >.> and don't get me wrong,... $5 is pocket change, god forbid anyone complain about that 'when what you are buying is worth it'. But I am not buying a single tootsie roll if it's price suddenly jumped 5x its actual value, and will instead raise an eyebrow at the seller and say "WTF?!" simply out of principle. Otherwise, i wholeheartedly agree.. what they did looks nice... just like that tootsie roll... but I feel sorry for the sucker that bought it >.> And yes,.. it does bode ill for the future. If I remember correctly, they mentioned 3 'near' shivering isles scope DLC... dawnguard doesnt touch shivering isles in scope or size, but beats it in quality(in my opinion at least,.. but nothing beats CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!!), Hearthfire doesn't do either, and the clock is ticking. and despite dawnguards quality, it still isn't as enjoyable as shivering isles... I dont know about the rest of you,.. but I dont care about dawnguard now that I have played it. Yet Shivering Isles is something they could remake for Skyrim and I would pay full price, or reinstall oblivion.. thats not a bad idea now.. Heck,... they could recreate morrowind and I'd buy it double Triple A price, so long as I didn't have to deal with anymore streamlining or dumping down bulls***... Yes, the future bodes ill on many fronts regarding TES. :( (Minor Edit): To avoid confusion, Hearthfire isnt one of the 3 DLC they were refering to, as far as everyone knows,.. it's one of the "many minor" projects they wanted to work on... which actually confuses me,... at the begining I was under the impression they didnt wanna do small DLC anymore, thought it was directly stated >.> oh well.
You need to uninstall Sounds of Skyrim
El`derina replied to SergeantGrrock's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I removed it before this news,.. had been able to single it out as the cause of every 5-10 minute crashing >.> no issues at all since removal(or not even,.. just unchecked, unloaded) I am sure simply having the files left there, untouched is fine so long as the mod isnt loaded, correct? -
EDIT: I am sorry, it was way off topic... my two cents over the bugs and defective game discussion below. As to Bethesda being fair for stealing ideas... Naw... but I like it. :) In fact I love that they do it. It's one of those things that yes its downright rude but its for the better.
(Sarcasm)NAW! Worth as much as Windhelm,... surely you give it too much credit! worth as much as one or two homes within Windhelm, most likely.(/sarcasm) >.> It really should have been released for 50 cents,.. I think that's somewhat agree'able? lol Although judging by the polls... majority of people are looking forward to this DLC. I can't really blame them, it does look nice, but I just can't help but compare it with it's ACTUAL value, and it's lack of really, anything worth mentioning. So, are most people just activilly ignoring these things in favor of what it 'represents' over what it actually is? Or maybe people just like forking out money for minor changes? or maybe everyone simply has more faith than I do that Hearthfire is more than it appears >.> (doubtful) And I find it hard to agree with those that say it adds a taste of what mods are for PC's... it's nothing like it. Thats like saying the regular homes that were already there give a taste of what mods are like >.> only in the most vague sense. idk,.. im overly critical of this DLC, I know.
Yes, I agree that it looks 'more interesting' than the steward buy method. But it's essentially the same thing,.. you just use materials instead of gold, and use a workbench instead of talking to a steward.... >.> I think a talking mudcrab would convince me that this mod actually ADDS something other than minor mechanics that appear as if they belonged in vanilla or part of a patch. :) I think thats 'my' biggest concern really... they are milking this. It's an EA syndrom and I think it'll get worse. Yes, I am biased on my own topic... forgive me >.<
Okay... I have seen a ton of opposition on this DLC... a lot of people are pointing out why it fails and subsquently get voted down or generally told that its not a DLC made for PC's >.>- I would like to open a friendly discussion on everyones views. My big beef is that they didn't really add anything... they put in the same stuff, with a tiny tiny mechanic change and a couple new homes(dont gimme that 'it's modular' bull,.. all the homes were modular in the same sense, they just didnt have adoptable children or skeever infestations) I strongly disagree that people are stating it was made for console users. While that might have influenced it to some degree, Skyrim was made as a game, a game to be played and the Creation Kit as a side thing. The target audience are the players, as a whole. That aside, I wouldn't buy this as a PC user, a Xbox user, or a PS3 user... why? it fails to add anything to the game, period. Besides, It's a severe case of sims 3,.. we add in a small mechanic change of one small aspect of the game and throw on a pricetag, stuff that either should have been in the main game to begin with or added in as a patch... their mounted combat was better than this and most people dont even use that(myself included). Now for $5, I might ask myself why am I griping at all. You either take it or leave it, kinda like the horse armor for oblivion. Whats everyone elses thoughts?
