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Everything posted by jcdenton2012

  1. How do I create a simple quest where all the player has to do is go to this new location and kill a (one) person in order to complete the quest. That's all I want to do for the quest. No fancy stages, just a simple go kill this other person quest. Now, granted, the player will have to face down a small army for the quest, but that is an unrelated issue.
  2. I have almost completed a Master House Mod, really a mansion, and I thought it best to inquire into what some people would like to see in addition to what I have already built. The house mod is for a mad scientist (mad mage). Contents already include (and this is NO joke): Master Bedroom with two (2) bowling lanes. Full Library Wine Cellar Research Lab (Frankenstein Themed) Old Research Cells Corpse Disposal Room Lobby with Front Desk and Ambiance A Mine for Ore (Mini Golf Theme) 2 Hidden Passages, and additional Easter eggs. Tower Forge (Insane Science Theme) I have thought about adding the other items, but have hesitated and thus am seeking advice: Workshop (Fate/Zero themed) Garden (cover all the bases) The theme of the house mod is "The Laboratory of Dr. Weird," and yes... it is an Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference.
  3. For the past couple of weeks I've been doing a test build for a world cell whose images will be unveiled in about 4 more days. The project initially stalled, but after some serious jerry-rigging I was finally able to compile an acceptable number of donated bits and pieces to get the ball rolling. I have to admit that designing landscapes for Skyrim is woefully more difficult than doing something for New Vegas or Fallout 3. The largest concern for design, that I have noticed, is that it is damn near impossible to synthesize architecture without resorting to donated materials. All of the bits and pieces for Skyrim landscapes are Nordic or Dwemer in nature which makes conceptual design a nightmare assuming you want to do something off the beaten path. Most design sessions are in the ballpark of 1-2 hours long, with myself eventually ending up stumped, resulting in me wondering off to think things over then coming back to continue the test build. On a daily basis I think that I may layout 1/2-1 full landmass cell because of the difficulty in synthesizing architecture. Then there comes the annoying problem of merging architectural pallets. In my case I have to merge Imperial and Oriental pallets together and make it look real. Since Oriental pieces are extremely limited and there exists no pattern for merged pallets I find myself spending HUGE sums of time trying to balance the two out. I was just wondering does anyone else have this problem...?
  4. And casting is closed. I received 3 volunteers and am now seeing how they do.
  5. This is another recruitment round for the Fallout Machinima Project, BLITZKRIEG. Currently, we are at episode 8 and counting with the next episode release coming within the week (7 days). This recruitment round will target a select few of the upcoming characters that will be making cameo appearances. Two of them are brief walk-on roles and one is a long running role, but due to their significance I want to go ahead and get the lines recorded and logged rather than stress and delay over them later on down the road. I will also post a copy of this recruitment drive in the MachiniNation and Fallout VGUNetwork Forums in order to cover a wide area. Male Voice Actors: Knight Captain Gallows: I need a deep voiced male actor to play Knight Captain Irving Gallows. This will be a long running role through most of the series. The personality traits of this character will lead to a persona of brief discussions and something of a hardened exterior skin. This character will also have a romantic relationship in later episodes after the Los Angeles Arc. Female Voice Actors: Seven: I need a female voice actor (almost like finding a unicorn) to play Seven. Seven has few verbal lines in the series, but when she does speak its almost nostalgic given that her personality has little depth. This is because... (spoilers) Seven is an android built by Dr. Zimmer as an imposter of the "Vault Dweller." In later episodes I might want to rotate the volunteering actress in as the Vault Dweller, but if that is the case then the personality traits will be totally different. Seven will unfortunatly die at the end of the Los Angeles Arc. The Dressler Twins: I require one voice actress to voice the Dressler Twins, Talon Company Wulf Pack Commandos. The twins will be reoccuring characters that will always appear in the series as Talon Company Boss Battles. Therefore, I only need to stockpile a select group of lines and reuse them when need be. Personality wise, the Dressler Twins are modeled after Kneesocks and Scanty. This means that they are sadistic yet humorous assassins.
  6. OK, I have a hard one. I posted this under Fallout 3 mod detectives as well, but everyone is having a hard time finding it. Where is the "Infinite Stratos/Killzone Jetpack" mod shown in this image: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/40305/? I have plans to use this as a base for a new jetpack mod and create some flying Enclave soldiers. But first... gotta find the mod and its author. I would ask the poster of this image, but he got himself banned so that's not an option. I also remember this mod being out for a while 4-6 months, since I was skimming through images when the first posts occurred.
