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Posts posted by triveck

  1. ok i will find some more



    EDIT: i will have to go ingame and get soem screenshots of my own so you can get a better look at the armor...i will get a back, and a front.


    ok i got some screenshots from in game here they are :


    Frontal view: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=62435


    Back view: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=62437


    if you need more just ask^^


    EDIT EDIT: close as it would let me go


    close front: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=62470

  2. ok so i unpacked the BSAs and changed the legion armor colors and so to look way more realistic...but i cannot figure out how to put it in game??/ i have inserted the texture folder but no success.? do i haev to repack it or .... pls help thx^^
  3. Having just completed it I'll recommend "The Witcher Platinum Edition"


    Its not completely open world but you can forgive it that, the storyline is compelling and god, this game makes you think. Vanilla graphics are good but I've just installed the "Texturen Mod" and "High Rez Characters" and started another playthru, it looks fantastic.


    Theres a decent modding community and you get 5 fan made mods with the Platinum Edition.


    The combat system isn't just hack and slash and you need to time your hits to chain your attacks together but you get used to it.


    Well worth a go in my book.

    I have played the Witcher and it has a very good story line and great gameply and amazing graphics...the only thing (to me a major drawback) that annoys me is the loading....you can seriously cook a full course meal while its loading from one map to another but if you think thats good then its worth it.. but not a terrible game

  4. Thanks. I really want to get this done. Really hope somebody experienced in coding could eventually give me a hand though. For now I'm going to start from scratch so good luck to me! :wink:

    yes goodluck i would help with the coding but i have absolutely no skill in coding so..the only thing i do at the moment is CS and GIMP

  5. I dont bump. i add new posts stating things i forgot to put in the first one..most peopel dont look for edits they look for new posts...so i just post what i wanted extra to say in new ones...none is going to reade a post they have already read...maybe if it put at little thingy beside the thread saying it was edited then i would just edit but until then ill post new ones i dont bump i know its illegal. but i will report for misplaced thread thx :thumbsup:
  6. I have been trying to find a good 3rd person crosshair for the silver ranger stylish marksman replacer...but because i have no 3rd p crosshair i cant use 3rd person with shooting can someone help me get a good 3rd person crosshair pls:D
  7. I would also like it to be a bit stronger than the strongest armor in the game so it wont be useless for it to be made..so i guess a bit stronger than the KOTN armor? or The Perfect Madness armor?


    Do not bump or reply to your own posts. Use the edit button if you need to add something to an older post.


    You will not receive another warning.

    - Vagrant0

  8. lol that actually happened a lot when travelling. My speed, athletics, and acrobatics combined would whittle my health down when going through the woods or when traversing the Isles. I don't remember an exact number, but imagine playing Oblivion for nearly 7 weeks straight and about 16 hours a day. I remember also renting some movies and a few other games as well....but yeah. As pitiful as it sounds, it was still a fun experience and if not for my brother (and a friend I had met freshman year), I'd have never gotten into Oblivion.


    Sadly, my brother doesn't live with us. I was visiting my grandparents for the summer break. So it was his 360. I got my own the next Christmas and Oblivion was the first game I got for it. Now I'm all like, "Oooooooo, what's this mod do? Gotta have that mod! Can't play without that other mod. Ghhhyyyaaaa! My meshing and textures don't match! Nipples don't go there!"


    I'll probably remember this game (series....) on my death bed, if I make it that far.

    lol yeah half the fun in installing mods is trying to get them to work lol :yes:

  9. Would you please try to do some of these ideas by yourself ?

    Nobody would help you, if you make every few days an request for your ideas without any concept for an Game that is totaly dead. No talented modeller would make themself a lot of work for an game that is four years old.

    So what do you want?


    I try to finde People that would work on an Warhammer Addon for a long time, but there is nobody. Oblivion is dead. Totaly dead for these things.


    You sould write less of these ideas-Topics and sould read some Tutorials how you make these stuff by yourself.

    Well that was very RUDE i have to say that Oblivion is absolutely not dead it is still thriving! mods are mad everyday for it! and maybe Keiranfoy doesnt ahve to\ime to amke his own mods so he decides to request what he and alot of others would like to have. So next time how about letting his requests go through? kool thx. :thumbsup:

  10. Sounds really good but that is a lot of work...maybe you should list some of oyur ideas out here so the modders and community can see them cause the more ideas and the better they are the more likely its to happen^^ :thumbsup:
  11. You can live the fall without the boots but it is very rare and your skills have to be very high and a lot of health but you can live it good job those boots come in handy alot!

    Actually its quite easy to survive the fall


    there's a hole in the game mechanics that's big enough to sail the Lusitania through.



    save the game during the fall!!! when you reload, you'll live


    well thats the cheating way..if you go through the painstaking work of jumping and running everwhere oyu go then its a bit hard.

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