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Everything posted by DaWrecka

  1. Christ on a cracker! 254 plugins! I think we've found the problem, doctor. Fallout 3 and New Vegas alike are notorious for becoming exponentially more unstable the more plugins you have installed. My current Fallout 3 installation has a total of about 160 assorted ESMs and ESPs and stable it is NOT. New Vegas is fairly-stable at a little over 128, but then again I DO find the thing just locking up out of nowhere often, so maybe it's not as stable as I'd like. With 254 plugins you're at the absolute limit. I think you really need to pare down your load order severely. First off, I recommend downloading Wrye Flash NV. It's a bit of an involved install, but it's worth it. Follow the instructions and you should be good. With Flash installed and loaded, (this is a time-consuming process, especially the first time; be patient) you should have a file called something like "Bashed Patch, 0.esp"; this should go right at the end of your load order. This'll take you over the limit; I don't know if it'll throw up any errors at this point, but don't worry about it just yet. Right-click that file, and choose "Rebuild patch". Chances are, a lot of the plugins you've got enabled are just overrides - and Flash will give you the option to turn off every single one. You want to do this. In the window that comes up next, tick "Merge Patches" in the left, and in the right pane, tick everything. Once you click "Build Patch" in the bottom-right corner, Flash will go through and turn all of your mergeable plugins into a single plugin, which will reduce your plugin burden. You might want to consider installing New Vegas Enhanced Content; it merges a big pile of the mods you've got into a single super-ESM, including LFox Bottle That Water, New Vegas Bounties and more. Also, check the download pages for your extensive mods, things like AWOP, Project Nevada, WMX, and these XRE and ILO things, and download any compatibility patches you need. These are usually small, sometimes-mergeable plugins that mesh the content from your mods together so that they play nice together. Rebuild your Bashed Patch after that. (Or wait and build your Bashed Patch after this step; your choice) Can't think of anything else right now. It's 3am.
  2. ...and now Vault 22d is rendering normally! And I have no idea what I changed! I'm not crazy, the video proves that SOMETHING was going wrong. I hate computers sometimes.
  3. Load up FNVEdit, (if you don't have it already, then you probably aren't a modder - because modding with GECK alone would drive a saint insane) and wait; Once it's fully-loaded, right-click one of the mods in the left pane and pick Apply Filter. From there, filter by the CHAL record type, and by whatever name the challenge has. It'll take a long time depending on the number of mods you've got, but it should give you results.
  4. Yeah, that did it... GECK renders the cell as it should now. Hasn't helped me figure out the in-game problem though; according to FNVEdit, I've only got two plugin files that modify Vault 22 now; FOOK - New Vegas.esm, and NVEC Complete + NVCE.esm. I'll load them together in GECK and see what I get... Good idea. Here be it: (Note that ++ for the load order means the file is merged into the Bashed Patch, and isn't t actually loaded directly by the game normally) Note that every file after "Castle Cove Getaway - Player Home.esp" is one of mine; most are unreleased, some of them are minor tweaks, some merge changes from other mods, some of them are more substantial, but none of them make any edit to Vault 22.
  5. So I was going through Vault 22, as you do, and came across the Common Areas. It looks like the renderer is flipping out on me. It's as if there are room markers littered all over the place without any portals placed - so the renderer only renders seemingly-random chunks of rooms, and won't render anything outside the room. I've uploaded a video to Youtube that should illustrate this better than I can with words: I've tried loading up Vault 22 in GECK to see if I can figure out how to fix this, but somehow it's even WORSE in GECK - it just renders random-seeming parts of the cell and I can't figure out why or how to fix it. Can anyone help?
