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Everything posted by urebard

  1. We should start a group called " The Greybeards ". That should cover the old ladies too :facepalm: ( I'm going to get flak for that one I can tell ) I'm 54 and also remember playing PONG in pubs when it first came out in the 70's. Space invaders was a phenom. I remember one arcade had about 30 machines on the go and you could hear every sound effect in the game all at the same time when everyone was playing. Deafening. Sinclair's spectrum used to have its own magazine where you could copy code into the machine to play games. Took me 4 days to write one game into my Spectrum, and then it wouldn't work. Bought the Commodore 64 asap. Love Elder Scrolls in all manifestations and I am in awe of all modders who make this game so much better. My thanks. Where would I be without my ridiculously overpowered staffs and swords? Just love scything through dungeons and taking on whole armies single handed. ( have a field day, shrinks ) I know I had to do something else this morning..........what was it?.....
  2. I thought that today's patch should rectify that problem, along with human corpses. If the dragon bones are still there, then I would use "delete" . I use the console and it has not affected my achievements in the slightest. Many others have said the same.
  3. Give it time bloodshade, give it time...... Some gifted and skilled artist should put together a video for Youtube - 100 ways to kill a bunny! My fave so far is using telekinesis to throw them at dragons. I just love the way they bounce. The bunnies that is....
  4. My ebony bow is not evil........... ...............it's just drawn that way. Hur hur hurrr
  5. In game, press ESC for your stats screen. Click on combat and scroll right down to the bottom of the list where it should say :- BUNNIES SLAUGHTERED 0 Mine won't be 0 for much longer Mwoohoohahaa!!! Here bunny bunny
  6. With my awesome level 33 warrior with super buffed one hand attacks, I decapitated a guard in a power attack. The body stayed upright but his head disappeared into his chest, travelled down inside his body and plopped out from under his kilt just like a chicken laying an egg. I howled and rolled like a loony just long enough for the other guards to kill me. Cheap shots!! I also met a guard in Riften who asked me if I was growing fur....out of my ears!! How did he know I was a werewolf? Barbus made me laugh in the Deadra's best friend quest. The wooden camp doors swooshed open and trapped him behind them. I could hear him barking away so I closed the doors to see his butt sticking out of the brickwork. He got out of there eventually, stupid mutt.
  7. And your problem is ...............??
  8. Talk about art imitating life !! I married Ysolde ( I liked her voice and Astrid from the DB was already married ) but I'm not sure if the marriage has been consummated yet . Too much sleeping ;)
  9. So if you have kids you can't save the world. Why didn't someone tell me this 20 years ago!!
  10. I am such a rubbish gamer that I openly confess to using TGM on easy mode in Oblivion and FO3. There, I've said it and I feel so much.........worse. I'm such a loser. Does anyone know if I'll still be able to open the console on this new game engine? I hope it won't be like RAGE. What a crock that is!
  11. Fantastic! Tried the cheat engine method, so easy. Worked like a charm. Now have 999999 orens to buy all my shiny gear with. I'm soooo happy! Many thanks.
  12. Aaahh! Many thanks. A key hunting I will go.
  13. Excuse me asking, but can you kill them both in the same game? I know I'd like to. No problem. The Architect takes some beating though, but you can take them both out in the same end play. There is a video walkthrough of that on the web somewhere. His rationalle was that darkspawn are mindless and should stay so.
  14. is a snow angel
  15. Waddyathink? Is DA:A going to get big enough to start it's own subsection on these forums, or is it important enough to start one now? It would save having to wade through the DA:O posts and you may come across something interesting which you could otherwise miss. Personally, I would like to see DA:A getting it's own slot, but it's not up to me.
  16. I've just blasted the ghouls in the jail section and set the two prisoners free. On the left is a door going down to the Avaar (sp?) crypt with skeletons and sarcophogi aplenty. At the end of the crypt is a locked door leading down to a deeper crypt. Has anyone opened this door yet? There is a key to get here, with 4 "keyholes" , two beside the door and two at either end of the gantry, but despite clicking on them, the door won't open. Any ideas? Cheers!
  17. I was just about to list my critique when it suddenly dawned on me... I am now on my eighth playthrough, this time as a city elf warrior, so what possible gripe could I have with this game if I've played it so much. I would like more erotic outfits for Morrigan though. Isn't she the sexiest voiced character, EVER!!?
  18. If you investigate some of the dilaogue options for Morrigan once you start to romance her, you come across a conversation in which you have the option " to take the relationship further ". This is normally in the conversation you have with her just after your first time in the hay. She tells you that some of her sexual preferences can be " painfully perverse ". My reply to that was " sounds like fun " ( I hope she doesn't shapeshift ) That got me thinking, so I went to my tent for a lie down, and imagined her in a shiny black leather cat suit, with a whip/electric cattle prod. Not stopping there, I went on to stockings and basques, finally slowing down for a " womankini " ( similar to Borats' but try not to think of him at this stage ) So come on you deviant modders, lets have some serious adult stimulation for the sexiest voiced character, ever!! Cigarette, anyone?
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