Have put in italics anything you might not accept so it will be easy for you to separate them and say 'no'. This is my first rpg on forum so I could easily make mistakes though I will try hard not to do so. Name Jack Manning Gender Male Age 25 Appearance Ruggedly handsome but scarred on right cheek though scar is somewhat faded. Eyes different colours being left green and right brown. Skin colour is lightly dusky white. Hair colour is dirty blonde, almost brown. Fairly tall, quite broad, slimly muscular but moves rather smooth and cat like, light on feet, especially for size. Job Guard. On probation for questioning orders from Overseer but so skilled that he is needed on duty anyway. Weapons 10mm pistol, police baton, body (his mother secretly trained him in Karate as her father had trained her). Also home made submachinegun firing 10mm inherited from grandfather (yes it can be done, surprisingly was on our world in various times for basic SMGs can be made from a wide range of materials and grandfather had access to maintainance facilities) but hero normally can not use it as it must remain hidden. Uses same mags as pistols but fires automatic. Background Ancestors came into vault because others who were meant to do so died in a car accident. Were not VaultTec's preferred choice. Family is on fringe of community because they never totally believed in what was happing in an official fashion or in the Overseer. He is very tough not only because of guard training but because of being secretly trained in martial arts and some survival arts by his mother and grandfather until he died under questionable circumstances. Mother and four other adults known to hero vanished when he was in late teens. Hero wants to know what is really going on in vault, knows generally about grandfather's suspicions and has some engineering technical learning as his mother did. Hero also wants to know what truly happened to his grandfather, mother and the four others. Grandfather was an engineer and technician, who had friends in VaultTec, realised early on something was at odds with the design of the vault and with the main power supply but knew not to speak out loud or to the wrong people. Instead he wrote information down in a hidden point out the vault where normally only maintanance people went. In it was the information in booklet form, a home made single shot 10mm pistol (zipgun), a knife, 4 foodbars , 2 bottles of purified water. 2 stimpacks, 2 radaways and a steel reinforced baseball bat. Personality A little aloof, fairly slow to trust people and make friends but quick to go and assist even strangers in trouble (though he does not rush in blindly) and very loyal to friends but expects loyalty in return and can find forgiving hard to do. I hope you find this exceptable. If not I can quickly alter it. Remember I am a newbi at this though I have done similar things outside of forum and internet.