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Everything posted by triveck

  1. I think that would be cool Cause yeah DMC stylish is cool but it just isnt very realistic i for one like my games to be as realistic and immersive as possible and a realistic stance would do just that. Pls someone take this request and run with it PLS and put your most into this has the potential to be so much...I would take it on if i could mod but sadly...:( i think Maybe OWASeph and Dmc stylish creators and all other animation creators should get together to make this!!!!. Love the idea!!
  2. i really like this idea it would be great to be able to reply to "You have my Ear Citizen" with "Do you want it back?" Great idea really really immersive!
  3. Ok im sorry for being so rude to everyone i didnt really mean to make it out rude but once i read it i did see how it sounded very rude, sorry AlienSlof for being that way. But i have searched tesnexus no kingdom hearts clothes mods...and the reason i dont like Star boi's is becuase they ..well atleast in my opinion dont look like the actual things...i guess Star Boi's will be ok to use but what i mainly wanted was the clothes and the Rapture keyblade. AlienSlof i cannot make my own wich is why i come to the modders who can actually do it and do it well..if i tried they would look like stick man weapons! lol
  4. Jesus, man! You don't talk to a moderator that way. well i did say in my first post that i had seen Star Boi's and played it and i did not like it..sorry alienslof for being so rude but i spelled it out perfectly Plus i would just rather have the clothes the and he keyblades in the same mod so i do nt have to download 2 different files.plus i asked for things that arent in Star Bois... once again i say i am sorry for being so rude.
  5. ok well obviosly you did not actually read my post...I said i did not like star boi's because they did not match up with the real thing. wich is why i posted actuall pictures of them and asked for somen to make my armor and weapons for me i do not like Star Boi's design. so pls if you can help me to make my original request it would be greatly appreciated
  6. Hi all modders and people...Fans of Kingdom Hearts and Fans of oblivion...I have seen Star Boi's keyblades and all teh other ones but they do not match up well with the actuall thing...i have also never seen a Kingdom hearts armor clothes whatever you would call it...mod like his final form outfit and wisdom and valor..etc and roxas's outfit organization robes...plus i have only seen the Oblivion,Oathkeeper,Wishing Star,One-Winged Angel,Ultima,Spellbinder...are those the only ones possible to make?? or are those just everyone's favorites? Here are some pics of what i would like to see...Rapture keyblade: http://media.photobucket.com/image/Keyblade/maxsteel233/RaptureKeyblade.jpg OblivionKeyblade: http://media.photobucket.com/image/oblivion%20keyblade/Alucard244/FakeOblivionKeyBlade.jpg Oathkeeper Keyblade: http://media.photobucket.com/image/Keyblade%20Oathkeeper/ssj_sora/Oathkeeper.jpg Final Form outift: http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kyf5bb0a3n1qb48iwo1_400.png Sora's normal outfit and hair pls: http://campinfinity.cs.luc.edu/Members/session1/group6/kristen/kh2sora_pic Organization XIII( can you pls make the hood completely black out the face? if not its ok and maybe a hooded and unhooded version...) http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/1/19151/358832-156637-organization-xiii_super.jpg Thank you for atleast looking and considering my request.. If it would be possible can the outfits be textured to fit Roberts Male Body Bulky and Bulky nord at the same time...My character has Robert's Male body and Bulky Nord on so that he looks really buff is it even possible to make it fit both at the same time?? if not then pls just Robert's Male Body Bulky. Thx again^^
  7. Sounds cool i like the idea!!!
  8. I still think you idea sounds amazing your ideas are really good ill talk to some of my modder friends to see what i can cook up if i could mod myself i would jump on this idea but infotunatly i cannot right now^^
  9. ahhhh i see what you mean..... i realy like your ideas...and yes the bow always does that if you have both the light arrows and light bow equipped...but if you do not have them both equipped at the sane time it doesnt do it
  10. I found a mod that puts 3 awesome looking and powerfull bows in game I think you will like the light bow and what it does^^ http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32131
  11. Sounds Really good i like your ideas...I own Red dead redemption it would be cool to have dead-eye in oblivion....I have looked for Duke Patrick's archery also cant find it ..just and addon for it but not the actually file...if you get any news pls message me because my archer is way to powerfull with the difficulty all the way up...
  12. hahah yeah when his jigantic fist hits you in the face^^ nah JK i think it looks cool wich is why i requested it:D
  13. Does 3rd person anims in 1st person mode work for DMC stylish?
  14. yeah i realize and its up to you guys if you want to do it i know you would get plenty of kudos and a whole heck of a lot of downloads people love there palidan characters and those look like perfect armors for them. It would be pure awesome to see these in game:D
  15. It should easily be our character we go through so much and help teh emporer and everything just for him to die and all we get is a set of armor...i think not!!!! we should get to be emporer and start a new line of Royal Blood!!!!
  16. P.S. i will be giving Kudos and an internet cookie to the person/people who make them!!!!
  17. These armors are totaly beast and i think i lot of people would like to have them!!!! here are some pics!! There are 3 different sets of armor :D please someone make these they are so awesome!!! http://images.mmosite.com/photo/2008/01/04/dekarona1_a1h50IG6u4q.jpg http://www.dekaronwiki.org/images/5/5d/Tider_Knight_Set.jpg http://imgdekaron.gamehi.co.kr/images/itemshop/item_img/itme4_19_l.jpg I couldnt get the last pic to show up so i have to just put the link: http://media.photobucket.com/image/Dekaron%20Azure%20Knight%20costumes/BlazeStudios/2moons%2520150%2520sets/na_n11_l.jpg PLEASE i would really appreciate anyone who could make these armors or just wich ever ones you like^^ i like all of them I think plenty of people would use these^^( anyone who likes these armors ...There are mage armors that look cool and Archers...all kinds of cool armors if these get made i may request those:D)
  18. I can not find any Good videos that show the stance they show the moves but no the stance...ill post some anyway though
  19. Would it be possible to make a fighting animation for 1st and 3rd...Shujinko's Mantis style fighting..from Mortal Kombat? Anyone whi could or will team up to make this it wiould be greatly appreciated pls and thanks!!^^^ :biggrin: I will be posting some pics soon but i have to get off pls reply if possible:D
  20. Roberts female Body replacer= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15624 ( nude or clothed) :D
  21. There ya go so you'll be powerfull and have lots of inventory!!!! if you need anything else just ask!! ^^
  22. Yeah Im always happy with beta testers ^^ Ok then when you have soemthing you need tested i am on just about everyday ill test it for ya^^
  23. No problem my friend ^^ Ahh I am kinda looking for a magic bag mod, I know there is one that has 0 weight and anything u put into it essentally becomes weightless. There is a spell in Midas Magic that You cast and a chest appears you can put as much as you want in it and it never goes away its infinate maybe you can use that??
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