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Everything posted by Aonghus

  1. Have you activated Archive Invalidation? If you have it installed, have you toggled it off and then back on after installing the mod?
  2. FOMM (and I believe the NMM as well) have an Archive invalidation toggle built in. If you are not using either of these wonderful programs, you need to grab one ASAP.
  3. The simple answer is to re-install those mods, run Master Restore, and then delete the mods again. Depending on which version of FO3Edit, you can find backup copies in your Fallout 3 Data folder in a subfolder named "FO3Edit Backups." Simply remove the date/time marker and the word "Backup" from the file name and you will have a version of the mod file that can be restored to the main data directory. If for some reason this is impractical, other thoughts off the top of my head: Edit the plugins.txt file to remove mention of the now deleted mod, or try inserting another esp file, renamed to match the missing mod file. Not entirely sure if either of these would work, but given my understanding of how FO3Edit functions, both seem to be valid things to try. If all else fails, delete and re-install FO3Edit.
  4. Arthur C. Clarke, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
  5. Let me back up and run this again from the beginning, Here's how I handle this: Install all the mods I want to run for the game, making sure that I have the most up-to-date version of the mod and patches. Run BOSS http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/10193/?. Run FO3Edit http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/637/?. Go through the mods in FO3Edit one by one and make sure the masters are sorted. Create a merged patch with FO3Edit, and manually resolve conflicts that the automatic process missed. Run a Master update with FO3Edit (See: the FO3 Edit manual: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8629/?.) Play game.
  6. A suggestion for a place to start looking. This sounds a heck of a lot like the custom race bug with Broken Steel. Have you tried looking at the scripts in your Frankenstein mod to see if the problem might be there? I had a similar experience with my (heavily modifies) version of Lings Finer things, (mine was in the opening sequence for the game though.) I finally tracked it down to a new master file that my (now) out of date esp was trying to modify.
  7. I'm sorry, but I really have no idea what you're trying to ask. If you're asking if you need to use compatability patches in addition to a FO3 merged patch, the answer is yes. If your asking if you need to run both FO3 Edit and Wrye Bash, the answer is a resounding NO!
  8. To quote New Vegas, "Nihil sub sole novum." A quick search of the Nexus would have lead you to a discussion of this problem that happened not six months ago, and after that, this patch: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18751/?.
  9. The only one of the additional plug-ins that came with MMM you need is "Master Menu Module", "Tougher Traders, Zones Respawn and Natural Selection" are all redundant. Check out this page for the most up to date compatiability patches: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/4968/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D4968&pUp=1. As for the Bash tags, they are used by program called Wrye Bash. It does basically the same thing as FO3 Edit, so I don't use it.
  10. Get and run BOSS. Just in a quick glance at your load order, there are MMM configuration mods that no longer need to be there, and the patches for MMM-FWE should only have one, not all three, Read the BOSS report and it will provide these notes for known mods. Secondly, FO3Edit and a merged patch are your friends, use them.
  11. This means that the mod was set up to be installed manually. (It predates FOMM, or the mod author did not want to take the time to write an FOMM script.) These mods need to be extracted to a temporary directory, and the contents copied and pasted into the data directory. It can mean anything from a non-standard file structure to the need to choose one of several possible esps. If this is not done, the mod will at best not work and at worst crash your game.
  12. I remember reading about problems with nVidia cards, but I thought they were a thing of the past. A good place to start might be this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/93283-for-those-with-nvidia-cards/?hl=%2Bnvidia. As far as the crashes go, I'm still fairly certain that what you're describing is nothing more than basic FO3 behavior. Random crashes, the occasional endless load, and corrupted save all occur with shocking regularity in an unmodified game. One thing I have noticed that seems to help is opening all active mods in FO3Edit, start at the bottom and work your way up selecting the "Sort Masters" option for each mod.
