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Posts posted by triveck

  1. ahhhh i see what you mean..... i realy like your ideas...and yes the bow always does that if you have both the light arrows and light bow equipped...but if you do not have them both equipped at the sane time it doesnt do it
  2. Sounds Really good i like your ideas...I own Red dead redemption it would be cool to have dead-eye in oblivion....I have looked for Duke Patrick's archery also cant find it ..just and addon for it but not the actually file...if you get any news pls message me because my archer is way to powerfull with the difficulty all the way up...
  3. Ok, while working on my Mod, Vanilla Drops, where it increases the Vanilla gameplay by seamlessly adding things to the game world that are extremely subtle but appreciable I've run across a problem. I've already emailed a few of the animation people I know of that do mods for Oblivion but haven't gotten any responses for quite a few days now. Perhaps someone on the forums here can help me out.


    When using a kick I got from Seph's hand to hand animation replacer mod resource (I am also using 3rd person animations in 1st person mod which allows me to really add any 3rd person ani [altho I've found some have clipping issues with camera] to the game) I notice that feet from the kick will display when wearing "one piece" armors like Arena Raiments or Dark Brotherhood gear. However, I have also noticed that the feet WILL NOT display when wearing any multi-piece armors. I have been told that the game engine for some reason does not render feet except for the oddity of one piece armor sets. Here are some screenshots from my testing save file:


    Wearing the Arena Raiment:



    Wearing complete Leather Set (I'm doing a kick I promise!):




    I was looking for a workaround for this and found this:




    However, you will note that what that mod does is simply make EVERY armor in the game a one piece suit and puts them for sale in the Imperial City. This, to me; and especially for my mod's goals, is really a terrible workaround to get feet to show. I have been pondering another workaround for this for quite some time. I found Loup's immersion beta which forcibly adds a floating body to 1st person view although it's extremely buggy and requires OBSE (I'm trying to not use it as OBSE also kind of goes against my mod ethic).


    I was wondering if any of these fixes might work (please excuse my noobliness in understanding this game's engine, and my horrible understanding of using Blender/ Nifscope):


    - Take every boot, shoe, or foot armor in the game and load them into Blender; make the boots one-piece armors but the rest of the armor "invisible" like this tutorial: http://www.tesnexus.com/articles/article.php?id=363 but somehow editing it so you can also wear your armor on top? So basically it would look the same but as long as you are wearing boots it would force the game engine to render the feet during a kick animation?


    - Add "invisible feet" to every armor in the game but make it so that it doesn't take up more than one slot in the CS? Would the invisible feet show or what you are wearing on your foot slot show while doing the kick?


    If anyone more experienced than I wants to take this on I would be extremely extremely grateful as this is the most annoying thing I have found while modding so far and have been really wracking my brain to figure this out. Also to do my proposed fixes I would basically have to learn Blender and Nifscope from the ground up (all I know is how to change an animation to a certain power attack in Nifscope) and I'm not even sure either of my fixes would work at all.

    Does 3rd person anims in 1st person mode work for DMC stylish?

  4. You do realize that's insanely complicated and difficult, right?

    yeah i realize and its up to you guys if you want to do it i know you would get plenty of kudos and a whole heck of a lot of downloads people love there palidan characters and those look like perfect armors for them. It would be pure awesome to see these in game:D

  5. These armors are totaly beast and i think i lot of people would like to have them!!!! here are some pics!! There are 3 different sets of armor :D please someone make these they are so awesome!!!









    I couldnt get the last pic to show up so i have to just put the link:



    PLEASE i would really appreciate anyone who could make these armors or just wich ever ones you like^^ i like all of them I think plenty of people would use these^^( anyone who likes these armors ...There are mage armors that look cool and Archers...all kinds of cool armors if these get made i may request those:D)

  6. Would it be possible to make a fighting animation for 1st and 3rd...Shujinko's Mantis style fighting..from Mortal Kombat? Anyone whi could or will team up to make this it wiould be greatly appreciated pls and thanks!!^^^ :biggrin:

    I will be posting some pics soon but i have to get off pls reply if possible:D


  7. hey all I am thinking of installing Oblivion again and well i could use some mods, here are what I am looking for: FCOM and links to dl everything I need. Thats the main mod, now so other mods I am looking for


