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Everything posted by Soolie

  1. What I mean is there is a area covered in snow, and there is a log within less than 10 meters of that area, and it dosnt have a single speck of snow on it. Also the grass on the otherside of the water looks slightly transparent, which makes it look like some one has used a soft eraser tool to soften the border between 2 scenes in photo shop.
  2. Hmmmm. Has Anyone else noticed the water rendering over the top of the grass in the bottom right of this screen? http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2011/04/Skyrim_April2011_RuinedFort.jpg Is this just a small bug when this screen was taken, or has Bethesda been........ Photoshoping their screens *tut tut* :ohmy: Actualy, when you think about it why the hell is there a cold snowy area right next to a dry dead area. Is this Screenshot even a real place in game? or two merged together. :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:
  3. OBGE v2 is definitely worth the download.. Most of the effects it adds are very realistic and can be tweaked to suit your tastes, also you can choose which effects you have on. And you might like one of my mods, it's called Realistic Water, it makes the water change depending on the time of day, weather, location, wind speed, ect...
  4. The terrain added by total Tamriel is in the default Tamriel worldspace, not it's own separate one.
  5. Realistic water is also dynamic. Which means the water will change depending on the weather and time of day. So on a perfectly still cloudless night with no wind, the water will be still with almost no waves and you will be able to see very deep into the water. On the other hand if theres really strong winds you can expect very choppy water. Also realistic water has different types of water for different locations such as Tamriel(default), cave, shivering isles, oblivion(lava), aylied ruin, sewer, fort and bravil.
  6. Hoooray Bethesda are keeping the .Nif file format. But I am slightly worried. There is a extremely high chance that they will be using a new version of the Nif format, which means we could have to wait 5 - 12 months before The NIFtools dev team can be bothered to update nifskope to handle this version. And that means we may not be able to do any thing related to modeling for a long time and that includes porting models from oblivion mods to Skyrim.
  7. I Noticed your using Enhanced Water. I have made a water mod called Realistic Water. As well as making the water look way better it also makes it dynamic, which means the water will change deppending on the time of day, current weather, current location and some other variables. Personaly i think it looks better than enhanced water but thats just my opinion
  8. You could install one of my mods called Realistic Water it makes the water look much better, and it also makes the water change with the weather and time of day.
  9. Hey you might want to try one of my mods. It's called Realistic water and it will make your water look much better. Then again if your diving, you won't see that much of the waters surface.
  10. Hey I appreciate that you really want someone to do this for you. But I think 20$ is a bit excessive. If I wasnt so busy I would do it for free, although some members may need a small payment of about $5 to keep them on task. I'm not trying to discourage you, I just think $20 is too much for what your requesting
  11. 41.04 days until E3 And possibly a new gameplay trailer.
  12. Do we know if cobining spell effects has been confirmed. I think it would add a lot of immersion. It would be so cool being able to add a fire spell and a ice spell together to make a water spell and if we had earth and air magic we could combine a air spell with a earth spell to create a blinding dust/sand storm,
  13. Is Pete some one who works at Bethesda?
  14. I dont really mind if the clothes don't have physics, but if we could have weapons with physics, it would make it possible to add weapons such as flails.
  15. Has anyone else noticed that 90% of the mods in the clothing and armour categorys are infact the complete oposite of what the category name suggests (almost nude). I understand that some people have a need for their oblivion whores to roam Tamriel in nothing but a g string and a small pach of cloth covering their nipples. But why does it have to be stronger than daedric armor? But we need to remember that there are probably innocent children that use this site. Do you really think this is apropriate content for a 12 year old? So some thing that would benefit the community a lot would be a catagory for all those bikini and colossal boobs mods.
  16. With OBGE you can get some almost photo like graphics. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=86228 http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=81711
  17. You could use OBGE to make Some interesting hallucination like effects.
  18. Actually some cities in elsweyr have been left out of the mod. Rimmen, Senchal and Torval are all cities in Elsweyr that are not included in the mod.
  19. As far as I know, OBGE is compatible with everything,
  20. If you want to be a graphics prostitute like me get OBGE (oblivion graphics extender), the best water mod you can find, detailed terrain (I think that's what it's called) With the right mods you can achieve very very realistic graphics. But I do agree with you on the cave issue. They are too strait and they look like they where made with some sort of tunneling machine
  21. Male, Nord, Warrior, Duel wield, so sort of a, runs into a mob of bandits and hacks them all to pieces sorta guy
  22. I have a mod I'm working on and I'm putting a team together for it. It's just below your border of being unrealistic, but it's still possible. Do a search for The Resurrection if your interested.
  23. Just a quick question. If I get a mesh from another game, (Titan Quest) and import it into blender. Then use it as a guide to help model a copy (mostly the same but with a few differences), then use that copy in Oblivion. Would that be breaking any copyright laws?
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