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Everything posted by jcdenton2012

  1. Sadly, my initial attempts to recruit a scripter have failed miserably... mainly because the final product for 3 of the cities isn't near completion. (PS: Its really close though). That having been said, my reveal will be... 'significant in size,' which is to say that the final product will most likely be used by many people seeking to make their own quest mods. I have; after all, built several major cities (Like 4, Lolz). When I do the reveal, I will be putting up the nearly finalized designs for San Francisco, Denver, and Manhattan... which together are the same size as The Pitt and Operation Anchorage combined. It should be two weeks from today (3-29-15).
  2. OK, I've finally settled on an official name for what I am building while its in development. I've decided to call it Project BFM, and if you've played Doom you can imagine what BFM stands for. The purpose of this notice in the forums is to state the mods design name... and to ask what you guys might want me to add. Today I polished off most of the navmeshing for San Francisco, making both San Francisco and Denver ready for Beta. Manhattan is also close to being done. Los and LA still have a lot of work left on them. As such, when I have Manhattan finished I will probably be posting the project on Nexus for viewing. My question is simple. Is there anything in particular you would like to see for San Francisco and Denver not already seen in images I have posted under my profile. Lately, I've considered adding the Bay Bridge for San Fran and the Broncos Stadium for Denver, but... it all really depends upon what you guys think because that's time... time that can easily be spent on Manhattan. If you guys would rather me just stop adding stuff and focus on getting Manhattan finished... I can then do a reveal in another 2 weeks... Your thoughts...
  3. Oh, updated youtube. Here's the new video for the curious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtDmkNVYWH8
  4. I require assistance flushing out the design for Manhattan. Luckily, this is the type of assistance that can be completed without the main esp so there is no need to send you the massive thing... unless you want to see it just to make sure that this request is legit and you aren't throwing your time away for no good reason. In which case, I am more than happy to set up an off site download for a personal viewing from those willing to render assistance. What I need are interiors. Lots of interiors. As in, as many as can be built, ranging from sewers to skyscrapers to podunk metal shacks. I have an entire city that needs flushing out so the more that can be made the better. Anybody interested?
  5. After a lot of effort I finally just said screw it and created a custom climate. It doesn't look quite like I wanted it too... but... overall I think that I will give it a pass. Mainly, I wanted that custom skydome for the space station parts... but... beggers can't be choosers. I'll make sure to drop in some links after about a week when the test building is finished. I think you'll like this...
  6. Oh, a walkthrough will do. Whenever I try and alter things the model doesn't appear to show the new texture. Thus the trouble on my end. I'm pretty sure that its some small stupid error that I am missing, not a pull the nif and custom alter it sort of ordeals.
  7. Hello, I sent word to some modders and am also posting this notice just in case. I need help altering a vanilla New Vegas Skydome so that it has this texture. I stopped modding briefly to play both Dragon Age Inquisition and Destiny, the later of which gave me a brilliant idea. Undoubtedly, if you see this texture you can put two and two together and figure out what I am building. And, just so you know... its going to look VERY realistic.
  8. I know that this topic has probably been discussed before, but I am curious. So, the elves made contact with humans and then they suddenly lost their immortality? In fact, this slightly continued even as they withdrew from human contact. Since the Dalish and City Elves live the same length lives despite Dalish attempted isolation from humans... then that means it must be some sort of disease. I postulate that humans unintentionally infected the elves with a virus that caused them to lose their immortality. If that is the case, then couldn't blood magic be used to alter an Elf in some way as to make then virally immune to the disease? Better yet... if this virus merely jumped species then isn't it possible for a human to alter himself to also obtain Elven immortality? Lastly, regarding the Darkspawn taint... so these human Majesters used mutagenic elven blood to open a portal into the Fade. Is it possible that the Darkspawn taint is some sort of mutation from the virus that infected all the elves and caused them to lose their immortality? Anyway, had to ask because its for a fanfic.
