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  1. I'll get some samples to you this weekend.
  2. The factions need to be set to have a hostile relationship with each other and a neutral one for the player. This is done in the faction info in the geck. The in-game Reputation system itself (the thing that says you're Vilified or a Wild Child) is arbitrary and doesn't do anything on its own except show the player a title based on the +/- Reputation points they've earned. You *can* use it as fuel for scripts however. To make them hostile to the player after being vilified, You need to set up a Quest that turns the Faction in to an enemy of the PlayerFaction upon reaching a sufficiently negative reputation. Some relevant wiki links: Factions SetEnemy Reputation
  3. Theoretically, but you're likely to run in to a lot of issues with scripts that need to be referencing persistent objects- thus breaking the mod. Voiceacting folders also need to have their names updated since they use the file extension for some reason. It's not necessarily an easy, or at least quick fix to make a mod in to an esm when you previously didn't understand the nuances of ESPs/ESMs. Certainly not when you're coming back to them long after release, from a period where those nuances weren't widely known.
  4. Give them an Ai package that tells them to sandbox near or travel to an object/marker in their cell. If you go the sandbox route, you'll need to lock the door because sandbox packages don't care about walls for the purpose of finding a new task. (You might also be able to set the door as owned by the playerfaction, which *might* also prevent the NPC from attempting to open it. I'm not 100% on that.) You'll also need to create a navmesh otherwise npcs will teleport to a default location on load under most circumstances.
  5. Post-match dialogue was an unimplemented vanilla feature that some mod restored semi-recently, just ignore it. I'm not sure what exactly what would be giving you this issue from what you've described- result scripts only fire once by design. Are you calling ShowcaravanMenu through something other than a topic's result script? If you could share the esp I could take a look.
  6. Havok sim gets "jammed" sometimes in my experience. You can try toggling the sim it on and off, reloading the cell or you can just replace the entity you're trying to position with physics. With the Ctrl+Alt functionality you also want to make sure there are no transparent effects like dust in the way, which might be the problem you're having in interiors. You can hide things that are getting in your way by selecting it and pressing 1. Once to make it transparent and twice to make it invisible. (and you can reset all stuff hidden this way by refreshing the render window with F5.)
  7. The game is 13 years old, so if it were that severe of a problem, more people would know and care about it. Realistically it sounds like you must be playing a single character for more hours than some people have hours total.
  8. You can try to contact them and ask for permission. If you don't get an answer, that's a No as far as the nexus is concerned.
  9. Usually a result of/some combination of: being mad about the creation club, frustrations with mod users, frustrations with the nexus as a platform, or just for the feeling of finality so they can properly focus on other goals. Or they were banned, at which point I think you can request to have your files removed.
  10. You can also hold ctrl+alt to drag a physics object around with your mouse and position corpses with more personality. Especially useful because just letting them fall with havok sim causes them to fall in a very particular position every time. (And you will never stop noticing it once you know this.)
  11. I'd be interested in voice acting when the time comes.
  12. Have a "[More]" button that brings up another copy of the message with different options. If you add a second variable in your script to track which copy of the message is active, you should be able to double-up functionality of one Menu Button script. If Button == 0 && ButtonMenu == 1 Elseif Button == 0 && Buttonmenu == 2 and so on.
  13. The game is very picky about file formats and whether the sound is mono or stereo. I honestly can't keep track of it all since I haven't done too much with sfx, but I *think* a "heard-round-the-world" problem is a fault of the sound being in Stereo format.
  14. Create a new voice type for him and he won't say any vanilla dialogue under any circumstances.
  15. A little unintuitive, but you need to put an 'Activate' command in 'OnActivate' scripts if you want the object to react with its built in animations/sounds.
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