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Everything posted by Soolie

  1. Oh well thats much better (I was beginning to worry a bit) The region editor shouldnt be underestimated It can make some very detailed landscapes, provided you clean up after, and as you said, add ruins and stuff like that.
  2. I am a bit worried about Bethesda hand placing all the objects, does this mean there will be no way of generating objects in the Skyrim creation kit. The region generator was my favorite part of the Oblivion construction set, combined with l3dt and TESAnnwyn I could make highly detailed worldspaces half the size of Cyrodil in less than two days. For moddings sake, I hope Bethesda hasn't been foolishly stupid enough to not include this feature in their creation kit.
  3. I think I may have come to a decision, we will start by making all of the models and textures and all the things that can be done outside the construction set, then once Skyrim comes out, the team and I will make a decision about wether we will continue in the construction set or the Creation kit. I would still like to hear your opinions though.
  4. I'm not trying to burst anyones bubble here. But I'm 99% sure that Bethesda have said that most of their objects have been hand placed, this means there may be no region editor in the skyrim creation kit. And that means you will have to hand place every single rock, tree, bush and every other object in Tamriel, (and that would take a very long time).
  5. I have decided to start a total conversion mod called The Resurrection The problem is this mod is going to be ABSOLUTELY HUGE and will most likely not be completed by 11/11/11 (when skyrim is released). I have a feeling that once Skyrim comes out 50% of the modding community will move on to skyrim rather than stay on Oblivion, and that means after Skyrim is released i will probably have trouble keeping the team together. So my question is should I go ahead and make the mod now. or should I start doing all the modeling, texturing, sound recording and all the stuff that can be done outside the construction set, then put the mod together once skyrim is released? Advantages of using Oblivion There is a lot of knowlege about every aspect of modding Oblivion. All the models and stuff can be tested ingame now. There is already a wide range of modders resources. Disadvantages of using Oblivion The mod will probably be completed atleast a year after Skyrim Is released, so it may not get much attention The graphics, combat, magic sound and everything else will be out dated. once skyrim is released the team may start to fall apart and the mod may endup being abandoned. Advantages of using Skyrim The mod will be much better overall on skyrim some of what i want to achieve eg. duel wielding, volumetric clouds, better AI, better graphics Is already in Skyrim The modding comunity will increase dramaticly once Skyrim is released so the mod will probably get a lot more attention. Disadvantages of using Skyrim Skyrim Could be a gigamtic flop (but I doubt it) We dont know how flexible the construction set for skyrim will be and we dont know what format the meshes and textures will be (it could be a format we are unable to work with) Skyrim is based in a cold snowy region so we will have to add a lot more climates, landscape textures, rocks, trees etc. Bethesda have said the objects in skyrim have all been placed by hand which may mean the construction set will have no region generator, forcing us to place everything by hand which will slow development down a lot Also can you please comments about why you voted for oblivion or skyrim
  6. What I need is some one to be incharge of the architecture for my mod The Resurrection. Your job will be to help recruit other members to help with creating the architecture, and to also do some of the architecture yourself. Also the buildings have to be of good quality (so no texturing a cube with a pointy top and calling it a house) Some of the architecture I need will be Greek Architecture Roman Architecture Asian Architecture Tropical Islands Architecture See Here and here fore more details
  7. I'm currently making a Total Conversion mod called The Resurrection, for more details search for The Resurrection on the forums.
    1. Pushkatu


      Thanks for your water mod man, much apreciated!
    2. humannature66


      man... those screeners are AWESOME!!!

      Skyrim-girls, throw away your armors! :)

