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Posts posted by triveck

  1. 703: Killing someone and placing them in a door way and closing it can entertain for days!


    703: Goblins will go against each other if you take there stick and put it in another cave.


    704: All callapsing caves just happen to callapse as you go through them.


    705: You cannot denock your arrows


    706: Console can unlock anything


    707: The Imperial white gold tower is actually stone


    708: The Elder Scroll must not be that important considering you steal it and nothing happens


    709: A giant mudcrab is just as weak as a normal sized one


    710: If your on a rock your invincible


    711: NPC's are to stupid to swim to the surface when they are drowning.


    712: Battlhorn Castle knights swim with you but stay underwater and never drown


    713: No Bananas in Oblivion


    714: Some horses are invincible


    715: There is an infinite number of gaurds


    716: Deer are really slow

  2. Why are most armor mods that look cool for females? JW can someone explain that to me?When MOST ( pls dont flame me for this i did say MOST!!!) Gamers are Males i mean i see a lot of female gamers..but not as many as men..so why all the female armor? wouldnt a man want to play aman character to represent themselves?..someonepls explain this to me^^


    ArcieAdam & TabuKuroshi said it best. The game is fantasy - and single player. Some people like to play as themselves - my boyfriend is one such. Others want to play something that is as far removed from themselves as possible - me. I like playing male characters for the same reason guys like playing females. It's all about the eye-candy.


    However, if you see something that is female only that you really want for the guys, feel free to send me a request for a conversion. I do a lot of these, so it's probably worth checking through my stuff to see what is already done.

    Alright^^ thx i'll look and if i need anything i'll ask ^^thx

  3. Them are some pretty nice stuff, Z! Always liked those swords. Couldn't stand the second scabbardm but they look nice with your retex.


    You do some nice work.


    Now, Triveck, give the nice man an kudo, 'cause he's earned it!

    i gave him kudos as soon as i seen the swords^^

  4. No problem. However, the claymore was pretty black and white, not much I do there.


    I downloaded the armor so you could see the swords being worn.






























    I'm afraid the quiver clips terribly with the armor, but I also recolored it.


    The claymore is pretty silvery, but there was a touch of color I changed to blue.







    Is that what you wanted? I'll send you a download link if you're happy with it.

    ohh my god.....ohhhh my godddd! they look amazing!!!!! thx alot!!!!yes i love it! I figured that a quiver would because of the spikes on the back of the armor but hey its ok^^ i love the weapons very good job definatly!!!

  5. ok i guess thats the end of this post thank you moderators for not closing it and allowing me to get my answers. and thank you to everyone who answered my question^^
  6. ok i guess thats the end of this post thank you moderators for not closing it and allowing me to get my answers. and thank you to everyone who answered my question^^
  7. This is the link to the mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25332


    This is a link to the TDA search: TDA


    I named the search one because it was a mile long lol.


    What kind of char. do you play? If you like that style I know I saw more, I have also seen a few rogue/stealth type mods too.

    yep will definalty be downloading those those are some sick looking armors!!! nice weps to thx man add me as a friend if you want^^

  8. FYI, I saw in another thread earlier someone by the name of TDA. I looked him up he had a bunch of male oriented gear. There is one that is an "armory" had a lot of "knight" style armor.

    Think you could get a link to it?

  9. All right, then. Yes, I'd be willing to help you get started whenever you can. I know of several tutorials for things other than retexturing as well.


    I'll do the retexture, but I need a link to the files you want edited though. The sword, I mean.


    I need to know the mod page to download it from.

    is this what you need?: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9934


    that is the mod that hosts the sword but it also hosts some armor and things...like 4 different swords and some different armors. do you need anything else? BTW if you want this isnt really important but if you want to you could aslo retex the Greatsword to math the armor and the bows and stuff casue i prolly wont ever change my armor any more but just if you want to i mainly want the swords i had screenies of^^

  10. I hear you, There is a large gap between available male armor/clothing vs. female. I wasn't trying to be rude, these threads regardless of the game or site have a tendency to boil over. To be honest I probably should have bypassed it altogether. I mean anything that can be said about it has been said hundreds of times lol... I would just rather be running around with some badda$$ petite chick over a rugged male. On top of that just the fact alone that there are tons more female mods, makes it that much more appealing.


    Most people who put out these mods are playing female characters, having to do up a male version as well just adds twice the work, for something that they probably wont even use. If I see any cool male gear I'll shoot you the link.

    thx man appreciate it and i ddint take your post as rude you posted your opinion and that is what i asked for^^

  11. This would be pretty simple.


    Would you be willing to try doing it yourself?


    Here are two excellent retexturing tutorials that I learned with:

    GIMP: Retexturing Oblivion

    Better Retextures: Detailed Guide for NifSkope and the GIMP


    I could also provide, if you needed it, a step by step guide to doing exactly what you're asking for here.


    Color changes like this would be very simple to learn how to do.

    Well I would absolutely love to learn how to do it..but this is my mothers computer so any programs downloaded need to be cleared with her im in the process of trying to convince her to let me start modding ..but if i ever do would you still be willing to help me get started? and maybe go ahead and do this one for me?

  12. I really appreciate all your answers especially ArcieAdam's you explained it to me very well. It's not that im bashing people for playing female characters...its that the only armor i can even find is Female only and half naked, i would enjoy my male character to have cool looking armor also there are some cool armors for male but mainly half naked females...I too have had some Female charcters BUT they werent half naked..i guess what im trying to say is i want more male and female armor types...like for instance a male version and a female version. and i REALLY liked the idea of having a catagory for male armor and female armor and both would make my armor searching alot easier. but thx for all your answers^^!!
  13. When i play and RPG like Oblivion i like to make the character represent me and what i like..and as far as i know im not a woman and i would like REALISTIC MAN armor. I was looking around the nexus and all i could find was female armor this and that! grr iw ant man stuffs lol
  14. Why are most armor mods that look cool for females? JW can someone explain that to me?When MOST ( pls dont flame me for this i did say MOST!!!) Gamers are Males i mean i see a lot of female gamers..but not as many as men..so why all the female armor? wouldnt a man want to play aman character to represent themselves?..someonepls explain this to me^^
  15. I love the Silver and Blue Retex of Tyrael armor..and I loe Blackluster's swords and scabbards... Could anyone retex the sword:






    Top part of blade: kinda like grey or light black

    Sharp part: Silver to match the armor

    Anything that is greenish color please make it the same color blue as the armor.



    Scabbard(s) please make the Greenish part of the scabbards The same color Blue as the Armor.

    Scabbard pic: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=60464


    For the details on the blade pls make them silver to match the armor.



    Pic of the Armor: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=60466


    pls and thanks to anyone who does it..I dont know about anyone else but I like my character to match^^

  16. Already being done. It's called Empire's Glory. Huge mod, coming out sometime this year, maybe.

    lol aren't you the same person who answered my other post so quickly? man thats funny, and your saying its already coming out? exciting! Well the challenge still stands for anyone who stills wants to do it haha.

    ummmm they are doing it so no need to accept the challenge just wait till it comes out...

  17. Well David alot of people would actually rather go through and paly the game without mods a bit so thaty they can see how it is without mods then when that actually add the mods they will soo it from that point of veiw also...i know for sure that before i download any mods for TES V i will probably play and beat atleast the main quest. But i too cannot wait for it..i hope they take their time and make it right!
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