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Status Updates posted by eXoduis

  1. very spicy profile, love it!
  2. btw killer beard! XD (i think i already told you that before!)
  3. buddah my buddy strikes again! woop!
  4. thanks! kudos to you..
  5. Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


    sick quote

  6. ok, is it possible that you pm me when your mod is ready?
  7. thats twice you helped me now...
  8. your sig is absolutly fantastic!
  9. just something that i guess shouyld help in your quest for making your wolf race feet works...

    look this up

    jdayT's Argonian Feet

    he uses a script or something.. very nice

  10. your churai race is probably my favourite race ever yet..
  11. btw.. no problem posting on my wall.. and i will upload a load order via wryebash like you showed me...
  12. well... your site helped alot for FCOM installation... trully.
  13. think that some people here on the Nexus should take a dagger and kill themselves...
    1. eXoduis


      whereas some people here are a great benefit for the Nexus!
    2. MonsterHunterMaster
    3. naomis8329


      Would be rather messy tho don't you think. Electrocution would be simpler.
  14. do you run POSitive?
  15. assassins creed got a very slick story line...
  16. still feeling like a doomsayer :D ?
  17. yeah oblvion mods takes hell lot of space ... my last install was over, uhh 40gb? with 60gb of non installed mods too :D, having one and a half terabyte hard drive helps alot
  18. yeah... his a legend, old jack!
  19. whats a PP? sorry not veyr familiar with this term :D
  20. first upload on TNexus ever! :D
    1. eXoduis


      thanks to the random 299 people who viewd it and to the 6 people who dled it!
    2. naomis8329


      Ok. What was the mod? Haven't looked at Oblivion for ages... Miss it like crazy especially Stoker Wolff, he was one cool dude.
  21. hey old bud, you should stop drinking bad for your virtual health you know!
  22. cheers for the help, ill try that asap :°
  23. uh, ahhh, what was it? whatever i forgot -.-
  24. is that murthag? -.-
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