    3. Soolie


      btw i've already given up on the mod (organising a team was just not working) :( . But anyway im now working on a tropical mod for skyrim :D
  8. What I will do is I will place the buildings in each town and city, then someone else from the team can place all the Clutter, Npc's, trees and plants and bring the town to life. Also I think only shops and buildings that are part of a quest will have interiors but that leaves the problem of where do people sleep, but some one else can do interiors if they want
  9. I must admit the story part isn't set out very well. I was sort of just writing down ideas. I will tidy it up a bit later. Once this is finished it WILL be better than Nehrim+Oblivion+Shivering Isles+10% of Skyrim
  10. This is the the official job positions thread for The Resurrection Here is the list of available positions Greek Architecture - (No one yet) Roman Architecture - (No one yet) Asian Architecture - (No one yet) Egyptian/African Architecture -(No one yet) Tropical Islands Architecture - (No one yet) Other Architecture -(No one yet) Town Clutter -(mccrab) Ambient Enviromental Sounds -(No one yet) Combat Sound Effects - (No one yet) Magic Sound Effects - (No one yet) Other Sound Effects - (No one yet) Magic System - (No one yet) Combat Animations - (No one yet) Other Animations - (No one yet) Weather/Climates - (No one yet) Race Creation - (No one yet) Weapons (Swords) - (No one yet) Weapons (Spears) - (No one yet) Weapons (Bows/Arrows) - (No one yet) Weapons (Axes) - (No one yet) Armour - (No one yet) Armour (Shields) - (No one yet) Creatures - (No one yet) UI And Menus - (No one yet) If you would like to apply for one of these positions please send me a pm. There will be other jobs added later. and some jobs will require more than one person Also if you think you can help in a way thats not on the list feel free to send me a PM
  11. Awwww seriously. I just announced that I was starting a project that could possibly be the biggest mod ever. And no one seems to be interested?
  12. The Resurrection Official Thread What Is it? The Resurrection is a Total Conversion Mod for Oblivion. There will be many new worldspaces, Lots of new quests, new races, new armour and weapons, new magic system, new animations, new almost everything else. Infact It will have absolutely nothing to do with Oblivion its almost like a whole new game. Aim The aim is for The Resurrection is to be a completely new gaming experience, and it will possibly be the biggest mod ever made. Once every thing has been made and all the main quests are complete A few small quests will be added then I will release it as the first complete version then it will be up to the nexus comunity to continue the mod by adding small quests to the mod and for every 10 or 15 quests that are made I will merge them into the main mod and relese it as a new version. The Story I have not finalized what will happen in the main quest but it will go something like this. The player will be recruited into a order whose job is to protect mankind from extinction. The player will then be sent to the main worldspace (which is a continent which has only recently been discovered by the players civilisation) to be trained. the player will then be sent on various mission and elevate in rank in the order. one day the player returns and they will find the sanctuary has been attacked by the native jungle people, who belive that one of the gods was tricked into ruleing the afterlife, and he was cursed to be stuck in the underworld for all eternity, so the jungle people want to bring him back so he can seek revenge on the other gods. To do this they need to find a way to bring him out of the under world (its easy to enter the underworld, but very hard to leave) and so they steal an object from the sanctuary that will break the bond long enough to open a small portal to the underworld. But the god of death is also blocked in the underworld by a phisical barrier. he is trapped in his pallace by a wall made out of a material so strong that only one creature can break through it, and that creature has been dead for centuries. it was the last survivor of a race that ruled many millions of years before mankind one membere of this race forsaw the distruction of his race and hid in the shadows while he wached his race die. His anger and grief was so great that he entered a deep sleep that lasted for millions of years, when he awoke he tried to take his anger out on man kind and it took 100 years for mankind to finaly destroy this beast. They wanted to make sure that it could never come back so they destroyed its soul and tore apart its dead body and burnt each body piece into ash, the ash from each bodypart was then sealed in seperate containers which were then buried in secret locations accross the globe. Anyway the god of death needs to bring this creature back to free him from his own palace so he sends some of his minions through the portal to establish themselves in the jungle, then he sends more to find the pieces of this creature. So it is then a race between the player and the masses from hell to find the body pieces. It ends with the evil gods minions getting all of the body parts and then handing them over to the evil god through a small gap in the wall. The evil god then finds a way to resurrect this creature. The god of death then tasks the creature with capturing the other gods so they can be killed. so the creature then rampages around and finaly reaches the base of the mountain that the gods live in. but the creature meets a huge army made up of all the civilisations that live on the island lead by the player. in the following battle the army suffers huge casualties but finaly manages to kill the creature. the player is now a hero for destroying the creature. The order that the player belongs to then agrees that the god of death must be destroyesd so they give the player the task of finding the best warrior in each country to enter the under world and destroy the god of death. so the player does so and begins his quest to destroy the god of death. in the end the players small army is destroyed and the player must go on alone. the player eventually finds the god of death and destroys him. the player then needs to find a way to leave the underworld. eventually the player manages to leave and they all live happily ever after. Sorry if that dosnt make any sense, im still tossing ideas around Races and World Spaces The main world spaces will be A world space based on greece A world space based on Rome A world space based on Asia A Desert world space A snowy mountainous worldspace A tropical islands worldspace The underworld The mountain the gods live on The main worldspace which is a continent made up of many races and has regions based on greece, rome, africa, mountains, asia, snowy, jungle (Normal and Evil), australia, swamp and probably some others i'm forgetting Each of these regions will have their own race. Magic System I hope to be able to make a new magic system like the one in Titan Quest by using a mod that lets you add new spell effects in the CS, There will be magic