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Everything posted by triveck

  1. lol yeah half the fun in installing mods is trying to get them to work lol :yes:
  2. It is a from a game called Dekaron its a costume for one of the characters^^
  3. Well that was very RUDE i have to say that Oblivion is absolutely not dead it is still thriving! mods are mad everyday for it! and maybe Keiranfoy doesnt ahve to\ime to amke his own mods so he decides to request what he and alot of others would like to have. So next time how about letting his requests go through? kool thx. :thumbsup:
  4. Sounds really good but that is a lot of work...maybe you should list some of oyur ideas out here so the modders and community can see them cause the more ideas and the better they are the more likely its to happen^^ :thumbsup:
  5. wow your character sounds beast very good job! i cannot even imagine the time it took to make that character so strong and i bet oyu jumped high enough that when you hit it countes as fall damage lol very nice!
  6. Actually its quite easy to survive the fall there's a hole in the game mechanics that's big enough to sail the Lusitania through. well thats the cheating way..if you go through the painstaking work of jumping and running everwhere oyu go then its a bit hard.
  7. very nice armor!!!! hope it gets made will go well for my spellsword character!!!
  8. WOW ub3r that pendant looks amazing very nice job!!!! :thumbsup:
  9. You can live the fall without the boots but it is very rare and your skills have to be very high and a lot of health but you can live it good job those boots come in handy alot!
  10. i can use GIMP ill help if i can and you get the model done just message me when you need it :thumbsup:
  11. I know how you feel ill search around and look for ya give me a bit and ill see what i can find. ok i found it! here you go http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19395 it disables the console from being used so oyu would have to manually earn EVERYTHING unless you know some other way of cheating..so have fun!
  12. try sending a message to wulrong ans ask this "In the screeshot you took for the ghost armor what weapon and shield are you using and can you get me a ling pls?" and nine times out of ten they will help you out^^
  13. i understand your pain man i would do it if i could but alas i cant im just a new modder atm but if i ever get good at it and it hasnt been done yet ill do it...not anytime soonthough... and i have requested a set of armor twice now and none will even post on it so, but they are willing to make a rat race with would require new animations and everthing...but they cant even make a hair or armor. im not mad though most modders are really busy with thier own projects so keep trying someone will get it sooner or later :thumbsup:
  14. when i request armor its not, because i actualy use it in game for my character so i wouldnt say "MOST" but alot of it is.
  15. And by all means people..if you like the idea reply and tell me you like it..cause its more likely to get made if the nice modders know you want it too :thumbsup:
  16. Fable is terrible. Where do I begin? Assload of loading screens, few choices on class. If you're obsessive compulsive, forget about it (character scarring, aging, etc). Totally linear gameplay. Some really BAD exploits (merchanting, quest glitches, etc). Thats just stuff off the top of my head, and I haven't played that in 3 years. Well the game was for the Original Xbox and it was amazing. If you play a game for realism then fable is the way to go as you play your character will age and get scarred and can be evil or good with drawbacks and benefits. very nice storyline and yeah its linear but not all games can be freeroam. alot of quests and if you dont like the exploits then dont do them. I would HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who has not played it..and Fable 2 is just as good! Plus you can start a family and have children in fable 2 (dont remember if you can in fable one, been ages since i played...)
  17. This is a request for a set of armor called the Tider Knight outfit..it is a really cool looking armor and a lot of people would probably like to have it..i would make it myself but i do not have enough skill to make it i am learning CS and GIMP but cannot create my own meshes and textures and so forth.I dont need some fancy background story or a quest thats all up to the modder if theyw ant to do it or not..all i want is the armor just plain and simple^^ EDIT: i would like it to be made with Roberts male body Bulky pls :D thank you^^ pics: http://imgdekaron.gamehi.co.kr/images/itemshop/item_img/itme4_19_l.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2319/2235582467_e00dbb9310_o.jpg pls to anyone who will make this cant give you anything but my thanks and kudos...and my download
  18. fallout 3 is just as good in its own way and even better in alot of other ways a definite you have to play it!
  19. umm i dont really think in hte sims 3 you can sword fight anyone...orcast magicka on anyone...
  20. There is also a game called TwoWorlds...its not as good as oblivion and it s a 3rd person gaem but its ok...it plays a little squarely and has en emmense ammount of glitches but its descent. The Baldur's Gate series however is AMAZING! If you do buy Baldur's Gate and beat it then i would reccomend Champions of Norath and then the sequeal Champions Return to Arms
  21. can someon help me find mods that have FleshGolems in it pls would be greatly appreciated
  22. ohh really?? think you could send me a link?
  23. yes i think you should do the pack guars they are summonable and you can ride one and use the other as stash and they will both follow oyu if oyu want them too. .. Link to the mod> http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20358
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