  6. A plugin that I've been working on, called Mo'verrides.esp as it initially focused on overriding records in the Book of Earache files, has suddenly led to GECK giving up the ghost at the end of the loading process. This differs from locking up or crashing in that I CAN actually use the basic features of the UI, sort of... I load the plugin like normal, and it goes through the load process. It brings up a lot of warnings, most of which I ignore - it tends to be things like "such-and-such armor item needs biped slots selected in the editor" when the armour item in question is a token that isn't supposed to be equipped at all and thus doesn't need biped slots... Most of the warnings aren't even for my plugin, they're for the admittedly-long list of masters my plugin has. But once it reaches the 99% stage of loading, GECK just goes "f*** it" and can't be bothered continuing - meaning it doesn't populate the object window, doesn't give me the list of cells... It hasn't locked up, because I can navigate the options on the menu bar mostly-normally. I can bring up any of the dialogue boxes that are triggered from the menus, I can load up the script editor and load any of the scripts from there... but the object window is never populated. No cells show up. Edited scripts won't actually save. The problem extends to any other plugins I have later in the load order which include Mo'verrides.esp on their masters list. (I use Wrye Flash to set the ESM flag before I load any ESPs as masters in GECK, then reset it after I'm done with GECK) However, I have other plugins with much longer masters lists than Mo'verrides.esp; one of these plugins has EVERY SINGLE ONE of Mo'verrides' masters on its master list bar one. The one, SelectZoom.esm, another unreleased mod of mine, I believe can be ruled out because I've got other plugins also using SelectZoom.esm as a master which load in GECK without issue. I'm stumped. None of the warnings in the log seem to point to the cause... Masters for: Mo'verrides.esp nvse_plugin_geckpu_ew.log:
  7. Mmm... I thought perhaps my issue was related, but you may be right. Way ahead of you. This isn't the cause of the issue; If I had that set to zero, GECK would just straight-up refuse to load the plugin at all. I've run into that brick wall before.
  8. I admit that my situation is a bit different to the OP's; My plugin has quite a lot of masters, (all five main DLCs, FOOK, Mo'.esm from the Book of Earache, and WMX, along with my own SelectZoom.esm) but given the memory usage (see below) I don't think size is the issue in my case. Now, with that said... This actually led to GECK crashing when I tried to load the mod, as opposed to just giving up with no compatibility mode set. Not exactly a worse outcome, but not an improvement either. I'm not seeing GECK's memory usage break 300MB, so I don't think that's going to help me. This didn't change anything. This might well help the OP, but I don't think it's going to help me. Again, this didn't make a difference for me.
  9. You're going to be disappointed when you read this. I think I might be having the same problem... GECK doesn't actually lock up in my case, but it will just stop loading properly. The status bar reads "Loading files... 99%" and goes no further, the Object window is empty, Cell View is also empty, but I can actually change panes, use the menus, even load up the script editor from the menu. But I can't edit any other objects and can't save anything. FNVEdit reports that the plugin in question has no errors, no circular levelled lists, nothing - but GECK goes all "durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" when I try to load it. And I have no idea how to fix it.
  10. In response to post #16629119. #16786104, #16818649 are all replies on the same post. I'd personally rather have my downloads slowed at peak times than just to have the server cockblock me. Yes, it will take longer to download the files, but they'll continue downloading. There's nothing to stop the user going off to watch TV or take a shower or visit the john or do other things while they're waiting for a download, whereas if the server just outright tells you to sod off, that's an instant blood pressure spike and now you've got to stay by the computer in the hopes that the server will let you start downloading. Maybe it's just me, but having a server just outright nope.jpg me can be a lot more aggravating than just running slowly. Then again, maybe I just have more patience than your average Internet user. (those who know me are now laughing in uncontrollable hysterics)
  11. To add a bit more information; you want to use the Calculate Weapon Damage entry point, and use the IsWeaponInList function for the Perk Owner condition; make a Form List which has the weapon or weapons you want to boost, and use that Form List in the perk's condition.