  13. Aonghus


    That is not entirely accurate. When I was in the Marines, my MOS was "NBC Defense NCO.” (Somewhere along the line, the acronym morphed to WMD, but I was already out by the time that happened.) Which mostly meant I was the most hated man in my unit twice a year when I ran everybody through what was officially called a “chemical weapons environment exposure exercise,” and was unofficially called names that will at least earn me a formal warning from the Nexus for swearing. We were, however, trained in all aspects of defending (as much as a defense was possible,) against these sorts of weapons. This included training in how to destroy stockpiles of these things. The key is fire or extreme heat. Breathing the smoke from burning chemical weapons will probably make you sick, (in the “I think I just threw up my toenails,” type of way,) but it is unlikely to give you what we referred to as “the VX shakes.”
  14. And we come back to my original question. Is the problem intermittent? If not how often are you experiencing this crash, is it on every exterior exit/fast travel, or only occasionally.
  15. Your problem appears to be trying to load FOOK and FWE in the same game. They do not play well together.
  16. Try This: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35999/? BOSS will put many of your mods in proper order, and also has a basic conflict detection. Make sure you read the report it generates thoroughly.
  17. Are you by any chance running Marts Mutant Mod? If so, is the behavior you're describing happening only on raiders? MMM adds three new raider "races" to give them a variety of tatoos. The standard T3 body does not adjust these races. A quick search on the Nexus for T3 Raiders will point you where you need to go.
  18. Your best bet is to take the entire contents of the "Data" folder in your game directory, and back it up somewhere else. After you install the DLCs copy this data back over and make sure to toggle Archive Invalidation before you play. It's been quite a while, but IIRC, adding the DLCs will not break mods (barring a conflict,) or save games.
  19. If what you are describing is only an intermittent problem, that's just the nature of the beast. FO3 will do that with an unmodded game. One thing you didn't mention in your description was turning off the in-game auto saves and using a save manager like CASM. The Gamebro engine is buggy as heck.
  20. You'll need to create a compression archive. Popular formats are Zip and RAR.
  21. Sounds like an odd question, but have you added your newly created faction as it's own ally? Take a look at the factions from the vanilla game and you'll see what I mean.
  22. A couple of random thoughts. All Murder is Homicide, but not all Homicide is Murder. Generally, when acting in self-defense, or under the lawful direction of the State, one may kill without being guilty of the crime of Murder. (I’m speaking from an American perspective here; I understand laws differ around the world.) Furthermore, as was pointed out previously, the state of mind of the killer goes to the type of Murder committed. Plan to kill your ex-wife and then run over her with your car? You’ve committed Murder 1. Have your brakes fail and hit her? At best, you’re guilty of negligent homicide, depending on how well you cared for the vehicle. Too often, Hate Crimes are simply a way for prosecutors to take another (illegal) bite at the apple. Take the recent Zimmerman/Martin case. Listen to the testimony from the trial, and it’s hard to come to any other conclusion than the jury did: this was self-defense. Yet, despite an exhaustive investigation by the FBI prior to the trial that found no evidence of racial animus; the Justice Department wants to try him for a hate crime. They didn’t get the result they wanted, so they’re going to find a way to get him, no matter what it takes. Too much of the discussion about hate crimes centers on demonizing political opponents. I offer as example to 2000 Presidential Campaign, when Gore ran an ad criticizing Bush for not supporting Hate Crimes legislation in Texas, despite the fact that he had signed the death warrant for the case Gore was screaming about. (What more did they want? Don’t just kill the murderer; mount his head on a pike in front of the state capital?)The problem with painting your political opponent as evil is that it removes all possibility of compromise. If your opponent simply of a differing opinion or is simply mistaken, then there is room for compromise. If your opponent is an evil, racist, bigot, then no compromise is morally possible. The caricature may be great for rallying the political base, but it is counterproductive for actually trying to work together to run the country.
  23. If you haven't run through the entire GECK tutorial, it's probably a good idea to do so, even if you never intend to do anything with the finished product. A lot of the GECK seems non-intuitive to me, and some of the controls are downright self-contradictory.
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