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Everything posted by pkleiss

  1. Hey Avenger20... I just installed the steam version of Skyrim, so i see what you mean about the icon pointing to a URL. But still, as M48AS stated, you should have a Steam folder somewhere on your PC. If you can't find Fallout3.exe, try searching for the folder SteamApps. Under that folder you should have a Common folder, and under that you should have a Fallout3 (or Fallout3 Goty) folder. Inside that folder is where you need to install FOSE. I would be very interested to know the contents of that Fallout 3 sub-folder as that is where your fallout3.exe MUST be in order for you to be able to launch the game.
  2. If you would like to take it a step further, I have a script for an auto door. This will automatically close and lock a door a set time after the player opens it. No need to close the door... ScriptName DoorScript Float Timer Begin OnLoad ; if the player left the door open the last time he was in here, close it. If GetOpenState == 1 SetOpenState 0 If GetLockLevel > 0 Lock EndIf EndIf End Begin OnActivate Set Timer to 10 ; The door will close and lock itself in 10 seconds. Activate End Begin GameMode If Timer > 0 Set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed ElseIf GetOpenState == 1 SetOpenState 0 Set Timer to 0 If GetLockLevel > 0 Lock EndIf EndIf If GetOpenState == 3 Set Timer to 0 EndIf End
  3. luthienanarion: Strangest? Really? I don't believe I can have any misconceptions regarding steam, becasue i have no concept of how steam works. That is why I was asking. Did you note the question mark punctuation? I do, however, know how FOSE works. If what you say is true, then the folder you indicated, or one similar, would be the perfect location in which to install FOSE. After all, this thread is about getting FOSE to work for a person who has the steam version of Fallout 3 and not about making remarks about the so-called misconceptions regarding the use of steam by the only person who has offered any help so far. Avenger20: If you are not sure where your Fallout3.exe is located, You should do a search for it. Locate that folder and then install FOSE to that folder. If you are running anything newer than Windows XP, you should do this as Administrator so the FOSE Launcher has authority to your fallout 3 folder. I hope this helps. EDIT: I see that you searched for fallout.exe. Did you search for fallout3.exe? Also, what are the properties of the original fallout3 icon on your desktop you used to start the game? It should point to where the executable is.
  4. AFAIK only reference objects can be moved, so that pretty much eliminates most static objects as they have no reference ID. You can disable them though. What are you trying to accomplish, maybe there is another way?
  5. So, if you run the steam version, there is no local executable - at least no local fallout3 executable? You have to load the game from the web each time, is that correct? If you don't have a fallout3.exe anywhere on your PC, I don't see how you can use FOSE. Is it possible that your fallout3.exe is somewhere else? If so, have you tried installing FOSE to that folder?
  6. I am not familiar with running FOSE with the steam version, though I found this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOLi7Mk53D8 Maybe that will help you.
  7. Try removing these (especially the second one) and see what happens: F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp F3ProjectReality Interior Lighting Fix.esp
  8. I know a few people were working on this very idea many years ago. But as far as I know, nothing ever came of it. There was a youtube video where one fellow got two players over the internet on his custom made Fallout3 barren land. Again, I never saw anything that was remotely good enough to call multi-player. That said, if I am to understand Bethesda, the next version of Fallout will be multi-player. Then there is this: I don't know if its legit, but you can try it out. There is a link to the mod on the youtube page.
  9. How is your endurance being dropped? Is it by script or spell effect or what? It looks to me like whatever is dropping your endurance isn't modifying your HP properly, which can be done via script. I need to know more about what is going on to assist further...
  10. FOSE must be installed to the same folder as the fallout3.exe This usually means something like: C:\Program Files\Fallout3 Though you can specify any folder when installing. It looks like to me that you installed FOSE onto your desktop and I highly doubt that is where you installed Fallout3. If you did, uninstall Fallout 3 and reinstall it to a game folder - I use C:\Games\Fallout3. Then just install FOSE to that same folder.