  12. I'm working on a custom race mod, (actually a conversion of a F:NV mod made by someone else; I'm yet to hear anything from them, so dammit, I might as well make it for my own use in the meantime) and I'm getting constant crashes. Conversion was achieved by opening the F:NV version of the mod in FO3Edit, and painstakingly making exact duplicates of every form in a new ESP, in order to keep the F:NV records out of the equation, and recompiling scripts once that part was done. I'm no moron; I've used Google to try and find answers, but nothing so far. The symptoms: With mod unloaded, I create a save; we'll call this save X.I enable the mod, then load Fallout 3, and I try to set either my character's race, or an NPC's race, to one of the custom races, using the matchrace console command.More often than not, Fallout 3 crashes within a second of my pressing the Return key. Every so often, it doesn't; The matchrace command succeeds, and my character/the NPC is now using the custom race.Assuming FO3 didn't insta-crash, I make a new save - call this save Y - and then quit. I reload Fallout 3, then try to load save Y - insta-crash. The spinny-dial-thing is visible for maybe a second before FO3 barfs.I delete save Y and then try to load save X - which succeeds. I then repeat the matchrace faff - at this point, FO3 always, with 100% consistency, crashes.Here's what I've tried to solve the problem; Created "child" and "old" versions of the race, and linked them to the main, playable race.Created two NPCs for each race, one male, one female, each having the Chargen flag set.Made the custom race an exact duplicate of the Caucasian race using FO3Edit, just as an experiment.None of this has changed the situation. Fallout 3 still putters along like normal until one of the custom races is invoked, at which point it barfs like a teenager at his first frat party and dies face-down in its own filth. My load order, assuming it helps: I'm aware this is an awful lot of files. (Hell, without the bashed patch I'd be looking at almost the full 256 plugins loaded. Note that the mods with ++ next to them aren't actually part of the normal load order; they're merged into the Bashed patch) I'm aware that this is likely a cause for most of my general CTD woes. I'm aware there's a whole hell of a lot of files that nobody is going to have the first damn clue about, ("CAPER? What the eff is CAPER?") because I made 'em. I'm also aware that trying to find out if the crashes are caused by another mod deciding it doesn't like FoxracesF3's face or something is going to be like finding an needle in a haystack, without the help of a metal detector or a sodding magnet. One thing that I've not yet tried, because I'm not aware if it's possible; making sure the NIF files are in a FO3-compatible version. The fact that they show up flawlessly in GECK - GECK hasn't once crashed on me while I'm working with this mod - would indicate that they probably are already, but maybe there's some rogue data in them that GECK can handle gracefully but that FO3 itself throws a tantrum over. NifSkope doesn't really have any sort of "Save as X version" capability that I'm aware of; am I just blind and/or stupid? Is there anyone that might be able to point out something I've missed? EDIT: It's definitely not a mod conflict; I reduced my load order to this: and the symptoms are almost exactly the same. Matchrace succeeds a bit more often than it causes an instant crash, but the game still crashes when I try to re-load a post-matchrace save. A bit of extra information, though; after a good night's sleep, something occurred to me. I've been keeping the mesh and texture files for the mod in a BSA file. If the BSA file can't be found, there's no crash. Lots of huge red diamonds, but no crash. If I copy the mod's Meshes directory into the Data directory, back to being crash-tastic. At this point, I can only assume it's Fallout 3 throwing a tantrum about the meshes, but I have no idea how to fix.
  13. I'm with banjo2E on this one; What the hell is with the scripts? The domain name alone makes me think "sketchy", but the site is completely unusable unless I allow it to execute scripts. The login screen is also annoying. Yeah, maybe it's just a little thing, but before I could log in with just one click - Click the username textbox, type username, press Tab, type password, then hit Return. This new design renders that impossible, instead I have to click a button after I've entered my password. The latter is an annoyance, but I think I'll be avoiding this site until the former is fixed. I'd rather just not use the Nexus than give a sketchy site like this jquery thing my implicit trust.
  14. Okay, I can't yet comment on the content of the links herein because I have to get something off my chest first. To paraphrase both thefreedictionary.com and tfwiki.net: I see this happen so many goddamn times on another forum I frequent that it inspires murderous rage. STOP DOING IT!
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