  7. Yeah, I've been skimming through images and videos for that armor for a while now (3 days). I would ask pinbeo, who posted the image, but he's been banned. I know that its a mod because I actually remember checking out the original release roughly 4 months ago. Its strange, I can't find any actual evidence of the mod and all my searches reveal are annoying links to Killzone and Infinite Stratos Artwork rather than an actual file. Usually, you can backtrack... but this... well... there is a reason why I came here for help. I was thinking about using the mesh jetpack and overlaying this to create a "Hover" enemy "Enclave Blood Wasp" for my Machinima Project. You know, a jetpack Enclave badguy.
  8. OK, I have a hard one that I've been searching for. Where can I get the Infinite Stratos/Killzone Jetpack Armor shown in this image. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/Images/1127461-1356226221.jpg
  9. Found the problem. Two navmesh triangles were causing glitches. I ran thin area removal and optimization. Found the little bastards and its fixed now. Mod has since been released
  10. EWE!!!! I hadn't thought of that!!!! This will save me lots of time. Thanks for the heads up!!
  11. I renovated Rivet Cities Marketplace, but now am experiencing problems with the games NPCs not going to their new stalls. Can this be fixed? I ask because... this new design for the Market Place is REALLY cool!!!
  12. OK, I need advice on something that I am working on. I sort of did a work around in the GECK for getting boats and tanks to move in straight lines for filming in my machinima project by using the moving DLC Pitt Cauldron and attaching them to the model. But, they are still limited by the models bounding box, which is an interval of 20. In order to make REALLY good use of this for jet flyovers I need to expand the bounding box to like 200-500. Does anyone know how to do that. PS: I already figured out how to speep up the model animation, but not expand the bounding box animation. And yes, I've already tried adding to the start and ending times, -number for start and +number for end. It does add to the animation path, but that animation path is still limited by the bounding box which removes the object once it runs its course.
  13. Thanks for that... I wish that I didn't have to upgrade these scripts each and every single time that they release a new DLC. Its such a pain...
  14. Already posted the fix to this and nobody read it. (sigh) After much tinkering I finally found the solution to the annoying animation issues plaguing the Dragonborn DLC. Some of us, raises hand, have installed both the Unoffical Dragonborn Patch and the FNIS Patch, but are still having trouble. If you are experiencing ALL OF the following symptoms listed... then I have the solution to your problem. 1) Cannot mine ore in Solestein. As in... at all. 2) Miraak teleports below the arena after you defeat him, stays put, and you can never finish the fight because the animation for him to be impelled never activates. 3) The Skoal Shaman cannot read the black book since the animation never activates. 4) You cannot float up the Televani Tower. The solution to this mess is in the FNIS patch. Once you have the patch installed run "Update FNIS Behavior." Once you do this the program will compile a script of errors and anomalys. Normally, you can assume that the error is corrected, but it won't be because in that script "that you probably never read" you will be informed of several conflicted animations from mods that you will need to sort through. There will be 1-3 animation scripts which are preventing these animations from running. All you need to do is delete those scripts and the mods that they belong too and the rest will fix itself. In my case, and I am not ashamed to admit this, it was AP, and the files that I needed to uninstall were: AP, 1hm_behavior.hkx, 1hm_locomotion.hkx, and mt_behavior.hkx. However, this list might be different for you, you are simply going to have to read the entire thing and sort out which animations go to which animation altering mods... manually... as in, "the hard way." Then, delete those animations and mods in order to maintain stability or else you will crash on start-up. For those of you who have done stuff like this before... its a cakewalk. For others... it might take a few hours depending upon if you ever backup your RAR files and if not therefore have no way of knowing which files belong to which mods.
  15. I just posted the solution elsewhere... now I'm posting it here as well. I found the cure. After much tinkering I finally found the solution to the annoying animation issues plaguing the Dragonborn DLC. Some of us, raises hand, have installed both the Unoffical Dragonborn Patch and the FNIS Patch, but are still having trouble. If you are experiencing ALL OF the following symptoms listed... then I have the solution to your problem. 1) Cannot mine ore in Solestein. As in... at all. 2) Miraak teleports below the arena after you defeat him, stays put, and you can never finish the fight because the animation for him to be impelled never activates. 3) The Skoal Shaman cannot read the black book since the animation never activates. 4) You cannot float up the Televani Tower. The solution to this mess is in the FNIS patch. Once you have the patch installed run "Update FNIS Behavior." Once you do this the program will compile a script of errors and anomalys. Normally, you can assume that the error is corrected, but it won't be because in that script "that you probably never read" you will be informed of several conflicted animations from mods that you will need to sort through. There will be 1-3 animation scripts which are preventing these animations from running. All you need to do is delete those scripts and the mods that they belong too and the rest will fix itself. In my case, and I am not ashamed to admit this, it was AP, and the files that I needed to uninstall were: AP, 1hm_behavior.hkx, 1hm_locomotion.hkx, and mt_behavior.hkx. However, this list might be different for you, you are simply going to have to read the entire thing and sort out which animations go to which animation altering mods... manually... as in, "the hard way." Then, delete those animations and mods in order to maintain stability or else you will crash on start-up. For those of you who have done stuff like this before... its a cakewalk. For others... it might take a few hours depending upon if you ever backup your RAR files and if not therefore have no way of knowing which files belong to which mods.