  9. I'm almost done with getting the two main buildings ready for London, but require some help with the new custom built models for Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Mainly, I want to know the best way to cut down on the size of the models poly counts. The meshes consume so much space that they are crashing the GECK every time that I try to add the final nifs so I need to cut them back by removing false sides and... actually... I have no idea what I am doing. Can someone help me with this? If you think that this is bogus then here are some images to what's been built so far... The space consumption on these things is TREMENDOUS due to all the details needed for the High Gothic architecture, and I need to cut the overall poly count down by at least half to make them work in the GECK. Thoughts, offers of help, prayers to Satan... I'll gladly accept any of those. http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/images/130/1275312-1413493208.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/130/1275312-1413953279.jpg
  10. Excellent. Message me with an email drop point in private since... Excellent!! Message me with an email drop point and I'll send over the esp so that you can view it since this is a little to public just to go around posting email addresses. You have free reign to do whatever you want to Manhattan and Denver since those areas are finished, and you can take as much time as you want since I still have a ton of stuff to keep me busy elsewhere on the project. I know you are about to start college so you won't be rushed. I will check in every few weeks 2-3 with a simple "still alive over there?" but it won't be hassling.
  11. I'm working on something special and require some assistance. I can't go into many details at the moment, but what I can say right now is that you will have free reign to design whatever you want for the project. You can create whatever quests you want and whatever interior cells you want for one of two cities that I have created: Denver and Manhattan. If your interests are at least peaked then I can send you the Design Esp so that you can view the state of the project. For cell designers all content must be in a separate esp so that I can merge the files. I don't expect to catch a scriptor with this message, but if I do then they will be working on the main design esp. If I end up with more than one scriptor then I will split the main esp and give one city to each scriptor. There are several esps for the total design across Denver, Manhattan, LA, Dallas, and San Francisco; but only Denver and Manhattan are finished and ready for usage. Thus, only they will be worked on by others while I finish the design work on Dallas. The basic premise is that you are a mercenary for hire and thus you do contracts for a living. However, you want to add stuff to that then by all means go for it!!
  12. There are one of two possible situations when directly copying a world cell that size. The first is that the GECK instantly crashes, or that it slows to a crawl due to all the assets that are being copied. Typically, you are screwed either way because normally the GECK will crash anyway during processing. Therefore, you are left with a not so difficult decision. If the world cell cannot be duplicated without it crashing, then you must manually port the design. This is where my dear old friend SCOLS comes in handy. What you want to do is study the word cell in question and divide it up into parts that can be easily selected, copied, and then pasted. Once you've figured out the best tactic, you manually highlight everything, hit control d, and then control g, name your SCOL, then delete it. Now move over into your newly created world cell and alter the terrain as best you can to appear similiar to your initial worldcell, drop in your scol and begin the slow and monotonous comparison process to get things looking as close to similar as you can. If you cannot duplicate the world cell this is pretty much the only way to get it to work, which sucks because you have to manually navmesh and generate an LOD since the bastard GECK won't have one for the port. Your looking at roughly 6 days of work for something like that, assuming you have the practice and experience with photo-realism design work in the GECK. Other than this method... Maybe you can open up the New Vegas ESM using FMM, and then manually copy the worldcell from its listing into another mod. That should work... in fact try that method first... probably less time consuming.
  13. So, I've built a giant player house, a spoof from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Laboratory of Dr. Weird. Now, all that I have left to do is a little navmeshing on some of the hidden rooms and attach the new music. The problem is that I can't find any trademark of the Dr. Weird Theme. Aqua Teen Hunger Force is Trademarked, but their appears to be no claim to the Dr. Weird Theme, and I know that the series music is trademarked separately from the actual show since the series was halted over a contract dispute from the music in Season 3's intro. Does anybody have any knowledge about this that might be helpful? If not, I'll probably have to roll with the mods release without the music even though it is SOOOOOOOO much better with the music included. Here is the music that I want to include for the house mod. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDUxc6MLXoM
  14. I would argue that there is a great deal of contradiction between the amassed evidence. It is stated that the city is not near the sea, but it is near a body of water, thus the docks that appear in the actual game. The conclusion to this is that they are either near a natural waterway like a river or stream, or near a man-made or natural lake. Los Ybanez has no bodies of water remotely near it unlike Dallas which is inland from the sea and surrounded by several natural lakes. As for the mountains, I've already explained this. If the natural lakes themselves dry out then the city appears to be sitting upon a plateau, and surrounded by mountains. If you were to match up the image of the skyline to the ending outro, the player would be standing at "Fish Trap Lake" (Dallas), specifically... on top of the ridge-line of the drainage aquaduct that leaves the city. If that aqueduct was empty and bone dry then you would see the creation of an optical illusion where it would look like the player was looking down upon the city from a mountain. Also, geographically both Dallas and Los Ybanez are North of Carbon. I would also argue that they use the words "Over the mountains" and not "through the mountains." If you were to have double mountains with both sides being the opposites of the dried out water drainage leaving Dallas, then those would be mountains that the player has to go "over" instead of "through" in order to reach the city. But, that's being a bit of a grammer nazi.
