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  1. In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320, #39494820, #39495215, #39495510, #39495745, #39495875, #39496060, #39496080, #39496750, #39496960 are all replies on the same post. Cool. So that means I should be able to come and take your computer right? Its yours, but, well... I should be able to enjoy it, irregardless of if you want to give it to me.
  2. An idea I had while viewing Ironman Survival Tweaks (check it out). All the intimidation perks would be enabled in combat, and work with 100% success. In exchange, they would use a (variable) portion of your AP, based on the difference between your, and your enemy's level. Significantly weaker enemies would cost very little AP, letting you theoretically pacify an entire group; whereas high level enemies may not fall within your range at all. It would put the perk outside the control of RNG and into the player's hands. Also would make a pacifist run way more viable.
  3. I skipped a burrito one day to afford my supporter status. Had a boiled egg instead. Do keep in mind that buying premium once gives supporter (ad-free) benefits forever. If you don't want the premium, you can buy supporter directly for even less money.
  4. A minor request, if anyone has or could create a set of sneak animations that are upright with the character's head tilted forward to obscure their face. Silent roll could be replaced with a quick dash. I just thought the current sneaking animations weren't too stealthy... after all, any time someone bends down, they are obviously sneaking.
  5. Realistic? Unfortunately, weapons falling through the floor isn't realistic =p Thats the problem with that mechanic. I do the same thing because its annoying to watch my only sword bounce down the stairs and into an endless void outside the playable zone.
  6. Am I insane for using requiem and beefing up the initial difficulty? Probably. First and foremost, all my skills start at 1, except the ones I use for my class (modified classic classes and birthsigns a bit) and I use the uncapper to make sure any skill at 1 or lower gains no real training (might find a book or NPC to teach the basics). Happens again at 50 (learned mistakes persist, this is where you find an NPC to correct these). Restricts my skill usage to my class at the beginning. I also make sure my first level up gives a bit extra hp/sp/mp... because requiem can be a bit silly about that. A mage might be outright unable to use magic early because of how cost scaling works, and I don't like enchanting being nearly mandatory. From there, revenge of the enemies, a few balancing mods to make the economy and environment more fitting to requiem's theme of a soul crushing world. Honestly, I don't even use anything to make my character overpowered, its just that, after time, you start learning how enemies move and attack. I can take on a group of bandits alone with moderately careful tactics and superior mobility*. I tend to lean towards abilities that make me move faster in/out of combat, so I can easily sidestep attacks, and counter while they recover. The biggest problem in requiem is Stamina management (this is where I sometimes cheat a bit). Stamina is made so insanely important in requiem that I outright disable a few of its features (like fatigued weapon dropping). If I have movement and stamina overhaul installed, I love the +100SP, and stamina is the first stat I focus on. The best mod for non-warrior types in requiem though (because NPCs do it with arrows and stuff) is TK's Dodge (the script dragon version). Extremely responsive and effective dodge mod that make CQC encounters more favorable. Get the timing down, and its a reliable way to pretend that attack 5in from your elbow missed (though it magically hits with the game's AI)
  7. Same story here. Do you use script dragon? I've heard that may cause some issues, though I am not sure why. Going to try removing it now, and see what happens. Btw, did you try saving and reloading at the race menu? Skse has some issues that prevent custom controls without a reload. If it persists, then you may want to try removing scriptdragon.
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