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Status Updates posted by eXoduis

  1. i get it ^^ not at all... i dont mind doing sigs!
  2. what are you talking about? sorry...
  3. dont apologize!!! ^^ there is no need! thank you i am fine, i am going college so see ya!
  4. i dont know how to quote either :) it was by luck i quoted AS
  5. i pity you ;) you seem to run in loads of trouble :D
  6. Will post a picture of Azenith soon
  7. finsihed the sig will upload asap
  8. haha no problem ^^
  9. Your English doesn't have anything to do it :D

    Welcome to Nexus :)

  10. Id thought you would have more Friends then this -.-
  11. your signature is dead
  12. that sucks what happened
  13. sorry guys... i am mega busy lately
  14. seemed you had a full life! :)
  15. is it me or you have made "Bbens tutorial" about everything??
  16. haha cheers dude ^^ you too
  17. another flaming rose brother?!
  18. uhmm... you can change titles? i didnt know
  19. your rock!! :3!!
  20. was kinda beezy.. will check it out
  21. rated it too.. i wonder what kinda idiot rated it to 1 star!
  22. uber taco is like ghetto speach dude! anyway.. great profile :] kudos!
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