  15. Sure, it just eats up time. So, in the video you get to see how I took the skyline of "Los" shown in the Outro to Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel; and matched it up to the skyline of Dallas from one of its highway overpass bridges, where in Fallout:BoS the ghoul city was located. You can see how the skyline is a VERY close match. Later regarding the comparisons of the Outro "Los" skyline vs that of Dallas, this time from an 80 left rotation, I managed to once again match up the skyline to Denver, and to geographic land formations as shown in the Outro. These land formations are of a natural spillway, in the outro dried out leaving a sandy riverbed plus a hillside on both lower right hand corners of the images. The side images of both the "Los" skyline from the Outro and the real life "Denver" skyline were once again matches. I also debunked Los Ybanez as the possible city for "Los" due to its geographic location and nonexistant infrastructure as shown in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. In short, Los Ybanez has no water access, skyscrapers, rail access, etc. Unlike, Dallas, which actually has all of these things, a name which over time could have easily become "Los," (Dallas=Las=Los), and matches all current factual lore including being off the Texas Coastline, being surrounded by mountains (when the surrounding lakes dry out), and being within adequate distance of the Town of Carbon as to make it probable. I also explain how Dallas has its infrastructure placed side by side as to mirror the level design of Los in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
  16. Here is a link to my youtube post about the City of Los, and how its recorded lore is incorrect. In this video I explain how Los Ybanez TX is not the City of Los in Fallout lore, but rather than it is actually Dallas TX. I want more people to chime in on this because I'm thinking about making something of a more direct challenge to Fallout: Wikia regarding this huge chunk of content. Please tell me what you think because I actually have to build this city for New Vegas and this is kind of important. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djeJaRrxEGU
  17. I've actually had some success. I was able to take a MrGutsy nif with all of its animations and it's skeleton and scale it down. Then I built my custom creature around it. All I need to know now is how to increase its hover height. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/Images/78939/?
  18. I was wondering how one would go about creating a jetpack flying Enclave soldier. I can create the armor in a mashup, haha... actually I already have; but I do not know how to create the actual creature. I would assume that I need to strip something out of... maybe... a Cazador and apply it to a Biped, but the details of how to do that are a little bit beyond me.
  19. Fixed it. OK, quick rendition if you run into this problem. This is caused by "you not paying attention" LOL, sadly true. Anyway, this occurs when you add something in an empty "Children" slot higher than what should be its actual nif attachment. Like, if the part is 56 and you set it to load as 34, then its going to do stuff like this. So, just delete the part, add more empty slots, and readd the part so that its placed in a better location.
  20. Update, its not a xyz issue. It appears to be floating 3 feet above the shoulders regardless of the perimeters set.
  21. OK, I am adding some bits and pieces from the Remodeled Armor to the Black Rose armor. I have success in getting the pieces to appear by altering the Partitions: Partitions: to SPB_32_Body, but the nif looks different in the game from in Nifskope. In this case, its some ebony pauldrons. In Nifskope the pauldrons are on the shoulders, but in the game they are roughly 3 feet about the shoulders. I already compared the skeleton root and I know that isn't the problem. Any thoughts? I could always set everything to 3 feet below the nif model in Nifskope, but I'm looking for a slightly less time consuming way of solving the problem
  22. So, the mod that I am building with New York City. It opens in a unique way. I need some people to do an mp3 recording of themselves yelling "Attica, Attica, Attica," so that I can stack the voices in Diamond Plus to create a mob of voices yelling "Attica Attica Attica!!" If you are interested just send your mp3 to my gmail account; [email protected]. Any help would be greatly appreciated for the mods first quest.
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