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Everything posted by Aonghus

  1. First off, the query "getplayerteammate requires a reference, so unless I'm totally misremembering, So: scn FollowersDrawWeaponsQ ref Me ;Holder for companion identity BEGIN GameModeSet Me to GetSelf ;Assign Me to current Actor; Draw weapon when player has weapon out.if ( Me.GetPlayerTeammate == 1 ) && ( player.IsWeaponOut == 1 )SetAlert 1elseSetAlert 0endifend (Note, I haven't worked with the SetAlert Command, so it's possible it may require "Me.SetAlert" but I'm too lazy to open up the GECK right now to check.) Secondly, you might want to take a look at this: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/17404/?. This is the script editor I use, and it allows me to work out a script outside of the GECK, and fix syntax errors before they occur, instead of having to retype a script every time if GECK yacks up a hairball over it.
  2. I don't recognize about half of your mods, but I don't see any obvious problem children in the ones I do recognize. Some tools that may help you in your search: BOSS http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35999/?. (Pay particular attention to the report page generated after BOSS runs. It will point out some common incompatibilities.) FNVEdit http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34703/?. (Just don't use the master update feature. I breaks scripts in New Vegas and will cause, for instance, New Vegas Bounties to stop working. Either FOMM http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/36901/? or NMM (Available through the link at the top of the Nexus page.) Good luck!
  3. You really should get FOMM or NMM. Even if you don't use them to install mods, both have a number of handy secondary features built in.
  4. That'll do it. Here's the bad news. You're going to have to reinstall fresh copies of all the mods, and DLCs. (Although Steam's "Verify Local Files" may work to restore the DLCs This is why Elminster goes on (at length) about not cleaning mods you didn't create. I learned through experience not to do this when I had issues after trying it. And as I final note, no matter what you see in FNVEdit Don't Touch the DLCs! In Fallout 3, the first DLC shows so many errors that it shouldn't run at all, but is perfectly fine, provided none of the records in the mod are modified.
  5. This can help point you in the right direction: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8629/?. What the Master Update does is convert all mod files in your game from .esp (mod) files to .esm (master) files. There is indeed a problem with the Master Update function in New Vegas, (It does wonky things to some scripts.) but it is harmless and in fact very beneficial in FO3.
  6. You got me curious, so I fired up the geck and took a look. It turns out, there is indeed a scripted trigger to turn on encounters in the MT. Basically what is happening is there is a quest (NVDLC03Enc) that controls encounters in the MT. This quest is triggered by the script attached to the Main Quest (NVDLC03MQ01, "Welcome to the Big Empty") It sounds like your premature entry into the Sink is causing the quests not to fire correctly. It might be possible to reactivate them using the "setstage" console command, but the simpler solution would be not to enter the MT except through the standard method.
  7. There seems to be a conflict here, it's all a matter of tracking it down. Performance mods would probably be a good place to start.
  8. This looks like a Navmesh issue. Have you made modifications to this cell, or are you running any mods that do?
  9. I've also seen something similar when a Navmesh is edited in NVEdit. Is it possible that something you've done has hit the Navmesh? Other behavior I've observed is that once you tcl your way out of the mess, none of the other actors will exit the pile.
  10. Other than a mod conflict, I've only heard of three things that cause this behavior (No crash in interiors, but crash on entering outdoor areas/fast travel.) The first is the mod "Purge Cell Buffers" It works very well, but can cause problems when transitioning to outdoor areas. The second happens when you delete a mod that had already been running, particularly when you end up entering a cell that had already been loaded. Finally, there's a major issue with mods that delete, rather than disable, references from other mods.
  11. One of the mods may contradict me on this, but here's my take on the issue: Yes Necro posting is indeed frowned upon, but take a moment to look at the Technical support sections of the forum. Many of the requests for help are identical (or have only slight variations) of questions that have been asked before. Those of us who have been around awhile are happy to help with fixes we have found, but it gets a little discouraging to end up typing exactly the same thing day after day. Heck, I've got text files stored on my machine that I copy and paste to deal with some of the more common repetitive questions. On the other hand, even though many questions have been answered before, it can sometimes be difficult to find the unique problems in the large mass of repetitive questions. I, for one, applaud WoodenDoom for finding an unanswered thread with his problem rather than creating, yet another, duplicate request for help. That's just my 2 cents, that and $1 will get you a cup of coffee.
  12. Wooden, two questions, Are your sound drivers up-to-date? And Are you using the K-Lite Codex pack on your machine?
  13. Sounds like a Navmesh glitch. Do any of the mods you're running modify the Navmesh in that area?
  14. Unlike FO3, New Vegas has issues with Merged Patches and the entire Master Update/Restore process. Have you tried running the game without the merged patch?
  15. If you're looking at your mods in FOMM, the Mod Index column contains your load order number. In NVEdit, it's the two numbers in brackets in the FormID column. I'm sure the NMM and Bash programs have similar information, but as I don't use either of those programs, I can't tell you exactly where to look. Just one final thought, make sure there is one, and only one, space between each of the three elements of the command. If I were to use the same command in my game (Where Dead Money is the Second file to load, giving it a load order number of "02") I would type, "setstage[space]02013a40[space]100"
  16. Sounds like one of your mods is messing with the leveled lists in the MT. (Basically anything that begins "NVDLC03" in the leveled creatures lists.) You might want to pop open FNVEdit and take a look at where the conflict is happening.
  17. The exact syntax should be (Don't include the quotes:) "setstage xx013a40 100" where xx is the load order number for Dead Money. (Which was 04 in your last post, and should still be unless you've changed your load order.)
  18. Are you talking about the initial load when you start the game or the in-game load when you're transitioning between cells? If you're speaking of the initial load, that's normal behavior. (You're running a very heavily modded game, and the engine is struggling to keep up. If you're talking about load between cells, did you follow step 4 in the list I gave you? Out-of-order masters, IME, lead to slow transition and container opening times.
  19. The point of responding is not necessarily to help the initial poster, but to help the follow-up poster, AND THOSE THAT COME AFTER WITH THIS PROBLEM. Nihil sub sole novum. A large percentage of the help requests on these forums have been addressed before,
  20. You've dropped a "0" from the console command, the correct id should be "04013a40" not "0413a40" You can drop the initial "0" from the mod ID, but not from the quest ID.
  21. Conflicts are not, in and of themselves, inherently bad. As an example, I run "Lings Pretty Things" (Which modifies pretty much every female actor in the game,) and my own mod I call "Girls of the Wasteland" (Which remakes certain NPCs to suit my own biases.) Both of these mods modify the actor Moira Brown. FO3 edit shows a conflict, because LPT modifies Brown in one way and GotW modifies her in another. This is a benign conflict, GotW conflicts with LPT, but it is a conflict I engineered. Don't be afraid to modify things in your merged patch to suit your tastes, just be aware that modifying Navmesh data causes problems, and you should never change the data in Fallout3.esm or any of the DLCs.
  22. Aonghus


