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About Talldude88

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    Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas
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  1. Thanks, Nexus team! Updated a few minutes ago. Great work. Thanks again.
  2. In response to post #10450085. #10450134, #10450192 are all replies on the same post. Thanks for the update on the problem. I think you do a fabulous job here and I thank you every time I use Nexus. Hope you get to the bottom of the current problem soon. Good luck tracking down the bugs! Thanks again for everything you do.
  3. Heartfire is very buggy for me. One of my house's has wall but no interiors. WTF? I just don't use that house. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/22.jpg
  4. Check out the STEP website. http://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.2.7
  5. This happened to me also. After searching for a fix I finally found one that worked for me. Open your console with your ~ button and type in... enableplayercontrols Hope this helps, worked for me, after trying eveything else I could think of.
  6. This happened to me also. After searching for a fix I finally found one that worked for me. Open your console with your ~ button and type in... enableplayercontrols Hope this helps, worked for me, after trying eveything else I could think of.
  7. TES series is the best because of the ability to add mods. I often spent as much time finding and setting up mods and the programs that allow them to run, as playing the TES games. I would search daily for new mods to enhance the TES experience. The Mods were half the fun. You never knew what new mod might become available. GTA for me, was not nearly as fun to play. TES by far is a more engaging series for me.
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