skills based on the 5 elements and some other ones like necromancy Combat I cant see an easy solution to make a new combat system. But each race will have a unique combat style and all the sounds and animations will be replaced so the combat wont be to similar to Oblivions Also I will most likely replace the two handed weapons with duel weilding as 2 handed weapons dont fit into the theme of the mod as well as duel wielding does. And if any one knows how to make spears have animations different to other one handed weapons please tell me. Because spears are something I really want to include. Leveled Lists Unlike oblivions levveled lists instead of creatures at the players spawning, Any creature from the region your in can spawn but there is a higher chance of a creature spawning that is simmilar to the players level. The same applies to Weapons and Armour. To prevent the player to find a high level weapon at the start of the game each weapon will have a skill level requirement, so if you have a sword that has a blade skill requirement of 75 and your blade skill is 25, then the sword wont do very much damage untill your blade skill reaches 75. New Weapon Types I am thinking of replacing the 2 handed weapons with a duel wield system which could be quite effective with new animations. I would also like to add spears into the game Other Stuff Each region will have its own unique weather Each region will have its own unique creatures There may be a small possibility of me adding fake volumetric clouds. This WILL require the Shivering Isles I may replace the alchemy system with a forging system so you can forge your own weapons Each of the worldspaces will be 4 quads except the main world space (16 quads) the underworld worldspace will probably also be 16 quads Screen Shots I will upload screenshots later. but until that happens you can look at the ones I uploaded to TESnexus http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=82604 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=84769 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=77203 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=82594 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=84669 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=78216 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=81708 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=81712 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=84769 Join The Team You can see what the vacant job positions are Here And yes i know I cant do this alone And I know this is very very ambitious And I know this may not ever be completed And I know that people may not take an intrest in this once Skyrim comes out But you know what.... I don't care, and that wont stop me from trying
  13. I havnt been able to place any builldings yet as I am still finishing the last few regions, then i will have to fix the gaps inbetween the regions that the region editor stuffed up.
  14. Dunmermaiden the screen shots are a good idea. I have already uploaded a few screenshots of my mod if you want to see them, i might upload a few more screenshots later My images
  15. I am making a huge mod and I need to assemble a team of modders. What is the best way to do this, should I ask for help on the forums or should I ask individual modders for assistance? Also if anyone wants to help with my mod please contact me. The mod is a total conversion mod so I will need modders for everything.
  16. I am currently making a complete overhaul of the entire game, it is a HUGE mod, with a worldspace bigger than Tamriel and has many regions Based on Greece, Rome, Desert, Vikings, Australian Aborigional Tribes, Mountains, Asia, Jungle, Dark Jungle, Tropical Islands, Swamp and most importantly Hades or hell or whatever you call it plus Many more. That is A HUGE of different architecture types so I WILL need help because I cant do this alone. I will use the Bruma Architecture for Viking and mountain cities. There is a desert architecture modders resource that I can use for the desert and arid regions. And The SI Ruins are exactly what i need for the dark jungle areas. So If anyone could make the buildings for the Greek, Rome, Asia, Tropical Islands or Hades regions It would be greatly appreciated and it will mean a lot to me. I need the need the buildings to be almost Bethesda quality but if you cant make buildings of that quality, contact me anyway you might be able to help with something else. PM Me for more details.
  17. @ Vvk78. Thanks I know this is a huge project but I have promised my self that i will see it finished. which may mean i will have to pass it on to someone else to complete. I will also try to use content from other mods where possible. And I dont want this to feel like Oblivion with a total conversion mod, I want it to feel like a whole new game. @ Wookiee. Thanks, Unfortunately i have already finished creating the worldspace and i am 80% finished with the regions so i wont be able to use your blank esp. I only wish i could have discovered it earlier, but thanks anyway. Also if anyone knows any modders that would be able to offer help PLEASE tell me because i can use all the help i can get.
  18. Also If you think you can help with anything else PLEEESE PM me.
  19. I am currently making a complete overhaul of the entire game, it is a HUGE mod, with a worldspace bigger than Tamriel and has many regions Based on Greece, Rome, Desert, Vikings, Australian Aborigional Tribes, Mountains, Asia, Jungle, Dark Jungle, Tropical Islands, Swamp and most importantly Hades or hell or whatever you call it plus Many more. That is A HUGE of different architecture types so I WILL need help because I cant do this alone. I will use the Bruma Architecture for Viking and mountain cities. There is a desert architecture modders resource that I can use for the desert and arid regions. And The SI Ruins are exactly what i need for the dark jungle areas. So If anyone could make the buildings for the Greek, Rome, Asia, Tropical Islands or Hades regions It would be greatly appreciated and it will mean a lot to me. I need the need the buildings to be almost Bethesda quality but if you cant make buildings of that quality, contact me anyway you might be able to help with something else. PM Me for more details.
  20. I remember there was a modders resource that adds Desert Architecture Now I really need it but it seems to have dissapeared. does anyone know who the author was and has it been uploaded anywhere else.
  21. The guy does have a point I'm not saying it's a bad thing but there are a lot of "adult" themed armors So maby it would be better to have more mod categories such as practical armor and pretty armor Just to make it easier to search through mods.
  22. Thanks Smooth613 That seemed to fix the problem, the trees are still a bit dark, but i think they're suposed to be like that.
  23. I dont have any tree replacer mods but I do use OBGE, could that be causing the problem
  24. All my trees in the distant have gone black or the colours are very dark any idea what could be causing this.
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