    1: Something to make magic actually strong, I wanna be able to wipe out an entire room if my mana pool is large enough. Midas Magic has some Very powerfull spells and some cool animations to go along with them^^= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9562


    2: A mod so I always get max stats at level up, as well as a level increaser and a mod so I can go above 100 skill, maybe that mod that lets u go till 300 alch and has tools for it too. and that one that makes your stats change based on your current skills. Try this: Advanced Selective Leveling= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12666


    3: A mod that auto loots/picks alchmey mats, long as it doesn't steal them.Get Nearby Loot( but it does steal i couldnt find anything that doesnt stel sorry you'll just have to be carefull^^)= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30326


    4: A bag i can use to store stuff (since the UI gets laggy if u have to many items in bag) as well as a mod that lets me carry a obscene amount of weight. Try using a Backpack mod they work well like Inventory is a Backpack= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21721 Or Jannix Quinn's Scripted Backpacks= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16443 Also try this: Cary Four Times the Loot=http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7515


    5: A mod so that when i murder someone or steal a guard doesn't come from half the city away to arrest me when i was inside someones basement or house. NO PSYCHIC GAURDS 12= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11911


    6: a Better UI ^^ Darnified UI= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10763


    7:.. well any other mod you can suggest that will make the game more fun to play is welcomed. I'd also like a nude mod :P DMC stylish= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16459 Animated Staves(Really cool for the Magic user XD)= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18619 Deadly Reflex= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8273


    Thanks all for any and all help

    No problem my friend ^^


    Ahh I am kinda looking for a magic bag mod, I know there is one that has 0 weight and anything u put into it essentally becomes weightless.

    There is a spell in Midas Magic that You cast and a chest appears you can put as much as you want in it and it never goes away its infinate maybe you can use that??

  8. hey all I am thinking of installing Oblivion again and well i could use some mods, here are what I am looking for: FCOM and links to dl everything I need. Thats the main mod, now so other mods I am looking for


    1: Something to make magic actually strong, I wanna be able to wipe out an entire room if my mana pool is large enough. Midas Magic has some Very powerfull spells and some cool animations to go along with them^^= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9562


    2: A mod so I always get max stats at level up, as well as a level increaser and a mod so I can go above 100 skill, maybe that mod that lets u go till 300 alch and has tools for it too. and that one that makes your stats change based on your current skills. Try this: Advanced Selective Leveling= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12666


    3: A mod that auto loots/picks alchmey mats, long as it doesn't steal them.Get Nearby Loot( but it does steal i couldnt find anything that doesnt stel sorry you'll just have to be carefull^^)= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30326


    4: A bag i can use to store stuff (since the UI gets laggy if u have to many items in bag) as well as a mod that lets me carry a obscene amount of weight. Try using a Backpack mod they work well like Inventory is a Backpack= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21721 Or Jannix Quinn's Scripted Backpacks= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16443 Also try this: Cary Four Times the Loot=http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7515


    5: A mod so that when i murder someone or steal a guard doesn't come from half the city away to arrest me when i was inside someones basement or house. NO PSYCHIC GAURDS 12= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11911


    6: a Better UI ^^ Darnified UI= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10763


    7:.. well any other mod you can suggest that will make the game more fun to play is welcomed. I'd also like a nude mod :P DMC stylish= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16459 Animated Staves(Really cool for the Magic user XD)= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18619 Deadly Reflex= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8273


    Thanks all for any and all help

    No problem my friend ^^
  9. sounds pretty good but it also sounds really really hard to do...But then the armor also stand out ibn the wilderness andd the cities becasue they also look midieval but it would be very usefull for teh people who do not like the Vanilla armor sets.^^
  10. try Redecoration. And read the ReadMe carefully. It's a very powerful tool.

    K ill look at it thx if not ill keep looking.:D


    Cant use it dont ahve pluggy...:(

  11. :L these are the type of things I'd make, Alonso! nice job on the spear! :D

    Lol L33 You could make anything you have no "type"..your good at it all! :tongue:

  12. I have been working on my Glenvar Castle Display room for a while now, and a lot of the stuff I want to put on display is really hard to move, pick up, and replace...Is there a mod out there that would allow me to rotate what I want to place, flip it, and make it easier to move cause? (the Z key just sucks).If there is not one could someone make one pls? It would probably make a lot of people happy as well as my self. pls and thanks for the help^^
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