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Everything posted by triveck

  1. yeah ive seen it^^ the male version still shows his man boobs and i dont like it..to bad it wasnt made for male to.thx though i "think" someone is working on this mod...not sure though
  2. Ok, so here goes, I retex alot of things for my character..one of my favorite colors is silver....but i CANNOT figure out how to make it in GIMP, it is the hardest color to make can anyone help me make it or maybe find me a tutorial that will help me? Thanks -Triveck
  3. hahahaha!!!!! nice chaospearl!!! And once again i really appreciate everyone's helpfull answers and for not flaming and trolling! PROOF THAT WE CAN BE CIVILIZED!!! :thumbsup:
  4. I understand your point but i understand the others point's more....i agreed with your opinion when i first posted..but after reading what everyone else has said i now see why and it doesnt bother me anymore..now if i see a cool outfit for a female and i want male i will ask alienslof or someone else...and i dont think you'll get flamed or trolled for posting that it is YOUR OPINION...i would really appreciate it if there werent any trolling or fllaming in the post i started...after all it is and Explanation/opinion post^^ :thumbsup:
  5. I would have them but i do not have the money for the orerry..i have KNights though? and may i ask what your mod is?
  6. My most hated character: the arena mother (cant remember her name) she is a total beatch to you!! i wanna kill her so bad!
  7. wow Buddha you work fast!!! very nice job!!! i always thought that Blue and silver went very good together!!!
  8. Very nice Buddha! and very nice request keiran!!! cant wait for it to be done!!!!
  9. LINKY TO VILJA!!!!> http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28977 LINKY TO RED SONIA!!!!> http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13017 hope that helps :thumbsup: -Triveck
  10. that will also happen with the skulls that hang from the wall^^
  11. Vilja...download the custom viljas...just pick one you like and follow the instructions^^ :thumbsup: if i find more ill post again^^...Red Sonia BTW is pretty cool
  12. It is already public and i desire^^ hehe GRUMMITE PWNAGE lol grummite taking quests from sheo! LOL!!!!!!!! hehe thanks AlienSlof! :thumbsup:
  13. Truth be told AlienSlof is very unpredictable^^ maybe you should PM her and ask her very nicely..she is a stickler for respect^^ just ask nicely and she may do it^^ :thumbsup:
  14. Sounds pretty cool lol goblin takes down Mehrunez dagon!!! haha :thumbsup: May the night mother watch over you. Fellow DB members
  15. all weapon racks are pretty well near impossible to use, i still havent found anything that fixes it, sorry i cant help but i wouldnt even worry about , maybe you can get some display cases?
  16. ok, thanks alot for your help peoples i really appreciate it i guess ill just leave it alone and let him fight while i chill and look cool lol XD
  17. when i set him as passive he wont even fight he just stands there...dont know why but yeah i start a fight and everything runs by me to him and start attacking him even if he is just standing there, i really dont understand why
  18. when i say imperfect blades i mean like chips and breaks where it has clashed with other swords and stuff...and im not very good at retexturing yet...i can only change things color...and im still kinda new at that.
  19. No its just that no matter what companion i use or what weapon they have they are the target of monsters and people...just was wondering if there is a way to change that?
  20. Ok so i downloaded CM Kyle_Shamika...and messed with his armor and face and race in the CS, but he gets way to much agro...can anyone make it to where the monsters would rather attack em than him???? he gets all the fights lol so if anyoen knows what to do pls help^^ -Triveck
  21. yeah i like the kingdom hearts version better just looks meaner^^ :thumbsup: its ok Xeivous it happens^^
  22. Open up the Construction set...make the companion mod the active file...and then find that companion, and go to face and you can alter everything from there...hope this helps its the way i change all mine^^ :thumbsup:
  23. Read before you post. i asked for a wrapped version and told you that i had seen those...i even put pictures for people to see what i meant...but thanks for searching.
  24. PLEAS DONT LET THIS DIE!!!!!COMMENT ON IT SO THAT IT LIVES!!!! I have seen the buster sword mods out there...but none of them have the wrap around it that cloud put on it..and they all look like perfect blades...Would anyone be willing to make and imperfect blade that is wrapped like clouds.. http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/d/d2/2journal.jpg http://digilander.libero.it/kingdom_hearts/cloud.jpg Thank you modders!
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