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Everything posted by humannature66

  1. ... everyone seems to be in 'Sleeping Beauty's sleep' ... except you are not in need of :)
    1. satanslilhelper


      Oh you smoothie, Freddo! *grins* Thank you!

      And, yes, they do! Oh well, it's important. Hopefully it just means everyone will be well rested and ready for "gaming time" when FO4 comes out. (Whenever that might be!)

      Hugs and kisses to you in the meantime, sweetie!

  2. He bro, would give u a happy nu year, but i'm bit late, huh? XD
  3. WHAZZUIP, Odile? ... i'm just running around, trying to wake up all of u ol' friends !! :D
  4. Damn .. just checked out a few of us old-hand's profiles here, and we all seem to be waiting for .. yeah, for what? XD .. hell, we will never go :)
  5. War gerad' auf dem Sprung und dachte, ich sach' ma' Hallo ;)))))
  6. Merry christmas, ma'am :)
  7. Hello, Mylady. Congrats to trelease of your romance mod. It was about time for something like that ! Thank you.
  8. I can give that back, my dear ... HAPPY Birthday, Lin .. :) .. actually i usually forget everyone's birthday, even my own ;D .. but always happy to hear from you!
    1. humannature66


      Btw., any lifesigns from Kenny the 'Bassman' ? :) .. ya know, when FO4 will be released, maybe next fall or so, we will have to turn him back into modding ! XD
  9. Hiya, hab erst vor ein paar Tagen gemerkt, dass in praktisch jedem Tropical-mod deine Palmen und tropischen Pflanzen auftauchen :) ... Tolle Arbeiten !! Greetz, Freddo
  10. where are you, brother?? .. still alive n kicking, grandad?! :D
  11. whuzzuppp ol dude?! ..
  12. Just stepping by, saying hello ;)
  13. I miss the old FO3-times (sigh) ... and i hope we all find back together on Fallout 4 !!!
    1. LadyMilla


      Definitely hope so. The Fallout IV announcement is a bit overdue. :S
  14. Hey, 'Lady of spikey heels' ;) ... loc. of next summer vacation will be LONDON !!!! ;)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. humannature66


      Busy, yup, thatz what we all are.

      Still in Skyrim or DC sometimes? God, how i miss the old days... FO4 will bring it back i hope.

      Skyrim is nice, awesome graphics .. but the feeling is different. And you, one of my 'old' friends (by meaning, NOT by age nor appearance!) i do miss ..

      btw, ya gonna like my latest Skyrim-shots ;) .. Heeeeels

    3. satanslilhelper


      I haven't even got Steam installed atm, let alone Skyrim! Or Fallout! JUst don't have the time to game! :( I know what you're saying though, I too miss the old gang. Fingers crossed you're right about FO4!

      And you can call me old, lol. Hell, I'm nearly 37: that's old in comparison to the Nexus user base as a whole I expect! One of these days I'm going to have to grow up...

      *zips off to check out the heels...*

      You forgot to mentio...

    4. satanslilhelper


      Damn bloody post limits! That last bit again:

      You forgot to mention the nails! Yummy stuff, Freddo!

  15. you r still here ... "... and we were so many in the old FO3 days" ..
    1. vancleef


      I am! It's usually just me and Satanslilhelper chatting but I do miss the old gang. Maybe when the new FO comes out, we'll all join up and take on the world again.
  16. My oh my ... where have all our Fallout-friends gone ... i have stopped counting (sigh)
    1. Xazomn


      i am still here ;)
  17. Wahrscheinlich ist im NiTriShape die Textur 'abgeschaltet, sodaß Du keine Colors angezeigt bekommst. Das macht man gern bei Bodies und Armors, wenn die im Game separat durch ne extra zugewiesene Textur belegt werden. Warum das so gemacht wird? Das wird immer dann notwendig, wenn ein Bodymodel in verschieden Versionen genutzt werden soll, z.B. haben die Vanilla-bodies mal normale Haut, mal die verseuchte Version, oder eben auch Reptilhaut. Alles ein Body, aber verschieden Häute. Viele vanilla-Kleidungen sind nur in der Farbe unterschiedlich. Da wird im Game eben auch einfach nur ein anderes Textur-set zugewiesen. Gleiches mesh, viele verschiedene Texturen. Ich sag Dir nachher genau, wo Du was ändern musst. Das wär jedenfalls jetzt mein Verdacht. Schick mir evtl. nochmal das mesh rüber. Ich hab ne neue HDD drin, manches alte Zeug ist weg.
  18. check how they did it in these mods: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1066/ http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8850 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/5461/ combine it with this mod: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1580/ works also nicely with nuke-grenades :cool:
  19. nope, thatz not it. i'm not sure, but i think it can only be fixed in Blender, not in Nifkope ... :ermm: ... those half-shaded faces don't even use the texture. Tho the rest of the mesh works correctly (double-sided, transparent, whatever ... everything else works normal) ... these dumb little distorted faces seem to be twisted somehow, and they won't go ! >:( ideas?
  20. From time to time i get something like twisted vertices / faces, after extruding / manipulating vertices in Blender. It only becomes visible later in Nifskope (and of course ingame): http://www.ld-host.de/uploads/thumbnails/bcf8f93d3d322acade3aefbfb1e7e949.jpg I'm a bit embarrassed, but i don't know whatz causing it, nor how i can denie or fix it, but i'm doing anything wrong obviously. Does anyone have an explanation? ... somehow i hope it's not a noob-mistake ;D ...
  21. how much ? :tongue: (just joking) Maybe, highheel-addict that i am ... :tongue: Also, Elewin is HighHeel-specialist.
  22. greetz mon vieux pote ! ;)
  23. just stumble over ur avatar-pic ...

    i didn't know u are a Litheria !

    greetz freddo

  24. hiya, i have a question about dressing mannequins. Standard is, mannequins are 'naked' initially, and get dressed only when they are given some clothes. I wanna put some clothes, on different body-slots, on a custom mannequin that i made, to have it dressed up right from the start, to have it display it's inventory on first sight. I have checked the nexus & the net for this problem, but didn't find a solution. In the CK the stuff can be drag & dropped into the mannequin's inventory, and all immediately shows up on the mannequin, at least in the 'Actor'-window's Preview. But in the Render-window the mannequin is still naked. Also ingame the mannequin stays naked, tho the clothes are in it's inventory. So, is it possible to give the mannequin some clothing-parts in the CK, which are worn by it ingame, and which then can be obtained as usual? greetz freddo
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