Eh,... i didn't see anything on that,... his project can be reasonably assumed to be halted i think. was more interested in the mod mentioned in my original post, as there was a big deal made about it, and then everything went all quiet. Figured there would be updates to let people at least know whats going on, but its pass the "early april" due date. So naturally, i got curious. the trailer makes it look pretty dang good to! I did however just notice he is more active on youtube... my bad(1 week ago, with more recent comment posts)
http://www.zombiegamer.net/towerdefense.php any news on this? im hesitant to create an account and post on there to ask about it, given its activity is pretty much dead on the site.
im not sure if this was brought up before... but I was curious when I opened up the creation kit and saw the game settings. I see many lines that are meant for a fallout game, therefore not being used, cluttered in with Skyrims settings. settings that state specifically guns, grenades, mines and such... I was curious, anyone notice other parts of the game containing things meant for fallout? Also, I have mixed feelings that this stuff is even there to begin with,.. i love the fallut series and like to see them working on it, and clues as this are nice,.. but at the same time, what business does it have cluttering up Skyrims space? Not really overly concerned that it is, just an observation. Discuss?
has any of you tried the mod download manager Nexus has?
i was able to lvl up every school just fine except for restoration and alteration... restoration i used/trained and it just happened to reach master level by the time i was looking to do that stuff,.. but I can't purposely try to spam lvl it, cause it doesnt work. for alteration,... nothing but transmute works, until i got telekinesis and started throwing the same book in the air over and over.(combat spellcasting for it wasnt leveling it any.)
This. Also, it seems to me that the steam workshop is just to make mods more accessible to those who are unaware of the awesomeness that is the Nexus I second(third?) both these statements... but,.. a question for the OP... if the Workshop does not include the ability to make money off it(which it probally won't) and if it doesn't have any annoying kinks in how it works(like rejecting 9 out of 10 mods, which it prob will, sadly) What would you say then? would you still request we all stayed loyal to nexus? Nexus is great, but I don't care for any anti-steam wars. something tells me 'most' people will be using both nexus and workshop.
I am still amazed anyone is even talking about this and overblowing the Skyrim issues... its just silly... sure Skyrim is FAR away from what it should have been, but its still a very good game worth having. and sure bethesda has made quite a few screwups, but they are attempting to fix them... I really fail to understand anyone here. theres a few people that have been going around leaving posts where they state how all these kind of posts are proving a source of entertainment for them,.. THAT im starting to understand.
My first character I went Conjuration Destruction One handed weapons with duel wielding. when I ran out of mana, I started chopping heads... after I learned how badly they jacked the skills so you could learn them all just as easily, I went for heavy armor, enchanting, smithing. (I also have all other skills leveled nicely, perks not included,... but dont use them often) Now let me just say, enchanting and smithing is broken... beyond broken.... SO had fun making dragon or daedric armor with insane armor ratings, and then enchanting them for huge destruction magic cost reduction + Mana regen, +other odds and ends... now with fully overpowered enchanted gear, and its heavy armor to boot.. you'll be a walking mage tank >.> even tho the damage on destruction is stupidly small in comparison to what melee achieves, once you reach this point, you just walk in anywhere and chain 100 fireballs >.> if I had known this earlier in the game, I would have been making lesser equipment of this type sooner. the conjuration and one handed helped me reach this point in early lvls,.. if your smart with your decisions in battle, you shouldnt have any issues- basicaly... get a backup option if your a mage(or any character) >.>
what happened to morrowind (the province not the game)
El`derina replied to CasperTheLich's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
theres alittle more to it than just that,... theres two books out covering the aftermath of those events. But they don't take place in morrowind, morrowinds just the origin of the events. and theres some lore floating around as to an argonian invasion... although im not sure when exactly these things happened. theres a bit more info than what can be passed around in a post,... hopefully someone here has some links. -
wasn't there an oblivion mod that attempted this and didnt turn out very well?
Sneaky thief with 2-handed weapons, viable?
El`derina replied to Excaliburp's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
get smithing up really high with enchanted smithing bonuses and a grinding stone could improve a dagger pretty nicely... along with that 15x damage, the damage is huge I would imagine. i cant remember for sure but I smithed a daedric dagger to 100 damage about I think it was.... factor in sneak attack= ouch... that was on a 100 one handed skill with all perks character tho... havent seen what a 100 skill two hander daedric weapon would look like- I doubt it would touch the 15x(30x gloved?), fully smithed/improved daedric damage, but it should be enough to kill anything in one blow with the 2x(or 4x with gloves) actually is one of the things I hate about this game... melee "easily" outstrips magic damage wise. No contest, destruction magic is near useless unless 100% geared towards it. It makes sense that sneak attacks would outstrip it,.. but those are usually one shot deals anyhow. But nearly any melee build works, stealth or no. my conjuration/destruction mage simply melee's everything instead because she just does that much better despite being a mage skilled character. -
Is the Courier the New Annoying Fan?
El`derina replied to Flameninja24's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
sometimes he moves off to the side and i run into him a minute later and he is just standing there looking stupid.... ttrying to talk to him gets me "Nope, no new messages for you!" type message and he continues to stand there... -
you guys need to use the sig version... not the website version... the code is handled differently in posts... thank you
http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/13.jpg im not sure how I got this.... i didnt even pick the vampire option on the damsel in distress question, lol