  11. Give the two NPCs unique Ref IDs then use this: NPCRef2.moveto NPCRef1 NPCRef1.disable MPCRef2.enable All this requires is that your second NPC is somewhere in the world and set to be initially disabled.
  12. Oh yeah. That's the second time (in two weeks) I used faction names when the command requires faction IDs. Sorry about that. I haven't ever used SACC, so I can't help you there. Maybe someone else...
  13. That ought to do it. But be warned, it will make ALL raiders friendly.
  14. If you have the geck, it's actually really easy. It's 5 things: 2 objects, 2 (tiny) scripts and one message. 1) Make a copy of some glasses, add a short script to it. 2) Make a copy of a crate, add an even shorter script to it. 3) Make a message that describes its use. 4) add the crate and glasses to the game. If you don't have the Geck, well then I guess Farming Simulator 2013 isn't a Bethersda game.
  15. To complicate matters worse, you may need some overriding script, such as a quest script that controls when the theme item is added to Moira's (or any vendors) inventory. I guess you wouldn't want it to show up after it's been bought, but then show up again if the player buys a different theme. That can be handled by checking if your XMarker is enabled or not. If it's not enabled, the item is added to the shop inventory, if the Xmarker is enabled, it is removed or not added.
  16. Ultimately, you are going to have to write a script that enables your Xmarker. I assume that your Xmarker is set to be initially disabled AND it is the enable parent of all your theme items. Then it's just a matter of enabling the xmarker via some script somewhere. That script can be a results script of a dialogue option or it can be attached to an item using an OnAdd Player code block. If it is attached to an item that the player buys, the scipt on that item would look something like this: SCN MyThemeStartScript Short Okay Begin OnAdd player If Okay == 0 MyXMarkerRef.enable Set Okay to 1 Endif EndThis script will only run once, when the player first buys (or otherwise adds the item to his inventory). The caveat being that MyXMarkerRef is replaced with the Ref ID you gave your XMarker.
  17. You need some block to start your timer. In my example, I am using an OnLoad block which runs as soon as the object the script is on loads in the cell the first time. You can use other initializing blocks like OnActivate for containers, or even a script variable. SCN MyTimer Float Timer Short Retry Begin OnLoad Set Timer to 1 Set Retry to 90 End Begin GameMode If Retry If (Timer<=0) ;Do Something Set Timer to 1 Set Retry to Retry - 1 Else Set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed Endif Endif EndThis example will Do Something once a second until the number of Retry reaches zero, or 90 times. The game Mode block won't run until Retry is positive and will stop when it's 0. Also, in this case, a full second will elapse before the first time Something is done. If you want the Something to occur right away, just remove the Set Timer to 1 command in the OnLoad block. EDIT: I see I was Guzumped by luth while I was writing this post...)
  18. If you haven't, try using BOSS. It's a load order sorter. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/10193/?
  19. If your interested, I'll post my scripts...
  20. I've made a Hyper Box for my own personal use. When you equip a pair of special glasses, you are able to see and use the Box - which exists partially in hyper-space. When you remove the glasses, the crate vanishes. You can store lots of loot in the crate and remain free from encumbrance. It is especially useful for those who prefer to adventure alone but still want to keep lots of stuff and have the ability to run. Does that sound like something you'd want?
  21. In addition... 1) When creating a quest script, one must select the "Quest" type from the script drop down box in the upper right of the scripting window. 2) Quest scripts don't run until the quest is started. Therefore, if you want your quest variable available in other scripts right away, make sure you check the "Start Game Enabled" box on the Quest data page. If your quests starts later in the game, just remember that any quest script and quest variables won't exist, and can't be used, until then.
  22. Did I miss something? I don't see where you mentioned exactly what your problem is...
  23. I don't know if this is any help, as I'm sure you've done this already, but FOSE MUST be installed in your default Fallout 3 folder (where the Fallout3.exe is located) and not the \Data subfolder. When it comes to MS OS newer than XP, I have heard that using the default C:\Windows\Program Files\ folder to install Fallout can cause issues with file security. It has been said not to install Fallout into the default folder. Mayhap that is your issue? If you can, try running the game as administrator.
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