  16. After much tinkering I finally found the solution to the annoying animation issues plaguing the Dragonborn DLC. Some of us, raises hand, have installed both the Unoffical Dragonborn Patch and the FNIS Patch, but are still having trouble. If you are experiencing ALL OF the following symptoms listed... then I have the solution to your problem. 1) Cannot mine ore in Solestein. As in... at all. 2) Miraak teleports below the arena after you defeat him, stays put, and you can never finish the fight because the animation for him to be impelled never activates. 3) The Skoal Shaman cannot read the black book since the animation never activates. 4) You cannot float up the Televani Tower. The solution to this mess is in the FNIS patch. Once you have the patch installed run "Update FNIS Behavior." Once you do this the program will compile a script of errors and anomalys. Normally, you can assume that the error is corrected, but it won't be because in that script "that you probably never read" you will be informed of several conflicted animations from mods that you will need to sort through. There will be 1-3 animation scripts which are preventing these animations from running. All you need to do is delete those scripts and the mods that they belong too and the rest will fix itself. In my case, and I am not ashamed to admit this, it was AP, and the files that I needed to uninstall were: AP, 1hm_behavior.hkx, 1hm_locomotion.hkx, and mt_behavior.hkx. However, this list might be different for you, you are simply going to have to read the entire thing and sort out which animations go to which animation altering mods... manually... as in, "the hard way." Then, delete those animations and mods in order to maintain stability or else you will crash on start-up. For those of you who have done stuff like this before... its a cakewalk. For others... it might take a few hours depending upon if you ever backup your RAR files and if not therefore have no way of knowing which files belong to which mods.
  17. I updated and the animation issues are still there. I even installed the Unoffical Dragonborn Patch, and deactivated all my pose mods.
  18. I am still having trouble with the Dragonborn Custom Animations and would like to have such issues resolved. This includes the following: 1) Mirrak being impelled and killed by Hermaeus Mora. Animation after defeating Mirrak does not trigger. He is teleported underneath the area and freezes in place waiting for the animation. The fight can then no longer be completed. 2) The new mining animations in the DLC will not activate. They also replace all mining animations thus preventing you from doing any mining in the game EVER. 3) Cannot Float. The screen goes to third person for 5 seconds and then back to first person. You cannot float. 4) Storn won't read the Black Book. He waits around for the animation to activate. I found a hotfix for this here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31113. I just had to list it to make sure all the problems were right here. I have installed both the Unoffical Dragonborn Patch, the latest Skyrim Patch, and the new FNIS patch. They are also in proper locations in the load order. Just to make sure, I also deactivated (not uninstalled) all of my pose mods and PC Exclusive Animation Path just to be safe. I am only running one animation mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29408. All of this having been said... any advice would be appreciated because... I've got nothing. I was very thorough.
  19. Someone managed to do this with Fallout 3, but I would also like it for Skyrim. In Fallout they created a Bat file where every time that your character killed something he/she would say a witty one liner. I would like someone to do something similar. Maybe every time that you chop off someones head your character would say: "Heads will Roll," or "Don't Loss Your Head." Depending upon the execution being used the character could say something totally different. :thumbsup:
  20. I just finished watching the entire anime of GANTZ and it gave me an idea for a Skyrim survival mod. Suppose the Dwemer didn't totally abandon this world and every once in a while on a whim one of them returns to mess with sycophants just like your character. One day when out doing something you suddenly die and you respawn in a room with a Dwemer Sphere by the name of GANTZ... then... for more details watch the series or read this wiki page: WIKIA PAGE
  21. All magical creatures explode when they die and not just Fire Attronachs.
  22. Oh!!! I would love to see this. When they try and hit me up for coins I'll have flashbacks to beating those pesky bandits to dead in Oblivion. "Stop!!! This is a hold up!!" Looks behind me to an Oblivion gate that I just closed with a bunch of dead Deadra outside, "Are you sure you wanna do this fella." :tongue:
  23. I would just like Gelebor, "The Last Snow Elf" from Dawnguard to be a potential follower.
  24. How about the ability to marry a Jarl and if that Jarl dies (you kill um) you then can become the new Jarl.
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