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Everything posted by triveck

  1. Having his ultimate death spell would be cool to being able to send someone you dont like flailing through the air at mass speeds then SPLAT.
  2. I love the Silver and Blue Retex of Tyrael armor..and I loe Blackluster's swords and scabbards... Could anyone retex the sword: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=60463 Top part of blade: kinda like grey or light black Sharp part: Silver to match the armor Anything that is greenish color please make it the same color blue as the armor. Scabbard(s) please make the Greenish part of the scabbards The same color Blue as the Armor. Scabbard pic: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=60464 For the details on the blade pls make them silver to match the armor. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=60465 Pic of the Armor: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=60466 pls and thanks to anyone who does it..I dont know about anyone else but I like my character to match^^
  3. I'll be more than happy to BETA test and another voice actor if needed.
  4. lol aren't you the same person who answered my other post so quickly? man thats funny, and your saying its already coming out? exciting! Well the challenge still stands for anyone who stills wants to do it haha. ummmm they are doing it so no need to accept the challenge just wait till it comes out...
  5. Empire's Glory? is there a forum for that mod i would like to look at it..ive always wanted to be emporer think maybe you could point me in the direction? pls NVM i found it
  6. Well David alot of people would actually rather go through and paly the game without mods a bit so thaty they can see how it is without mods then when that actually add the mods they will soo it from that point of veiw also...i know for sure that before i download any mods for TES V i will probably play and beat atleast the main quest. But i too cannot wait for it..i hope they take their time and make it right!
  7. Here it is :http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21728 :D have fun!
  8. I do agree with you i would much rather have a version that does not change the disposition factor, than to just not have it at all i loev this idea and would absolutely love to have it created!
  9. No i don't have any Duke Patrick mods...wish i could find his archery mod though...and i tried that so i guess what im ganna do is just completely unistall oblivion and reinstall and start again with clean version.
  10. sounds really good i always though it was annoying for me to run in on a group of bandits and not even realize then get owned and havent saved in forever..would much rather do it this way!
  11. Hi all, It seems as though a mod has messed with my Archery...not sure what it is either...But for some reason when I go to shoot my bow my character automatically goes into crouch mod and I do not always want to fire from crouch mode...when I move left or right while aiming he stands up but as soon as I stop moving he sits comletely still in crouch mode...anyone else has this problem or know what to do? pls and thx for all help!!!
  12. WOW you guys are so good at that you make it seem so easy...wish it was that easy!!! definatly gann check this one out!
  13. Wow LHammonds i never thought about beggars and theif's and things like that this would indeend be a very difficult mod...But hey more difficult mods have been made before i mean c'mon people make full questlines!!..Someone actaully added morrowind to OBLIVION!!! it has to be possible if everyone does what they can to help!
  14. or it could change all there dispositions that are in range to hear it..kinda like you say something mean back and they like "what a jerk" and Their disposition drops you say something nice and they hear it and think "aww he is a nice man" you see what i mean your comment couldimpact how multiple people think of you^^
  15. I already make a request but apparantly i was a bit rude in it to slof so its gone :( i was ganna ask him for the Rapture keyblade
  16. ehh dont ahve C.S. sadly not yet at least hopefully getting it soon butnot sure at all thx though Hey uberman...want another mod to work on? if so i have a request maybe you would do^^
  17. NICE!!!! tooo bad i cant add it myself dotn know how :(
  18. He is Right L33Nexus is very good with modding and he may teach you if you ask him nice enough..i know he has 2 students that he is teaching to mod right now so maybe he cant give you a tutorial on glow mapping^^
  19. Banana nut bread? The monkey jumps of his tree to see you!
  20. I'll admit your a pretty viscous in alot of your posts you say things that dont need to be said..But you ahve good requests lol i love the sound of this sword i can imagine it! like i said BA!
  21. I don't think that you could actaully make the voice files with vanilla voices ...Because they never voice acted the lines that you may want your character to say...you could maybe do the replies that you hear when people are talkign but those really make no sence the way i figure..you would probably have to make costom voice acting files.
  22. Sounds pretty BA! definately ganna download
  23. Sounds good like the idea alot better for hero characters and villians!!
  24. If a problem with this Mod is voice acting..I can do voice acting if anyone needs it..just tell me what to do and i will...I have teamspeak and Vintrilo so if you want to hear my voice then just ask i mean im willing to help with this mod in any way that i can!
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