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Everything posted by humannature66

  1. Kudos to you for your help in this thread:


    my custom-mannequins now are colored perfectly, thx.

    greetz freddo

  2. stunning char, congratz to that work !!
  3. WOOHOOO!! .... i survived my first Snowboard-lesson!!
    1. satanslilhelper


      Congrats, hon! How did it go?

      I bet I'd be spending most of my time flat on my face, should I try that!

    2. Fallengun
    3. humannature66


      We gotta a personal trainer for some hours, then one day beginner's hill, and today first time downhill... YEEHAWW it works!!! :D
  4. Happy Nu year !

    ... I admit i stumbled over your avatar ;)

  5. Happy new year buddy!!!!

    Damn, my dumb new Smartphone removed u as friend O_o...

    So, don't wonder why i add u again... ;)

  7. HAPPY NEW YEAR, old fart!!! :D
  8. FROHES NEUES JAHR, min Jung!

    Bin in Tirol Skifahren, und mein Sohn hat mich gezwungen, morgen auf so'n Snowboard zu steigen... Um Gottes Willen.. :)

  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR from Austria!

    Been skiing since three days, and my son has forced me to rent snowboards for tomorrow... god shall help me... :)

  10. Just passing by today to say hiya :)
  11. Glückwunsch zu den TopFiles, bro !!! ;)
  12. come out, come out, wherever you are ... :)

    greeetz freddo

  13. that "Look back at first year" is a nice idea.

    I was wondering about the criteria of the chosen files ...

    greetz freddo

  14. some more posted pics of ur game-babe would be nice ;)
  15. whazzuppp, bro?? :D

    long not heared of u!

  16. those lately posted litheria-pics ... stunning! O_o
  17. hi Lin, hope u r well so far !
  18. just dropping bye for a привет ;)
  19. hey buddy ... are u alive?
  20. thx for the permission of use of your awesome face-texture!!

    greeetz freddo

  21. wirst Du wohl antworten, Du Orc-Fetishist?! :D
  22. he, Du Graupe! :D

    Gibt's Dich auch noch ?!

    greetz bro, freddo

  23. CooCoo-ck ... just jumping a bit around today ... ;)
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