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Everything posted by njemopogi

  1. What the hell? We're supposed to wait that long? I even suffered the 1st week of not playing skyrim, oh well, I could just put the graphics on low to play it, looks ugly though.
  2. I tried the 70% processor and it worked for me.
  3. Same here, after some time the monitor would be "no signal" then I have to restart my pc to make it back to normal, apparently updating my driver to 11.11 only made it worse, with only 10 seconds of playing into the game then *poof*, its no signal for me again. My specs are ati 4650 and Win 7 64 bit, seems like this only happens to 64 bit players, I hope that Bethesda or AMD will provide a fix for us gamers soon, we've been waiting a lot of time and saving a lot of money for this game only to have something like this affect our gaming experience.
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