    "And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in various places. "
  23. Aonghus


    The only problem with that theory, Vindekarr is that chemical weapons are insanely easy to make. (There's a reason they're sometimes called "poor man's nukes.") Heck, the weapon in question, sarin, is the primary ingredient in many commercial insecticides. Any country that has an agricultural base already has access to nerve gas. Mustard gas has precursor chemicals that are used for dying cloth. A small change is procedure to the dye that is used to make your blue jeans blue produces mustard gas. Chlorine kinda speaks for itself. Blood and choking agents are a little more esoteric, but there precursors are still commonly available chemicals. Some of the new stuff the Soviets deployed in their invasion of Afghanistan we still hadn't figured out while I was in, but they were probably just as easy to make with just as commonly available chemicals. The only thing I can think of that the Russians might want to hide would be a Syrian nuclear program that the Russians were backing, but the Israeli airstrike a couple of years ago pretty much put the kabash on Assad's last attempt, and the Israelis have shown remarkably little tolerance for their Arab neighbors attempts in that direction.
  24. BOSS http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35999/?. is your friend.
  25. Aonghus


    Be interesting to see what PresBO has to say tonight. (He's due to address the nation, assuming it hasn't been canceled.) Reuters is reporting that after spending Yesterday first denying that Kerry said what he said, then denying that Kerry's statement was administration policy, Reuters today is reporting that Obama called Russia's offer "a potential breakthrough."
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