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Everything posted by Hangadog5

  1. Banning Gormonk For Peeing his pants ...... Annnnd because ummmmmm *Shrugs* couldnt tell you another reson even if i tryed
  2. Granted they are all stail and no good I wish i could get suspended ( im trying to get suspended and it isnt working -_-)
  3. Banning Aeon for the weirdish pic
  4. Im lisning to Randome music and my teacher yell at me XD i would give a link but im at school soo all are filterd.....But i might be able to name some Just lose it Counting bodies like sheep Mother Lover Play that Funky Music White Boy Rock of Ages Hells bells Highway to Hell Well thats all i can name off the top of my head =D
  5. I am the tallest 7th grader in mt school by about 5 inches (i am not tall they are just short XD)
  6. Im Reading the Percy Jackson Series Im on the 4th book outa 5 and its pretty good... not the best book ive ever red that would be Sea Of Trolls
  7. i might get a warning on this i dunno but i Bann Mono For not seeing this vid if you did im sorry.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKP7RA-yPc4
  8. Banning MHM for replying in the last 5 mins
  9. Banning MHM because i dont know if we can put vids on this site with Inaprpit language Edit:Whats a Enthusiast? Another Edit: i didnt spell inapropit right
  10. Banning Ancient Aeon for confuceing me
  11. Ok lets try it http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Disgusting/fart-in-bed.gif Yay thx u
  12. HAPPY NOODLE BOY http://lh4.ggpht.com/_w3zkTUaf17I/SFbO7G4B...Q4L_C6k/moo.bmp
  13. I Win cause im Lisning to "White and Nerdy" ^^ Like me
  14. Banning Ome for Being stupid ( Sorry I had too)
  15. And they dont go off and just knock me out for hours
  16. Hangadog5


    lol never had a Kebab
  17. Banning Unavi because that has been done befor sorry ^^
  18. Hangadog5


    Wow didnt think this would get this many posts
  19. The Pic wont come up =( This is an eddit
  20. Banning Commander For Not Haveing CC chips in ages
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